5 Reasons to Consider A Tummy Tuck

5 Reasons to Consider A Tummy Tuck

One of the most frustrating areas on the body for both women and men is the stomach. Several factors can change the way it looks such as pregnancy, weight gain, and the simple fact of getting older. It is very common for excess fat and skin to accumulate around the middle. When all efforts of diet and exercise have been exhausted, individuals can turn to tummy tuck surgery. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ have helped countless men and women in the Greater New Jersey area feel better about their midsection and reclaim their waistline. But what are some of the reasons to consider this cosmetic help?

Knowing when it is the right time

With any cosmetic procedure, it is always important to know when you are ready and seek expert medical advice to determine if surgery will yield the results you need. Finding the right plastic surgeon and doing your homework about the procedure will fully prepare you for what to expect. Tummy tuck procedures are one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries done in the United States today. Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck can sculpt and contour a patient’s stomach and even repair damaged abdominal muscles, such as those damaged from pregnancy. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why individuals in Greater New Jersey consider tummy tuck procedures and turn to the qualified, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for help.

Why individuals choose a tummy tuck procedure

The basic goal of an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is to get a flatter, smoother, more toned-looking abdominal area. When liposuction alone may not be able to achieve the full aesthetic goal, a tummy tuck procedure may be necessary. Here are the top 5 reasons patients consider a tummy tuck.

1. Excess skin removal

One of the biggest reasons that patients in the New Jersey area consider a tummy tuck procedure is because of excess skin. Due to weight fluctuations or pregnancy, the skin can lose elasticity. Once the abdominal skin is stretched out, no amount of exercising will make it bounce back. A tummy tuck procedure can remove mild to extremely severe cases of loose skin leaving the midsection area tight, toned, and flawless.

2. Tighten loose muscles

When underlying abdominal muscles are damaged or stretched, individuals may consider a tummy tuck procedure. This is a common occurrence for women due to pregnancy. Weak or compromised abdominal muscles will not correct themselves. Some women experience a condition called diastasis, which is when the abdominal muscles spread apart. An abdominoplasty can pull the underlying muscles back together and make them tighter, so patients feel more confident about their midsection.

3. Liposuction with a tummy tuck

If a woman or man is struggling with excess, loose skin and excess body fat around their stomach area, the combination of liposuction and a tummy tuck can give patients in New Jersey amazing results. Liposuction can remove excess fatty deposits and further contour the midsection area while the tummy tuck portion can tighten loose skin leaving a smooth appearance.

4. Scar removal

Women in particular who are self-conscious about their c-section or hysterectomy scars can turn to a tummy tuck procedure to eliminate the appearance of scars in their lower abdomen. In some cases, the appearance of minor stretch marks can be removed during this procedure.

5. Hernia repair

Another abdominal issue, particularly with men, are hernias. Unlike diastasis, which is a separation of the abdominal muscles due to pregnancy, a hernia is a hole. This hole in the abdominal layer allows internal tissue to push through and can commonly be seen around the belly button area. In some cases, a hernia can be corrected or repaired during a tummy tuck procedure. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon, like the ones at The Peer Group, will give you a better idea if your hernia can be fixed while getting a flatter, tighter stomach at the same time.

A tummy tuck procedure is an extremely popular surgery that can sculpt and reshape your waistline, allowing you to love the way you look again. Whether you are thinking you need a traditional tummy tuck a mini tummy tuck, or a combination of liposuction with a tummy tuck, do your homework and find an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon in Greater New Jersey to get the best results.


The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can help you get rid of that stretched-out skin or constant belly pooch that is bothering you. You can have a slimmer, tighter stomach area sooner rather than later. If you live in the New Jersey area and think you may want a tummy tuck, then we invite you to call or schedule a consultation with The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ today.

A nip here, a tuck there: What body contouring can do for you

A nip here, a tuck there: What body contouring can do for you

Have you recently lost a significant amount of weight and now find yourself feeling frustrated by the excess skin that remains? Do you miss the toned tummy you had before pregnancy? Have age and gravity caused your upper arms to look more like “bat wings”? If your answer to any of these questions was yes, you may be a good candidate for body contouring. A plethora of surgical and nonsurgical procedures can be performed to lift, tuck, tighten, and sculpt the body while creating desired contours that enhance one’s silhouette. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, have highlighted several of the most popular body-contouring procedures performed at their practice.


One of the top cosmetic surgery procedures in the world, liposuction is extremely effective for removing pockets of fat, especially those that prove impervious to the efforts of diet and exercise. Even those who are at their ideal weight can use it to help banish areas of stubborn fat on the stomach, thighs, hips, back, and even the face. Surgeons make small incisions through which a narrow tube called a cannula is inserted to manually break up and suction out fat cells while simultaneously creating a more toned and youthful appearance. Meanwhile, fat cells that are extracted can be purified and injected into areas, including the breasts and buttocks, where volume may be needed to create a fuller, more curvaceous figure. The versatility of liposuction is one of the reasons it has become a favorite body contouring treatment among New Jersey area patients and physicians alike.

Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck surgery is another popular body contouring treatment. Several styles of tummy tucks are available. Each is performed differently to achieve the shared goal of making the midsection appear more trim. During a traditional tummy tuck, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, create an incision on the lower abdomen and excess skin is removed. Underlying muscles are tightened and liposuction may be employed to remove pockets of fat, both of which work to give the stomach a flatter, firmer look and feel. The belly button may also be repositioned to look more aesthetically pleasing before the remaining skin is pulled tightly over the stomach and the incision is closed. This surgery often is included as part of wildly popular Mommy Makeovers, a collection of procedures designed for women in New Jersey to help restore features impacted by pregnancy and childbirth. An extended tummy tuck, on the other hand, typically is best suited for those who have lost a large amount of weight through diet and exercise or weight-loss surgery and now struggle with excess amounts of sagging fat on the abdomen. The results of an extended tummy tuck can be dramatic, altering a patient’s overall body size and shape.

Breast and other lifts

When the breasts sag due to age, weight loss, or the effects of breastfeeding, a breast lift can be helpful to reposition them on the chest wall. Incisions are made on the breast to remove excess skin, and implants may be placed to enhance their size and shape. Other areas of the body can also benefit from undergoing similar lift procedures, including the thighs, upper arms, face, and buttocks. During a lower body lift, excess skin is removed from the abdomen, outer thighs, hips, and buttocks, oftentimes during a single surgery. This procedure offers the added benefit of smoothing the skin’s surface and improving the dimpled appearance of cellulite.


This nonsurgical procedure requires little or no downtime following treatment to remove persistent, targeted fat. It is approved by the FDA for use by the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group on areas including the back, thighs, upper arms, and abdomen. CoolSculpting involves a process called cryolipolysis, during which specialized equipment crystallizes (or freeze) subcutaneous fat cells, which then go on to die. The body processes the cells naturally over time and eliminates them. A short, deep-tissue massage is performed following each CoolSculpting treatment to help move the fat that has been released by the tissues, as well as boost its drainage from the lymphatic system. Several areas may be able to undergo treatment on the same day. New Jersey patients may begin to notice a more toned, contoured appearance in treated areas within several weeks. Once removed, fat cells cannot return to the body, making it possible to achieve long-lasting results with CoolSculpting.


This innovative treatment uses ultrasound technology to improve the appearance of sagging skin, lines, and wrinkles and provide results similar to those achieved through traditional facelift procedures minus the surgery and extended downtime. This makes it ideal for those who wish to restore a youthful appearance to their skin but who are unable to undergo - or simply would rather avoid - invasive surgery. Cleared by the FDA, Ultherapy employs carefully calibrated levels of ultrasound energy that is deposited deeply into targeted areas of tissue at precise temperatures to stimulate the production of collagen over the course of several months. Most patients of The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, require only one Ultherapy treatment, which typically takes an hour or so to complete and requires no recovery period. Its long-lasting results may include visibly smoother skin and a slimmer-looking face overall.


With the help of laser energy, FDA-cleared SculpSure is able to remove targeted, pesky fat cells from areas including the inner and outer thighs, back, abdomen, and below the chin to create defined contours with minimal discomfort and zero downtime. Treatments take about 25 minutes to perform, during which light-based technology heats and destroys fat cells. All the while, patients are kept cool and comfortable, and most usually are able to return to work or other regular activities immediately following the procedure. Over the course of several weeks to a few months, damaged fat cells are naturally removed by the body’s lymphatic system. The long-lasting results may include a noticeably slimmer appearance in areas treated with SculpSure.

As you can see, numerous body contouring options exist for New Jersey area men and women. Some require surgery and a lengthy recovery period, while others have patients up and moving around within a few moments of their procedure. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, to discuss how which of these exciting procedures may help you achieve the more-toned, shapely results that you desire.

Tummy Tuck And Age: Why Aging Has Women Seeking Tummy Tuck Surgery

It is a known fact that our bodies change with the natural process of aging. New Jersey area women and men alike notice changes in their bodies, especially starting in their 40’s and 50’s. Signs of weight ‘settling in’ on different areas of the body is a common issue and our bodies begin to tell the story of our age. So why does our midsection continue to expand as we get older?

It is not a myth, there is such a thing as the “middle-age spread” and it is particularly a problem for women due to the main factor of menopause. So can your stomach ever look the same? Can a tummy tuck be a solution to this middle-age problem? The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ want you to know that regardless of age, a tummy tuck can be a solution. We will take a look at why midsection changes occur as women grow older and what the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can do to get your tummy back.

Why does aging change a woman’s waistline?

Even thin women who have always had a flat stomach begin to struggle with signs of belly fat or an expanding waistline as they age. In addition, they often fight loose skin that seems to reside in the lower abdomen. This can occur for women who have never had kids as the skin loses its natural elasticity with age. There are a variety of reasons why women, in general, struggle with belly fat such as genetics, having children, poor diet and not being able to exercise regularly. But as women age, even those who have never experienced an issue of weight or fat in their midsection, start to see changes. The main culprits are changes in hormones (less estrogen) due to menopause and a slower metabolism that makes it difficult for older women to keep trim and fit midsection.

Aging and the expanding waistline

For women, menopausal weight gain can be frustrating and unfortunately, the stomach area can sometimes take the hardest hit. A tummy that looks out of shape is considered the price for growing older but does it have to be something women over 40 have to live with forever? When a healthy diet and regular exercise are no longer able to change the landscape of your midsection then looking into a tummy tuck procedure can be the solution for you. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group offer several tummy tuck options to erase the signs of aging from your midsection so let's take a look at some guidelines and how they can help.

Does age matter for a tummy tuck?

Some women think a tummy tuck or any body contouring procedure is only for younger people. Many older patients assume that after a certain age cosmetic surgeries or procedures are no longer an option. If a woman is in good overall health, is at a good weight, and lives an active lifestyle, there is no reason why a cosmetic procedure such as a tummy tuck could not be an option. Countless New Jersey area patients are proving that age is only a number.

Being middle age, what can a tummy tuck help?

A woman’s most common issue with aging is excess fat shifting from areas of the body to their midsection due to changes in hormones and their metabolism slowing down. Women begin to notice a belly pouch or small weight gains in their abdominal area. Skin also loses elasticity with age as collagen production decreases therefore skin loses volume and looks saggy. Unfortunately, no amount of sit-ups or exercise can tighten loose skin in the abdominal area. Women in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s can turn to a tummy tuck procedure for help removing excess skin, tightening underlying abdominal muscles, and removing any excess fatty tissue (with liposuction) to have the amazing results of a sculpted, flatter stomach and midsection.

Abdominoplasty options

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey can help reshape and tighten your midsection and customize what kind of tummy tuck you may need in order to get you the end results you want. A patient can consider a mini tummy tuck if a small amount of fatty tissue or excess skin needs to be removed in the area below the belly button. There is also the traditional tummy tuck, which is most common, involving reshaping and toning up the lower abdominal area using liposuction to optimize the tummy contouring results. If more extensive help is needed like an extended tummy tuck or even a reverse tummy tuck, which involves the upper part of the torso, then those options can be discussed with one of our New Jersey area plastic surgeons at The Peer Group during your consultation appointment.

Due to metabolic and hormonal changes, as women age it causes fat and weight to settle in areas where normally a woman may have never had an issue prior. A tummy tuck can cosmetically change the way a woman’s midsection looks and get them feeling confident again, at any age! If you are considering a tummy tuck, call or schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in the New Jersey area today.

The top 5 cosmetic treatments for women over 40

While you may feel a bit wiser and more established in your forties, many women also begin to notice changes in their bodies and how they feel about themselves. Even though aging is a natural part of life, it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to do anything about it. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group located in Florham Park, NJ offer many treatments and procedures that can help reverse some of the signs of aging and leave you looking and feeling like a whole new woman. Here, we share the top five procedures that women over 40 are getting to help turn back the hands of time.

Breast augmentation

While breast augmentation is a popular procedure in general, many New Jersey area women in their forties request this treatment when they begin to notice changes with their breasts. Oftentimes, as we age the breasts begin to deflate and can lose their fullness and shape. A breast augmentation procedure can give you the fuller, rounder breasts you long for and provide an instant confidence boost. Deflated breasts can be revitalized and look fuller with the help of breast implants. Most women take this opportunity to increase their cup size and get the larger breasts they’ve always wanted. Since pregnancy, nursing, age and gravity can affect a woman's breasts; it’s important to note that some women may also benefit from a breast lift. Implants will correct the size and shape of your breasts, but if they’re sagging and droopy you may need the breast lift procedure in order for the breasts to appear perky and more youthful. Women close to their forties are usually past their pregnancies and determine that it’s time to finally get the breasts they’ve always wanted.

Tummy tuck

It is common for women to hold off on a tummy tuck procedure until they’re finished having children. A tummy tuck is a great option for women who not only struggle with stubborn excess skin and fat that’s been a nuisance since pregnancy, but also for women who would like to have a trimmer waistline. Even women who have lost a good amount of weight look into a tummy tuck so they can attain a flatter, more toned abdomen and have the loose skin removed that may be the result of such weight loss. A tummy tuck will flatten and shape the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles leaving your tummy looking smooth and toned. You may have entered your forties with a tummy bulge, but that doesn’t mean it has to hang around forever.


Liposuction is a great way to get that hourglass body you’ve always dreamt of but didn’t think was possible. Liposuction is used to shape and contour the body and remove pockets of fat from various areas of the body. This procedure works well on patients who can’t get rid of the fat through diet and exercise alone. Many women in their forties also consider this procedure as their metabolism has started to slow down and they’re finding it more and more difficult to shed the excess weight. Some of the most common areas include the hips, abdomen, thighs, and love handles. The traditional method of liposuction provides great results and involves a small incision in the skin and then a small surgical tool called a cannula is used to suction out the fat leaving your body looking sculpted and more defined. Another popular option is CoolSculpting which also provides similar results to traditional liposuction but without surgery. The New Jersey area plastic surgeons at the Peer Group offer CoolSculpting as an alternative to traditional liposuction and it continues to grow in popularity. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, no-downtime procedure that uses cold energy to freeze the fat away without damaging the surrounding skin or tissue.


While BOTOX has always been a popular choice for women of various ages, it’s probably the most common anti-aging treatment for women in their forties, and one they use on a regular basis. BOTOX works wonders on many areas of the upper face including reducing the appearance of the horizontal lines that appear on the forehead, along with the vertical lines that appear between the eyes. Another common problem area that is treated with BOTOX includes the lines that appear on the outer corners of the eyes known as the Crow’s feet. New Jersey area patients who use BOTOX on a regular basis report seeing fewer lines and wrinkles on their face and are incredibly pleased with their smoother youthful appearance.

Injectable fillers

Lines and wrinkles begin to increase in our forties as hormone levels start to dip which then affects collagen production causing the skin to lose elasticity and appear dull. Injectable fillers are good for improving the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin by filling in creases or lines and adding volume to specific areas to enhance shallow contours. Fillers are highly effective at reducing the side effects of aging and work by filling in the soft tissue that’s located underneath the skin.

One of the leading fillers that the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group use to treat New Jersey patients is Juvederm. Juvederm can be used to target specific problem areas to help create an overall smooth, even appearance. Some of its top uses include reducing the horizontal lines on the forehead, lines around the nose and mouth and it can even be used to enhance the size and fullness of the lips. Some patients use variations of Juvederm for their mid-face area too, which can give a non-surgical mini “facelift” in some patients. Patients are very pleased with the results from Juvederm and enjoy seeing their wrinkles disappear right before their eyes.

Contact us to learn more

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these procedures then please give our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery office a call to setup an initial consultation. You’ll meet with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons who will address your concerns, conduct a physical examination, and create a customized treatment plan based on your needs.

Your age doesn’t have to define you. Give us a call today to take the first step to a new and improved you. We look forward to joining you on your journey to looking and feeling fabulous in your forties.

Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips: How To Make Sure You Recover Properly

Tummy Tuck (also known as abdominoplasty) is an effective and popular cosmetic surgery procedure that can flatten and tone the abdominal area. When healthy eating and exercise have helped you regain your figure, but still cannot help with loose skin or that stubborn “pooch” in the lower abdomen, men and women in the New Jersey area come to see the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ to discuss their options for tummy tuck surgery. There are various types of tummy tucks depending on your specific needs that range from an extended and full tummy tuck to a mini-tummy tuck. Regardless of which one you choose, the goal is to get optimal results. There are things you need to know and do prior to this cosmetic procedure to help get you there. Below, is information to get you started down the right path on your road to tummy tuck surgery recovery.

Helpful factors before surgery...

We see a great deal of New Jersey area men and women seeing flatter stomachs. However, many patients don’t realize beforehand that how they plan and prepare for their upcoming surgical procedure before they enter the OR can help their recovery afterward. Here are some simple tips:

  • Be patient with recovery. Remember to tell yourself during recovery that it will take several weeks to feel “normal” and look great!

  • Be prepared before surgery to have “distractions” during your recovery like movies or books that have been on your “to watch or read” list.

  • Inform your work that you are taking some time off and that you won’t be returning for at least a week. If they allow you to work from home, get your work space ready so that you can begin tackling some of the workload once you have gone through some of the initial recovery.

  • Have a good support system set up with people to help take care of you for at least the first few days week. Good care makes for better results.

  • Remember to keep in constant communication with your surgeon or their staff post surgery. Call with concerns or questions.

  • Keep your eye on the prize! Remember your end result will be better if you take care of yourself before and after surgery.

Factors that may affect the length of time for recovery…

The main factors that can affect the length of time it takes for a patient to recover are:

  • Poor physical health or not being at your ideal weight prior to surgery.

  • If liposuction is used or needed to remove fatty tissue during surgery, this could add to the recovery time.

  • A circumferential or extended tummy tuck, which involves a broader area and larger incision will take more time to heal.

  • Depending on how complex or how much surgical intervention is needed to address the muscular area to tighten the abdominal region could affect recovery time.

General tips for a better tummy tuck recovery:

The right surgeon…

The first and most important step is finding the right plastic surgeon and surgical center to perform your tummy tuck. Our board-certified New Jersey area plastic surgeons at The Peer Group have extensive knowledge with this procedure, which can only help a patient not only get the results they want but having quality work done makes for an easier recovery.

Be healthy from the start…

It is a known fact, that being healthy prior to a procedure will only help with the recovery. With a tummy tuck procedure, you want to be at your ideal weight pre-surgery. Be mindful of what you are eating and drinking before and after surgery, as weight gain can change or alter your amazing results.

Prepare to need help...

Having the right people in place to help you recover will only make it go smoother and faster. Make sure you have people helping you that are patient but firm so that they make sure you are following the post-surgical instructions.

Follow doctor’s orders…

Follow your surgeon’s instructions. Follow their protocol and post-surgical care instructions thoroughly. Take prescribed medications as instructed. If they tell you when you can do a light activity or return to work, follow their instructions even if you feel good. Remember they have done this procedure before so they know what you are going to experience. Let them give you the tools and information on how to have a successful recovery, which will only help your end results.

Keep your expectations in check...

Post surgery, your stomach isn’t going to be completely flat and you might even be concerned with how your scars look. Scars are part of the tummy tuck procedure but will lessen in appearance over time and can be concealed with clothing. Realize it will take time to look and feel normal. You have to let your body heal first so curtail your expectations when looking in the mirror. Some patients experience minor emotional mood swings post-surgery with a tummy tuck due to the initial discomfort and swelling as well as worry about how the incisions may look. This can leave patients feeling anxious, but remember why you decided to do this surgery. As we said earlier, keep your eye on the prize, which will be the end result of you having a flatter, more toned-looking abdominal area!

Rest is key…

It can’t be said enough, but rest and listening to your body are key after surgery. Taking it slow and easy and not overdoing it will aid in a smoother, quicker recovery and could possibly even shorten your overall recovery time. Even if you are feeling great, remember to rest and take time to heal!

Many factors can affect a patient’s recovery from a tummy tuck procedure. Every situation and person is different. Every person’s tolerance for pain varies as well as every person’s body recovers at a different rate. Either way, there are some standard things you can do to help your recovery, which only helps your end result to look great! The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ is here to help you and the surrounding New Jersey area so call or schedule your tummy tuck consultation today.

Tummy Tuck Surgery--Your Checklist For A Tighter Tummy

Tummy tucks continue to rise in popularity. With recent advances in medical technology and various tummy tucks to choose from depending on your body type and goals, it is easier than ever for New Jersey men and women to get the flat, toned tummy they have always wanted. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery are leading experts in body contouring treatments such as tummy tuck surgery (also known as abdominoplasty). There are some things you should know before undergoing this surgery so that you can get the best results out of your tummy tuck. Below is a checklist to help answer your questions and give you a fresh take on how cosmetic surgery can change your figure and your life.

Step One: Know what you want from a tummy tuck procedure

A tummy tuck is an option to enhance your abdominal area and increase your confidence. Knowing your expectations prior to surgery can only help the plastic surgeon and you during your initial consultation appointment. Knowing what you want help with and the aesthetic outcome you desire will enhance the dialogue between you and your doctor allowing for the surgeon to provide detailed feedback so you can attain a better end result. Here are some key things to think about:

  • What are your areas of concern for your stomach area?

  • Do you have stretch marks you are trying to eliminate or make less noticeable?

  • Did you lose a significant amount of weight that requires extensive skin removal?

  • Have you had one or multiple pregnancies and simply want to get your pre-baby tummy back?

  • Are you in good shape, but desire a little tightening to keep up with the aging process?

  • Is your goal to get back into a 2-piece bathing suit?

  • Ultimately, what is the end result that you desire?

Step Two: Understand if you are a good fit for this treatment

Genetics, pregnancies, large weight fluctuations, and the natural process of aging are all factors that can change the appearance of our midsections. Loose skin, isolated pockets of fat, and the unwanted “pooch” can all be the result of various life occurrences. Tummy tuck surgery is one that is performed to remove this excess skin and fat in the abdominal area and tighten the underlying muscles for a flatter, more toned look. So do you think you are a good fit for this surgery?

  • Have you managed to get to a good body weight but are still struggling to attain a flatter stomach no matter how many sit-ups you do, or how much you exercise or eat right?

  • Are you done having children and just can’t get your lower abs to bounce back and be firmer even with doing daily core exercises?

  • Has pregnancy left your once expanded tummy with loose or wrinkled skin, excess fat, and the appearance of stretch marks?

  • Have you recently lost weight or a significant amount but are now left with excess skin that is draping in folds?

  • Are you noticing that your stomach just is not as tight as it use to be and has loose skin that once wasn’t there due to the natural aging process?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then you may be a great candidate for a tummy tuck. When skin loses it elasticity or the abdominal muscles underneath have been “stretched” there are no forms of exercise that can change it. A tummy tuck is the solution to regaining those areas of your midsection you have lost and want back!

Step Three: Understand what kind of tummy tuck you need

If you have done all the work beforehand, then a tummy tuck can be the solution to getting your midsection over the finish line. With a few different surgical options to consider, our greater New Jersey area plastic surgeons can determine which technique will be best for your specific condition. Some of the tummy tuck surgeries to consider include:

  • A full tummy tuck (the incision spans from hip to hip--also known as the traditional approach)

  • An extended tummy tuck (the incision reaches just beyond the hip bone for those with significant excess skin or fat removal)

  • A mini tummy tuck (the incision is smaller and positioned just under the navel for those needing minimal skin tightening)

  • A reverse tummy tuck (the area of focus is on the upper abdomen/upper torso region where the incision is generally made under the breast fold)

Your initial consultation will involve meeting with one of our expertly trained plastic surgeons and letting them listen to what you want from your tummy tuck procedure. They will diagnose what you need, which tummy tuck procedure will give you the best results, and determine if you are good candidate.

Step Four: Do all you can to get ready for surgery so you’ll have great results

If you have decided that a tummy tuck is an option, then you need to optimize what you need to do to get the best end result. This starts with finding the right plastic surgeon. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group are part of a fully accredited center that is one of the top plastic surgery facilities in the country, as well as in the New Jersey area.

There are some key factors that will help before and after your tummy tuck surgery. A tummy tuck is not a weight loss option. It is for individuals that are at a healthy weight and have maintained it for more than 6 months. To get the best results, patients will need to:

  • Quit smoking, if you currently are, which will help with your recovery and healing process.

  • Consider if you are planning to have more children. For women, the best tummy tuck results last if you are done being pregnant. Obviously, the abdominal area is affected by pregnancy and you want to enjoy the new look of your stomach!

  • Adhere and try to live a healthy lifestyle prior to a tummy tuck procedure. This will only help you with your recovery and healing process. A tummy tuck is a major surgery and it takes several weeks to properly heal and see the results you have been wanting.

A tummy tuck is not a solution for weight loss or trying to get out of exercising ever again. Consider it a “boost” to the work you have already put in. A tummy tuck can not only give you a flatter, tighter-looking stomach but also can give you more self confidence about your appearance. Call or schedule your tummy tuck consultation today with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in the New Jersey area and get the midsection you have always wanted!

Considering Plastic Surgery? New Stats Reveal You’re Not Alone!

Considering Plastic Surgery? New Stats Reveal You’re Not Alone!

There has been a steady rise in plastic surgery procedures in recent years. More and more people are deciding that if there’s something they don’t like about themselves then it’s time to take action. There’s no reason to live with insecurities or self-consciousness when plastic surgery can help eliminate those concerns.

Just how popular is plastic surgery? New data released by the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) shows continued growth in plastic and cosmetic procedures over the last year. In fact, there were 17.5 million procedures (both surgical and nonsurgical) performed in the U.S. in 2017. The statistics also reveal that American men and women are turning to new, advanced methods to shape and contour their bodies, as minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures have increased nearly 200% since 2000.

Most Popular Cosmetic Treatments Revealed

Let’s start with the national stats. Of the nearly 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures performed in 2017, the top 5 were: Breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery (also known as blepharoplasty), and tummy tuck surgery (known as abdominoplasty). In addition, it’s no surprise that the nonsurgical cosmetic treatment market exploded as well, with new treatments and innovations entering the aesthetic space daily. In 2017, the top 5 treatments included BOTOX, injectable fillers, chemical peels, laser hair removal, and microdermabrasion. As time marches on, we’ll see new trends and new procedures rise to the top.

The surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ continue to see an influx of new patients year after year who are ready to look and feel their absolute best. Check out some of our most popular plastic surgery requests from New Jersey area men and women below.

Top Plastic Surgeries Explained

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation using silicone or saline breast implants is a procedure that enhances the size of the breasts. Many women choose implants to attain a fuller size and improve overall breast shape. Some women may even opt for a fat transfer procedure over implants as this is a more natural method to increase cup size. A fat transfer procedure uses fat from other areas of your body which is then injected into the breasts. Breast augmentation is a safe, effective way to attain fuller, shapelier, younger-looking breasts.


Liposuction is a procedure that surgeons use to remove excess fat from the body. Using a device known as a cannula, fat is suctioned out carefully so that certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks, hips, buttocks, and thighs, can be contoured and reshaped. While there are a number of new liposuction methods available today, traditional liposuction remains the safest and often garners the most dramatic outcomes. Results from this procedure include a slimmer, more proportionate look.

Rhinoplasty/Nose reshaping

Rhinoplasty, also referred to as nose reshaping, is a delicate facial cosmetic surgery that can improve the size and shape of the nose. In addition to cosmetic benefits, some elect to have this procedure done in order to correct impaired breathing and nasal function. Rhinoplasty can remove a nasal hump, straighten a curvature, reduce the size of a nose that may be too large or two wide, and create an evenly balanced facial look.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery (known as blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure that can be performed on the upper eyelid, lower lids, or both. The eyelids are modified to improve their overall appearance by reducing drooping and sagging skin and lifting the eyelid for a more alert, refreshed appearance. Lower eyelid surgery is beneficial in helping to correct under-eye bags and puffiness.

Tummy tuck

Both women and men elect to have tummy tuck procedures in order to remove excess fat and skin. Dramatic weight loss and excess skin from pregnancy are common reasons patients seek treatment. This procedure allows New Jersey area men and women to have flatter, more toned abdomens.

Reasons for the steady increase in growth

Multiple factors are responsible for the impressive growth in plastic surgery procedures. Surgical techniques and methods have improved tremendously with recent technology and new procedures, recovery time is shorter and allows patients to get back to their normal routine faster, pricing is also much more competitive and there are more options with payment plans or financing. One of the biggest factors in the rise of plastic surgery is that it is no longer seen as taboo. In the past, plastic surgery wasn’t something that was talked about openly, and now people have little hesitation when it comes to sharing how they got their fuller breasts, slimmer physiques, or plumper pouts.

Plastic Surgery: Important things to consider

Selecting a surgeon

If you’re considering any of these procedures, or any other cosmetic surgeries, it’s important that you find a surgeon that specializes in the specific procedure you’re wanting. Look for board-certified plastics surgeons with several years of experience. Request to see before and after photos so you have a better idea of their work and final results. Discuss their preferred methods and make sure they align with your cosmetic goals. It’s also wise to research surgeons ahead of time by performing a quick Google search. You’ll be able to find out which plastic surgeons in the greater New Jersey area are highly rated and you’ll likely be able to find some reviews from prior patients.

Financial factors

Cosmetic surgery is not covered by medical insurance. Once you’ve found a surgeon you feel comfortable with; it’s time to discuss pricing. It’s important to get the pricing upfront and in writing. You’ll also want to confirm whether or not the price includes items such as anesthesia, the surgeon’s fees and operating room fees. Many surgeons offer payment plans or special financing so it may be beneficial to look into those options.

Considering plastic surgery? How to find out more!

The first step in learning more about a cosmetic procedure is to schedule a consultation. You’ll be able to meet with the surgeon one-on-one and discuss your desired results and learn more about the procedure. The surgeon will be able to perform a physical examination to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate. You’ll also be able to talk in-depth about important topics like potential risks and complications associated with the procedure, along with realistic expectations for recovery.

Plastic surgery provides patients with a safe, effective way to improve their appearance. You have many choices when it comes to procedures and surgeons. If you’re ready to start the journey to a new and improved you, but don’t know where to begin please give our New Jersey plastic surgery center a call. Plastic surgery can be life-changing and we hope you’ll give The Peer Group an opportunity to help you look and feel your absolute best.

Tummy Tuck 101 – What is it and is it right for you?

If you’ve recently undergone dramatic weight loss or had a baby and can’t seem to get rid of the excess fat or skin around your abdomen then you may be interested in undergoing a tummy tuck procedure. A tummy tuck removes the excess fat and skin and leaves you looking and feeling better about yourself. There are lots of options when it comes to finding a good tummy tuck surgeon in the Greater New Jersey area. The highly-skilled surgeons at The Peer Group have performed numerous tummy tuck procedures and patients have been incredibly pleased with their new, slimmer physiques.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. It is a surgery that is often sought after weight loss or pregnancy, or in many cases, to tighten the abdomen due to the natural aging process. There are a number of tummy tuck methods to consider, but in almost all cases, an incision is made in the lower abdominal area where the excess fat and skin can be removed. Depending on the extent of the tummy tuck, liposuction may be used. The underlying abdominal muscles are then tightened to create a tighter, flatter, more toned look. Depending on which tummy tuck method is best for you, your belly button may also be repositioned so that the results look natural and proportionate.

Which tummy tuck method is right for me?

Full tummy tuck

A full tummy tuck is also known as a traditional tummy tuck. This procedure is good for men and women that have a moderate amount of excess fat in their midsections. A full tummy tuck is also a popular choice for women who are undergoing mommy makeovers. During the procedure, an incision is made well below the belly button and can easily be concealed by undergarments and bathing suit bottoms. Liposuction is used to remove as much excess fat as possible.

Mini tummy tuck

If you consider yourself to be in relatively good shape, but just struggle with a little loose, extra skin then a mini tummy tuck may be a better option for you. A mini tummy tuck, also known as a Brazilian tummy tuck, focuses on loose skin, whereas a full tummy tuck focuses on loose skin and stretched muscles. This procedure is not as extensive as a full tummy tuck as a smaller incision is made along the lower abdomen and liposuction is performed to remove the excess fat. The remaining skin is pulled tight and there is no need to reposition the belly button.

Extended tummy tuck

An extended tummy tuck is reserved for patients who have large amounts of excess fat and skin that need to be removed following a major weight loss. This procedure usually requires a longer incision. This procedure is much more extensive and includes liposuction, tightening of muscles, and repositioning of the belly button.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of a tummy tuck can be life-changing for New Jersey men and women. Excess fat and sagging skin can affect more than just your confidence. A tummy tuck procedure allows you to be comfortable in your own skin and feel better about wearing certain clothing. Not only will you feel better, you’ll be able to enjoy normal everyday activities without the excess fat and skin weighing you down.

How do I maintain my new look?

A tummy tuck procedure doesn’t provide a free pass against weight gain. You’ll want to maintain your weight and continue with a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to make the most out of your procedure. Eating a balanced diet is important and exercising regularly will help keep the weight off. Most of our New Jersey area men and women who have undergone tummy tuck procedures tell us that the surgery gave them more motivation to work harder at maintaining their diet and incorporating new workouts to optimize their results even further.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for any type of tummy tuck procedure is usually someone who has excess fat or skin due to weight loss or aging. Women who have experienced childbirth are also good candidates for this procedure as they tend to have loose skin following pregnancy and extra weight around their waists. Stretch marks can also be a concern that can be helped with a tummy tuck. Diet and exercise sometimes are not enough to give you the toned tummy you desire. A tummy tuck procedure can help you reach your aesthetic goals and have a flat, more contoured abdomen.

What to ask during your consultation

Contact our New Jersey plastic surgery office today and schedule a consultation with one of the four highly-skilled board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group to learn more. You’ll be able to meet with your surgeon and discuss a tummy tuck procedure, potential risks, and tips for recovery. Your surgeon will also perform a physical examination to determine which tummy tuck method will provide the best results.

You don’t have to live with excess fat or the insecurities that come with that stubborn pooch or loose, stretched-out skin in your abdomen. If you’re ready to make a change and start the journey towards a slimmer, tighter abdomen, then give The Peer Group in Florham Park, New Jersey a call today!