Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Florham Park, NJ and Somerville, NJ

The ears are very prominent on either side of the head. This makes them especially easy to notice, as well as prone to injury that can alter their shape, position, or overall appearance. Otoplasty at New Jersey’s The Peer Group is ear surgery intended to address a wide range of patient concerns, whether they feel their ears draw unwanted attention due to their size and prominence, or because their ears are asymmetric, causing their head to look uneven or off-kilter.
Most facial surgery procedures focus on features more centrally located on the face, but otoplasty can play a significant role in facial aesthetics as well. The look of the ears impacts facial proportions, ratios, balance, and more. The Peer Group’s plastic surgeons understand this well, using sophisticated techniques for an outcome that positively impacts a person’s entire appearance—not just their ears.
Contact The Peer Group about otoplasty in New Jersey. Request a consultation online, or call 973-822-3000.
In general, cosmetic ear surgery is known as otoplasty, which covers a range of procedures that can involve manipulating and repositioning the ear and its associated cartilage. In addition to overall shaping and resizing, ear surgery techniques available at The Peer Group include “elf ear” surgery to create a rounded look instead of a pointed one, “ear-pinning” to reduce the prominence of the ears, and earlobe surgery to repair tissues damaged, stretched out, or torn by heavy earrings or trauma.
Unlike many plastic surgery procedures, otoplasty is often performed on younger patients, including children aged 5 to 6 years old and up. This is understandably a big decision that should be thoroughly considered, so we will work to answer all of your questions and ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your plan.
Procedure Types
The right ear surgery for you will depend entirely on what you would like to address when it comes to the look of your ears. The best way to get started is to schedule an otoplasty consultation to discuss what bothers you and what look you would like to achieve. Our plastic surgery team can develop a plan from there, working directly with you to choose techniques for maximizing natural-looking results.
Patients should plan to take time off from school, work, and other activities while their ears heal after the surgery. Recommended down time varies from person to person, but the resulting swelling, bruising, and discomfort can last for one to two weeks.
Since the ears are so prominent and accessible, we also recommend avoiding all contact or ball-related sports for at least three months. Injury during the recovery process can disrupt proper healing and alter the results.
After this time, the ears will have fully “settled” into their new position.
Otoplasty cost estimates will be made after determining the scope of the procedure since every patient’s approach to ear surgery will be unique. General payment and financing information is available elsewhere on our site, but discussions about specific fees are best left to the initial consultation and following conversations.
Ready for your otoplasty with New Jersey′s The Peer Group? Patients in Livingston, Morristown, the surrounding communities, and beyond can reach out today by requesting a consultation online or calling 973-822-3000.