Brow Lift
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Florham Park, NJ and Somerville, NJ

Loose forehead skin is a problem that typically develops with age, leading to sagging that can give the brow a heavy look. A brow lift at New Jersey’s The Peer Group can address this specific cosmetic issue by removing the excess skin and tightening the remaining skin to take years off a patient’s appearance and restore a more naturally alert and attentive expression. Since facial surgery can create dramatic results, our plastic surgeons take particular care to meticulously shape and lift the brow so that it remains appropriately elevated in a natural, beautiful position.
Contact The Peer Group about a brow lift in New Jersey. Request a consultation online, or call 973-822-3000.
Before and After Photos
Repeated muscle contractions that move the forehead and eyebrows are a primary reason the brow begins to take on a sagging appearance over time. Every squint, scowl, and other expression contributes to increased laxity, especially when coupled with a gradual loss of collagen and elastin due to age and sun damage.
A brow lift addresses this change, starting with incisions made along the forehead hairline. The forehead skin can then be “pulled tight” so that it sits flat instead of drooping. The redundant skin that extends past the incision—like excess sheets hanging off the foot of a bed—is removed, and the remaining skin is held in place with sutures.
Note that while a brow lift addresses forehead contours, it does not necessarily smooth out textural irregularities, like furrows and lines caused by muscle contractions. For patients who want more comprehensive results, we may recommend combining a brow lift with nonsurgical treatments, such as BOTOX® injections. As a neuromodulator, BOTOX® keeps key forehead muscles at rest, which prevents horizontal and frown lines from showing.
While all brow lift surgeries follow the same general process, the procedure details—such as length and placement of incisions—depend on the patient. The exact duration of downtime needed for recovery will vary from person to person, but everyone who chooses a forehead lift will see some degree of swelling and bruising, as well as feel discomfort in the treatment area, after their procedure.
This will all take at least one week to fully resolve, during which patients are advised to rest and heal; then they can return to their work and social life when they feel comfortable. Strenuous activity can negatively impact brow lift results for about three months following the surgery, so abstain from lifting heavy objects or exercising with more intensity than a light walk throughout that timeframe.
Brow lift cost and other surgical details will be discussed at your consultation. This is also when your plastic surgeon will examine your forehead and explain what options are available for effectively providing a natural-looking outcome. Patients are encouraged to ask any questions they have about forehead lifts during their appointment, but general financing information is available online.
Ready for your brow lift with New Jersey′s The Peer Group? Patients in Livingston, Morristown, the surrounding communities, and beyond can reach out today by requesting a consultation online or calling 973-822-3000.