Is Plastic Surgery Right For Me? 8 Questions To Ask Before Entering The OR

Knowing if you are making the right decision…

Are you considering plastic surgery? Is there something on your face or body that you wish to cosmetically change or enhance? Perhaps it is time to turn back the hands of time and if so, are you wondering what treatment is best for you? In this era of cosmetic surgery, these are all questions people ask, but with so many options to consider, it can be a lot to digest. Our skilled staff and board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey can give you the advice and expertise you will need, but let’s start with the basics and take a look at some of the most common questions you should be asking yourself before considering plastic surgery.

1) What is your reason behind considering plastic surgery?

It is a well-known fact, that you should never be motivated to change your body for anyone but yourself. The motivation behind why you are considering plastic surgery should only come from something you want and not anyone else. It is your body, to begin with and you should not change it for someone else. You need to be motivated to have a procedure done because it is something you want and has been thinking about doing for a long time.

2) What are you wanting to change?

When considering plastic surgery, it is always best to know what you want to do and what you hope to achieve. For example, is there a feature on your body that bothers you greatly? For instance, perhaps you have extra-large, heavy breasts and you are considering a breast reduction to be more comfortable and find clothes that fit. Or, on the opposite side of the spectrum, you have been thinking about getting breast augmentation with implants but have been gunshy to move forward. There are countless reasons why someone would want to undergo a cosmetic procedure. Make sure you know exactly what bothers you and what type of aesthetic outcome you hope to receive from surgery.

3) Have you done all you can?

Ideally, if you are considering plastic surgery you want to make sure you have done all you can. Have you been at your ideal weight for more than 6 months but you just can’t seem to lose those unflattering love handles? If you have children, are you done growing your family so your “mommy makeover” will have lasting results? If you are considering facial surgery, have you looked into the nonsurgical options that possibly could help before undergoing a major operation? Plastic surgery can definitely help you reach certain aesthetic goals, but it’s important to make sure you have tried all you can to improve the area you wish to change before surgery. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having a solid foundation of self-confidence prior to your plastic surgery procedure will only benefit you more once it is over.

4) Are you done growing?

Sounds like an odd question, but more and more younger people are considering plastic surgery. If you are going to have surgery to “change” something on your body then changes due to hormones or a growth spurt should be considered. This is something that can be discussed during your private consultation with one of our New Jersey area board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group. In addition, certain procedures are reserved for people over a certain age to ensure your body is ready for lasting change.

5) Have you done your research?

It is not only important to know what you are having done but most importantly who will be doing the procedure. Choosing your plastic surgeon or surgical center is a crucial decision in the process. It is a known fact not all doctors are the same. Finding a board-certified plastic surgeon is necessary and finding one that comes highly recommended would be beneficial. You want a doctor that will listen to what you want and make sure your needs are going to be met.

6) What are your expectations?

Finding the right surgeon is key but they are going to want to know what your expectations are for your procedure. Having unrealistic goals or trying to look like Jennifer Lopez will not benefit your end result. A surgeon is going to do their best to give you what you want but you also need to set realistic expectations for what you are having done. If you are in your 70’s and want to look like you are in your 40’s again, then you might not be setting an achievable goal. Talk to your plastic surgeon and work with them to set realistic expectations so you can be happy with the end results!

7) Do you know what your recovery will be like?

Plastic surgery is major surgery so you will need help with recovery. You will need to plan ahead to have someone helping you for a for several days depending on what type of procedure you are considering. Taking time off work or having someone personally help you around your home will be necessary for recovery in order to heal appropriately. The recovery process is very important to reduce the risk of infections and to allow the body to properly heal in order to get the best results.

8) Can you afford it?

Since cosmetic procedures are elective, they are not covered by insurance. In some cases, breast reduction surgery is one of the rare procedures that can be covered due to the health issues women with significantly large breasts endure. You need to do your research to find out if the surgical practice or surgeon you have chosen offers payment plans. Costs will vary by procedure and which doctor you choose.

If you are considering plastic surgery, it’s important that you do your homework. Research what you are having done, and most importantly, find the right plastic surgeon to do the job. Ask yourself these questions and know the answers before you consider plastic surgery. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in the New Jersey area are here to give you the advice and support you need to make your surgery a success! Call or schedule your consultation today!

Everything You Need To Know About Juvéderm: A Beginners Guide To Fillers

Let’s fill you in on what Juvéderm can do for you….

There are a lot of options in the cosmetic world to combat the signs of aging. A simple, instant fix with no surgery required is always popular but it can be overwhelming when looking at the scope of helpful procedures out there. Dermal fillers, BOTOX, and other med spa facial treatments are all aimed at making you look younger and refreshed. Let’s face it, as we age, so does our skin. When patients come to our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery center seeking non-surgical alternatives, dermal fillers are a great place to start. Fillers can add volume to areas of the face where it has been lost, it can help fill deeper lines and wrinkles, enhance the lips, and much more.

There are a number of filler products to choose from, but we make it easy by staying with a few that produce radiant results each and every time. At the Peer Group for Plastic Surgery, we put Juvéderm at the top of the list.

Juvéderm … what it can do for you!

Juvéderm has two important tasks when injected just beneath the skin. One is to fill in static wrinkles to remove them. You might be asking, what are static wrinkles? They are those pesky wrinkles you see all the time! Even when your face is “at rest” these wrinkles or creases are visibly noticeable. The other important task, for Juvéderm, is to increase fullness in areas where skin has lost volume. As we age, our bodies decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid it produces, which is a natural substance in the body, that aids in our skin having volume or plumpness. Juvéderm is a combination of hyaluronic acids injected back into the skin to “plump” it up and fill in those gaps where the skin has lost elasticity. Essentially, Juvéderm can help your skin bounce back and give you a more youthful glow.

Juvéderm can fill in what time has taken away...

Juvéderm “fills in” the areas that need help when the natural process of aging takes its toll. As we age, skin loses elasticity, and our facial expressions like laughing or smiling become more permanent reminders leaving wrinkles or lines that “stick around”. Juvéderm can fill in the gaps and smooth out the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles giving patients instant results. Some of the most common reasons men and women throughout New Jersey get a Juvéderm injection:

  • To eliminate or reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth or nasolabial folds, which are the lines that extend from the nose to the corners of the mouth; Also called “marionette lines” or laugh lines.

  • To eliminate or reduce the appearance of deeper “Crow’s Feet” around the eyes.

  • To smooth and soften deeper lines on the forehead area and the “11” lines which appear in between the eyebrows. Fillers are used here when BOTOX alone cannot produce improved results.

  • To smooth the appearance of minor scars or blemishes (pitting) from acne.

  • To plump up or add volume to the lips making them more voluptuous instantly! Injections here help reduce fine lines around the lip area or get rid of “lipstick bleed lines”.

  • To add volume to the cheeks in order to lift or contour the cheek area.

  • To help reduce minor nasal bumps or simply straighten out a bent nasal tip. Also known as a non-surgical rhinoplasty, Juvéderm can be used as a non-invasive solution for minor nose irregularities as a temporary adjustment to avoid surgical intervention.

Juvéderm and instant results!

The best benefit of Juvéderm is the results are instant. Those instant results can also last up to 9 months and in some cases even a year! Adding a regular dose of Juvéderm into your skincare routine can ward off cosmetic surgery or other invasive treatments to fight the signs of aging for decades. The procedure is also quick and easy. It can even be done on your lunch hour! Wrinkles and lines will appear smooth and softer before you even leave our New Jersey office.

Juvéderm or BOTOX or both!

Juvéderm and BOTOX are two popular, heavy hitters in the game of fighting the aging process without surgery. At the Peer Group, we often combine these injectables for New Jersey area men and women seeking facial rejuvenation.

BOTOX combats dynamic wrinkles and “relaxes” the muscles that cause lines or wrinkles to form when doing natural, facial expressions like laughing or frowning. BOTOX is most commonly used in the forehead and around the eyes and can last for about 3-4 months. Juvéderm can be a treatment that compliments your BOTOX results serving to fill in deeper lines that exist on the lower face or even in the upper face where BOTOX can’t do the trick (the number “11’s” is the most popular area for filler in the forehead). While these two injectable treatments are different and used for different reasons, they work great together to create a softer, smoother, younger appearance significantly reducing the look of lines and wrinkles.

We know that the filler market can seem overwhelming. Our goal during your consultation is to explain the difference between the most commonly used ones and specifically, how Juvéderm can be the solution to help you fight the signs of aging and get you looking younger again. Juvéderm has different variations or types that contain different strengths depending on your skin needs. To learn more, we invite you to call the Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ. We will get you set up with the right combination so you can “fill in” those pesky wrinkles so that your outside looks as young as you feel on the inside!

How to Age Gracefully Through Each Decade with BOTOX

If you’re noticing lines and wrinkles on your face that just don’t seem to ever go away even with your face at rest, then it may be time to look into BOTOX. This nonsurgical skin rejuvenation treatment is an excellent way to reduce and eliminate these lines. Don’t be fooled and think BOTOX is only a solution for older people, as the signs of aging can start to crop up as early as your twenties. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group, located in the Greater New Jersey area, treat patients of all ages with BOTOX and patients are thrilled with their youthful, more radiant appearances.

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX is FDA approved for patients ages 18 and up, and is derived from Botulinum Toxin Type A (or BTX-A) which blocks the facial nerve endings and temporarily relaxes the muscles under the skin’s surface. This helps control facial movement helping to keep dynamic wrinkles at bay, which creates a softer, smooth effect on the skin. BOTOX injections are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments that are requested by both men and women at our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery practice.

How can BOTOX help me at my age?

Whether you are 25 or 55, BOTOX can be a solution to help you prevent, maintain, and turn back the signs of aging. We explain this a little further as we discuss how the skin changes through each decade.

In your twenties

This is the time that most people do not really have a consistent, set skincare routine. However, thanks to advances in the aesthetic industry and the overall popularity of BOTOX, that is starting to change. More and more people in their twenties are turning to BOTOX as a preventive measure to ward off wrinkles and lines. If you’re noticing fine lines on your upper face that are not disappearing even when your face is at rest, BOTOX is a simple solution to create a radiant complexion. BOTOX injections can not only help with current lines or wrinkles but also help prevent new ones that really begin to show themselves in the next decade.

In your thirties

BOTOX is very popular among men and women in their thirties. By this time, you have likely seen the horizontal lines running along your forehead, and depending on your lifestyle or sun exposure over the years, you may also have vertical lines settling in between your eyebrows. One of the reasons lines and wrinkles start to become more prominent, especially at the end of this decade as you is to approach your forties, is because the skin begins to stop producing collagen. This is a normal part of aging, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. BOTOX can greatly reduce the appearance of these lines and stop additional lines and wrinkles in their tracks.

In your forties

By now, the lines and wrinkles that cropped up in your twenties and thirties have gotten deeper and more noticeable. Damage from the sun, which may include years of squinting, has also started to take a toll. Patients look into BOTOX at this age to help turn back the hands of time and do some “maintenance” to help reduce the appearance of these lines and wrinkles and to help retain a youthful glow. While BOTOX is popular among all decades, the forties are generally where we see most people flocking to have injections. A consistent schedule of BOTOX injections combined with a good skincare regime can help you look years younger and feel better about the aging process.

In your fifties

Most patients in their fifties request BOTOX for the same reasons people do in their forties. They are looking to help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. However, men and women in their fifties are also trying to find solutions without having to undergo surgery. It is possible to ward off surgery for a number of years further with BOTOX injections combined with a filler to help smooth wrinkles, add volume to the face, and improve specific areas such as the lips. New Jersey area men and women commonly get a blend of BOTOX and fillers throughout their middle-age years and the results can be long-lasting and effective.

In your sixties

In our sixties the skin has started to lose its elasticity and the effects of aging are much more prominent. You may need to make more visits to our office to keep up with your BOTOX regimen. If you feel like BOTOX isn’t doing enough for your lines or wrinkles you may want to look into cosmetic surgery. The highly-skilled surgeons at The Peer Group can address your concerns and suggest alternate treatment methods to get you the results you desire.

It’s that easy!

BOTOX is an easy, effective anti-aging treatment suitable for anyone over the age of 18 who simply wants to attain a youthful glow that lasts. BOTOX injections typically take about 20 minutes and can be performed about every 3 -4 months depending on your personal aesthetic goals. One of the great things about BOTOX is there is no downtime following the injections. Patients can resume their normal activities following the treatment. It typically takes about a week for the full results to kick in, but once they do, patients love their results and feel more confident about their aging complexion. Our patients come back to our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery center every quarter to maintain their year-round glow. If additional treatments are needed to help you attain the look you want, we can discuss this at your appointments.

How can I learn more?

Give our Greater New Jersey plastic surgery office a call to get a consultation scheduled. You’ll get to meet with one of our highly rated plastic surgeons and determine if you’re a good candidate for BOTOX. We will also discuss your treatment plan and pricing with you.

If you’re interested in turning back the hands of time, then the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group would be happy to assist. Give us a call today to learn more about BOTOX and how it has helped so many people look and feel younger.

Tips To Find The Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon in New Jersey

Tips To Find The Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon in New Jersey

Do the research to get the best results…

Breast augmentation surgery (with silicone or saline breast implants) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed today. Women of various ages and lifestyles wish to enhance their current breasts to be bigger and fuller or have a better shape, which can help boost their self-confidence and self-esteem! Breast augmentation can do just that but what should you be looking for in the plastic surgeon who is going to do the procedure?

One of the most important steps before proceeding with a cosmetic procedure is finding the right, qualified plastic surgeon who can give you the end result you want. Cosmetic surgeries continue to grow in popularity and this means there are more surgeons than ever to choose from. The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in Florham Park, New Jersey offers women the following tips to make sure you find the best breast augmentation surgeon for you.

Give it a Google!

Start your search by understanding what breast augmentation is and what is involved. Search the web and browse the internet to know the different implant types and learn all you can on the subject. You can also learn about the plastic surgeons in your area. Visit their site and get to know them. Read their reviews and see what others think about them. Many New Jersey area plastic surgeons have photo galleries on their websites, which makes it even more helpful as you’ll be able to see their work firsthand. The internet is a powerful tool, so use it!

Should board certification be a factor?

Yes. One of the most important factors to consider before having breast augmentation surgery is making sure the surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). It is important to check the surgeon’s accreditation and qualifications. Being board certified means the surgeon has gone through the appropriate training and testing and has met all of the necessary requirements for certification.

Is a plastic surgeon the same as a cosmetic surgeon?

No. A plastic surgeon goes through 3 years of surgical residency with extensive training in all aspects of surgery. Then they go through 3 more years of plastic surgery training. It can take a qualified plastic surgeon 6-8 years to complete their training. A cosmetic surgeon is a medical professional, typically a general doctor, who has decided they want to get in the aesthetic world of plastic surgery. They can usually get their certification in one year or much sooner. While there are some trained and talented cosmetic surgeons, finding a board-certified plastic surgeon who has the experience and skills to perform breast augmentation means that you have hired a surgeon who has gone through the most advanced training possible and is an expert in the field of plastic surgery.

Are they affiliated with a hospital?

Any plastic surgeon you are considering for breast augmentation should have hospital privileges to a reputable medical system in the greater New Jersey area. Even though The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery has their own AAAASF on-site surgical center, which is a huge bonus and convenient to our patients, we still have medical privileges and affiliations at some of the best hospitals in the area. Even though rare in most cases, if something occurs medically during the procedure it is important to have access to a hospital to address any possible complications.

Ask your friends or get referrals...

What better way to find out about a surgeon than to ask someone you know and trust that has gone through it. They can walk you through the process and how the doctor was before you even get started plus know how they liked their end results. It can also be helpful to ask someone you might know that works in the healthcare industry (nurse, another doctor, etc.). They will typically have a general idea of who the best surgeons are in an area. Other healthcare professionals talk to each other so if you are comfortable with it then pick their brain on who they have heard is the best plastic surgeon for breast augmentation.

Read their reviews

Reading about a patient’s experience can be very eye-opening as you continue your search for a breast surgeon. Did they like the doctor’s bedside manner? Was the practice staff helpful? Do they love their results? Reading about a surgeon and the practice from the experience of one of their patients can be very useful and relevant.

Utilize a Patient Coordinator or Concierge...

Most plastic surgery centers offer this additional staff person to be there for the patients. Their main goal is to be the direct liaison to the surgeon, an advocate for the patient, and help them navigate through the information, set up financial plans if needed, etc. They can help take some of the burdens off your shoulders so utilize them! Our patient concierge at The Peer Group Plastic Surgery has over 20 years experience helping out clients.

Consultation appointment--Ask Away!

Don’t be afraid to come prepared with paper in hand and ask lots of questions. This is your body and before you do a major cosmetic procedure like breast augmentation you need to know the facts. Bring in photos of augmented breasts you may like in order to show the doctor what you are wanting for your end goal. Just take your time to ask all the pertinent questions you need to feel more comfortable.

Ask to see before & after photos...

While getting to know a surgeon during the consultation process is one of the most important aspects of finding the right doctor to perform your surgery, viewing their results can be even more telling. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you ask to view before and after photos of previous patients. While many surgeons have pre and post-operative photos on their websites, you should be able to view these during your consultation. Before and after photos can be helpful in many ways, including understanding size, shape, incisions areas, and more.

Trust Your Gut!

If something doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t. Breast augmentation is a major surgery so you want to feel comfortable with the plastic surgeon doing your procedure. You also want to feel comfortable about the surgical center and feel assured you will be in good hands for this outpatient surgery.

In the end you want to find a plastic surgeon who is qualified and someone you feel comfortable with when it comes to your breast augmentation procedure. Checking qualifications, asking around for referrals, and doing your homework prior to the procedure will make you better prepared and give you the best results! One of our 4 board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group Plastic Surgery can help you feel more confident and like what you see. We are proud to serve the greater New Jersey area and beyond, so call or schedule your breast augmentation consultation appointment today!

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction – Breaking Down the Differences

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction – Breaking Down the Differences

You have many options when it comes to getting rid of those pesky areas of fat that can’t be eliminated with exercise or diet alone. CoolSculpting has increased in popularity over the years as it’s a newer procedure that provides excellent results, and minimal recovery time. Liposuction is another option that remains tried and true in reducing fat and leaving the body slimmer and more proportionate. The talented plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in New Jersey have many requests for both of these procedures and would like to help you in determining which procedure is right for you.

Freeze Your Fat with CoolSculpting!

What is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting is an innovative, non-invasive, fat reduction procedure that uses cooling energy to eliminate fat. This procedure uses a suction device that is placed over the targeted area of fat gently drawing it in and freezing it to eliminate the fat below the skin. Also known as cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting targets many common problem areas including stubborn fat in the stomach, flanks, thighs, love handles, chin area, and under the buttocks (banana roll).

How does it work?

With the innovative technology of CoolSculpting, patients don’t have to worry about anesthesia, incisions, or a lengthy downtime. A cooling device is simply placed on the area of the body that needs to be treated. The vacuum gently pulls and lifts the skin upward (and the underlying fatty tissue), so you may experience some pulling or tugging. The lifted fat is then frozen which kills off the fat cells. Over time your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates the destroyed cells, allowing results to appear over time. CoolSculpting is FDA-approved and is considered proven, safe and effective. New Jersey area men and women love how their clothes fit better, and they feel better, and look better too!

Dramatic, Slimmer Results with Liposuction!

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that is considered one of most common, popular and effective fat removal methods available today. Using a punch-hole incision in the skin, a small device known as a cannula suctions out the fat deposits in certain areas. Surgical tumescent liposuction can be performed on the abdomen, flanks, thighs, buttocks, lower back, and many other areas. It can produce dramatic outcomes resulting in a slimmer, more contoured figure.

How does it work?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure typically performed under general anesthesia or some other form of sedation such as IV sedation. It is an outpatient procedure that is performed in an accredited surgical center. The areas for fat removal will be marked and a small, hollow tube is inserted through the incision and then used to loosen excess fat. Once the fat is loose, a surgical vacuum is used remove the fat from the body. Liposuction requires surgeon skill so that only the targeted fat is removed. Attaining a natural, smooth surface is important and is the goal during surgery.

Which method is right for me?

CoolSculpting is good for men and women who have noticeable pockets of fat that they would like to have slimmed down. This procedure is not a good choice for someone who is looking to have a larger amount of fat removed as CoolSculpting only targets specific problem areas. CoolSculpting is an excellent option for those who are in relatively good shape but simply want to target that stubborn pooch or add contour to the flanks or love handles. It is also reserved for those who do not want to have surgery.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is more invasive, therefore it can produce results that are more dramatic than CoolSculpting. This treatment allows for more fat to be removed for a greater contour. Surgeons have much more control over the amount of fat that is removed with liposuction. Also, it is important to keep in mind that liposuction is usually a one-time procedure. If you require multiple treatments with CoolSculpting then liposuction may be a more cost-effective and overall better option. Liposuction is also a better option for patients who are wanting more contouring and precise slimming. CoolSculpting will likely not give you that dramatic, hourglass shape you’re wanting.

Am I a good candidate?

CoolSculpting is an effective way for New Jersey area men and women to treat stubborn areas of fat. Depending on the amount of fat and the location on the body, you may need more than one treatment. Liposuction is recommended for patients that need or desire greater fat removal. Patients should have a healthy skin tone and understand that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. It is used to help slim areas of the body. Both of these procedures are not recommended for obese patients or those who are significantly overweight. These procedures are best for patients who have specific areas of stubborn fat that need to be treated. Patients also need to have realistic expectations as these treatments can help eliminate fat, but they will not remove all traces of fat from the body.

What is the recovery like?

The recovery time between these two procedures is quite different as liposuction is a surgical procedure, while CoolSculpting is not. Liposuction will require sutures after surgery, although the incisions are tiny and scarring is generally not a concern. Patients will need to plan for some downtime to allow your body to heal from the procedure. A compression garment should be worn for up to 2 weeks following liposuction and there will be some post-operative swelling and bruising for a few days. The results are often dramatic and noticed instantly.

Recovery from CoolSculpting is quite simple. There are no active restrictions following the procedure. Most patients do not experience discomfort, while some feel a little sore, as if they’ve undergone a rigorous workout. Side effects during the procedure include mild pinching, a feel of cold, and some stinging. Following the procedure patients have reported redness, some numbness, and bruising in the areas treated. Results from the CoolSculpting procedure can be seen within several weeks. It can take up to three months to see final results as this is the typical time it takes for the frozen fat cells to naturally dissolve.

How to learn more

If you’re interested in learning more about liposuction and CoolSculpting then give our New Jersey office a call. We can get your consultation scheduled and have you meet with one of our surgeons. You’ll be able to go over the pros and cons of each of these procedures and determine which one will give you the results you desire. Once your treatment plan is set, the staff will go over pricing with you.

Patients have seen excellent results from both CoolSculpting and liposuction procedures. Either of these procedures are a great way to remove pesky, lingering fat. Give us a call and see for yourself why so many patients choose The Peer Group in Florham Park, New Jersey to help them obtain their dream bodies.

Considering Plastic Surgery? New Stats Reveal You’re Not Alone!

Considering Plastic Surgery? New Stats Reveal You’re Not Alone!

There has been a steady rise in plastic surgery procedures in recent years. More and more people are deciding that if there’s something they don’t like about themselves then it’s time to take action. There’s no reason to live with insecurities or self-consciousness when plastic surgery can help eliminate those concerns.

Just how popular is plastic surgery? New data released by the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) shows continued growth in plastic and cosmetic procedures over the last year. In fact, there were 17.5 million procedures (both surgical and nonsurgical) performed in the U.S. in 2017. The statistics also reveal that American men and women are turning to new, advanced methods to shape and contour their bodies, as minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures have increased nearly 200% since 2000.

Most Popular Cosmetic Treatments Revealed

Let’s start with the national stats. Of the nearly 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures performed in 2017, the top 5 were: Breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery (also known as blepharoplasty), and tummy tuck surgery (known as abdominoplasty). In addition, it’s no surprise that the nonsurgical cosmetic treatment market exploded as well, with new treatments and innovations entering the aesthetic space daily. In 2017, the top 5 treatments included BOTOX, injectable fillers, chemical peels, laser hair removal, and microdermabrasion. As time marches on, we’ll see new trends and new procedures rise to the top.

The surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ continue to see an influx of new patients year after year who are ready to look and feel their absolute best. Check out some of our most popular plastic surgery requests from New Jersey area men and women below.

Top Plastic Surgeries Explained

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation using silicone or saline breast implants is a procedure that enhances the size of the breasts. Many women choose implants to attain a fuller size and improve overall breast shape. Some women may even opt for a fat transfer procedure over implants as this is a more natural method to increase cup size. A fat transfer procedure uses fat from other areas of your body which is then injected into the breasts. Breast augmentation is a safe, effective way to attain fuller, shapelier, younger-looking breasts.


Liposuction is a procedure that surgeons use to remove excess fat from the body. Using a device known as a cannula, fat is suctioned out carefully so that certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks, hips, buttocks, and thighs, can be contoured and reshaped. While there are a number of new liposuction methods available today, traditional liposuction remains the safest and often garners the most dramatic outcomes. Results from this procedure include a slimmer, more proportionate look.

Rhinoplasty/Nose reshaping

Rhinoplasty, also referred to as nose reshaping, is a delicate facial cosmetic surgery that can improve the size and shape of the nose. In addition to cosmetic benefits, some elect to have this procedure done in order to correct impaired breathing and nasal function. Rhinoplasty can remove a nasal hump, straighten a curvature, reduce the size of a nose that may be too large or two wide, and create an evenly balanced facial look.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery (known as blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure that can be performed on the upper eyelid, lower lids, or both. The eyelids are modified to improve their overall appearance by reducing drooping and sagging skin and lifting the eyelid for a more alert, refreshed appearance. Lower eyelid surgery is beneficial in helping to correct under-eye bags and puffiness.

Tummy tuck

Both women and men elect to have tummy tuck procedures in order to remove excess fat and skin. Dramatic weight loss and excess skin from pregnancy are common reasons patients seek treatment. This procedure allows New Jersey area men and women to have flatter, more toned abdomens.

Reasons for the steady increase in growth

Multiple factors are responsible for the impressive growth in plastic surgery procedures. Surgical techniques and methods have improved tremendously with recent technology and new procedures, recovery time is shorter and allows patients to get back to their normal routine faster, pricing is also much more competitive and there are more options with payment plans or financing. One of the biggest factors in the rise of plastic surgery is that it is no longer seen as taboo. In the past, plastic surgery wasn’t something that was talked about openly, and now people have little hesitation when it comes to sharing how they got their fuller breasts, slimmer physiques, or plumper pouts.

Plastic Surgery: Important things to consider

Selecting a surgeon

If you’re considering any of these procedures, or any other cosmetic surgeries, it’s important that you find a surgeon that specializes in the specific procedure you’re wanting. Look for board-certified plastics surgeons with several years of experience. Request to see before and after photos so you have a better idea of their work and final results. Discuss their preferred methods and make sure they align with your cosmetic goals. It’s also wise to research surgeons ahead of time by performing a quick Google search. You’ll be able to find out which plastic surgeons in the greater New Jersey area are highly rated and you’ll likely be able to find some reviews from prior patients.

Financial factors

Cosmetic surgery is not covered by medical insurance. Once you’ve found a surgeon you feel comfortable with; it’s time to discuss pricing. It’s important to get the pricing upfront and in writing. You’ll also want to confirm whether or not the price includes items such as anesthesia, the surgeon’s fees and operating room fees. Many surgeons offer payment plans or special financing so it may be beneficial to look into those options.

Considering plastic surgery? How to find out more!

The first step in learning more about a cosmetic procedure is to schedule a consultation. You’ll be able to meet with the surgeon one-on-one and discuss your desired results and learn more about the procedure. The surgeon will be able to perform a physical examination to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate. You’ll also be able to talk in-depth about important topics like potential risks and complications associated with the procedure, along with realistic expectations for recovery.

Plastic surgery provides patients with a safe, effective way to improve their appearance. You have many choices when it comes to procedures and surgeons. If you’re ready to start the journey to a new and improved you, but don’t know where to begin please give our New Jersey plastic surgery center a call. Plastic surgery can be life-changing and we hope you’ll give The Peer Group an opportunity to help you look and feel your absolute best.

Tummy Tuck 101 – What is it and is it right for you?

If you’ve recently undergone dramatic weight loss or had a baby and can’t seem to get rid of the excess fat or skin around your abdomen then you may be interested in undergoing a tummy tuck procedure. A tummy tuck removes the excess fat and skin and leaves you looking and feeling better about yourself. There are lots of options when it comes to finding a good tummy tuck surgeon in the Greater New Jersey area. The highly-skilled surgeons at The Peer Group have performed numerous tummy tuck procedures and patients have been incredibly pleased with their new, slimmer physiques.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. It is a surgery that is often sought after weight loss or pregnancy, or in many cases, to tighten the abdomen due to the natural aging process. There are a number of tummy tuck methods to consider, but in almost all cases, an incision is made in the lower abdominal area where the excess fat and skin can be removed. Depending on the extent of the tummy tuck, liposuction may be used. The underlying abdominal muscles are then tightened to create a tighter, flatter, more toned look. Depending on which tummy tuck method is best for you, your belly button may also be repositioned so that the results look natural and proportionate.

Which tummy tuck method is right for me?

Full tummy tuck

A full tummy tuck is also known as a traditional tummy tuck. This procedure is good for men and women that have a moderate amount of excess fat in their midsections. A full tummy tuck is also a popular choice for women who are undergoing mommy makeovers. During the procedure, an incision is made well below the belly button and can easily be concealed by undergarments and bathing suit bottoms. Liposuction is used to remove as much excess fat as possible.

Mini tummy tuck

If you consider yourself to be in relatively good shape, but just struggle with a little loose, extra skin then a mini tummy tuck may be a better option for you. A mini tummy tuck, also known as a Brazilian tummy tuck, focuses on loose skin, whereas a full tummy tuck focuses on loose skin and stretched muscles. This procedure is not as extensive as a full tummy tuck as a smaller incision is made along the lower abdomen and liposuction is performed to remove the excess fat. The remaining skin is pulled tight and there is no need to reposition the belly button.

Extended tummy tuck

An extended tummy tuck is reserved for patients who have large amounts of excess fat and skin that need to be removed following a major weight loss. This procedure usually requires a longer incision. This procedure is much more extensive and includes liposuction, tightening of muscles, and repositioning of the belly button.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of a tummy tuck can be life-changing for New Jersey men and women. Excess fat and sagging skin can affect more than just your confidence. A tummy tuck procedure allows you to be comfortable in your own skin and feel better about wearing certain clothing. Not only will you feel better, you’ll be able to enjoy normal everyday activities without the excess fat and skin weighing you down.

How do I maintain my new look?

A tummy tuck procedure doesn’t provide a free pass against weight gain. You’ll want to maintain your weight and continue with a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to make the most out of your procedure. Eating a balanced diet is important and exercising regularly will help keep the weight off. Most of our New Jersey area men and women who have undergone tummy tuck procedures tell us that the surgery gave them more motivation to work harder at maintaining their diet and incorporating new workouts to optimize their results even further.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for any type of tummy tuck procedure is usually someone who has excess fat or skin due to weight loss or aging. Women who have experienced childbirth are also good candidates for this procedure as they tend to have loose skin following pregnancy and extra weight around their waists. Stretch marks can also be a concern that can be helped with a tummy tuck. Diet and exercise sometimes are not enough to give you the toned tummy you desire. A tummy tuck procedure can help you reach your aesthetic goals and have a flat, more contoured abdomen.

What to ask during your consultation

Contact our New Jersey plastic surgery office today and schedule a consultation with one of the four highly-skilled board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group to learn more. You’ll be able to meet with your surgeon and discuss a tummy tuck procedure, potential risks, and tips for recovery. Your surgeon will also perform a physical examination to determine which tummy tuck method will provide the best results.

You don’t have to live with excess fat or the insecurities that come with that stubborn pooch or loose, stretched-out skin in your abdomen. If you’re ready to make a change and start the journey towards a slimmer, tighter abdomen, then give The Peer Group in Florham Park, New Jersey a call today!

7 Ways Juvéderm Can Turn Back Father Time

Aging is a natural process and one that both women and men throughout New Jersey try hard to slow down. When it comes to our facial appearance, there are a number of ways to turn back the hands of time and look years younger. One solution to the aging process is injectable fillers such as Juvéderm. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, since its introduction to the cosmetic world in 2006, Juvéderm soared to the top of the fillers list and quickly became one of the most popular fillers used to treat wrinkles and lines.

Collagen and Volume Loss

As we age, the collagen under the skin that is responsible for volume, fullness, and that healthy plumping effect slowly begin to decrease. A decrease in the production of this valuable resource causes the skin to lose its elasticity, therefore, showing the early signs of aging with lines and wrinkles that slowly begin to appear. With a simple injection, Juvéderm can add volume back to these depleted areas and add a plumping effect, helping to smooth and soften the surface of the skin taking away those lines and wrinkles along with it.

Juvéderm Explained

Juvéderm is one of the most popular fillers we use in our greater New Jersey plastic surgery center. Juvéderm is an injectable soft tissue filler (also known as a dermal filler) that is made of hyaluronic acid injected just below the skin’s surface. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally produced resource found in the body that aids in the moisture, health, and fullness of the skin, which naturally decreases in production with the natural aging process and sun exposure. Juvéderm is typically injected to fight moderate to severe lines and wrinkles and to restore volume loss in the cheeks, laugh lines, and lip areas so that you can see results instantly!

The Benefit of Juvéderm

If you want a simple, instant fix without surgery then injectable fillers like Juvéderm can be the answer. The office visit is quick and easy so you can return to work or normal activities the same day. It is just recommended to not do strenuous activity or exercise for at least 24 hours. Wrinkles and fine lines fade away before you leave the office and you look refreshed not to mention years younger. The best part is Juvéderm can last almost 9 months and in some cases up to a year or longer. A regular routine of Juvéderm injections, added to your daily skincare regime, can fight the signs of aging without invasive surgery. Let’s look at the areas that Juvéderm can help.

7 Ways Juvéderm Can Help You

Fillers, like Juvéderm, do just that--they “fill in” the lines and grooves produced with natural facial expressions like smiling or laughing. With the natural aging process, skin doesn’t bounce back as easily due to the loss of elastin so those lines can “stick around”. Adding volume to the affected areas with an injectable filler can increase plumpness and enhance the way the skin looks making it appear refreshed and rejuvenated. New Jersey area men and women seeking facial rejuvenation may turn to Juvéderm to target certain areas of concern:


Juvéderm is often used around the eyes for deeper creases that some injections, such as BOTOX, cannot help. It can get rid of those pesky lines and smooth out the areas around the eyes to give them a softer look.

Laugh Lines

A common area for fillers, Juvéderm can erase the lines or grooves around the mouth or nasolabial folds also known as the lines that extend from the nose to the corners of the mouth. These “marionette lines” are typically caused by laughing or smiling. Many women, in fact, turn to this filler when they notice their make-up settling in their laugh lines or when they see static lines appear in this area. Juvéderm adds volume to those areas making the lines smooth out and less apparent.

Lip Augmentation

Juvéderm can “plump up” the appearance of thin lips making them look fuller and more voluptuous. It can then be massaged into surrounding areas around the mouth to add volume and decrease the look of fine lines. You can have fuller lips instantly!

Nonsurgical (“Liquid”) Rhinoplasty

With the help of Juvéderm, this filler can be injected into the nose to hide small nasal bumps, rounded tips, or noses that are too wide. It can help shape and contour the nose or simply help straighten out an irregular curvature. It is a non-surgical nose job for minor adjustments to cosmetically change the aesthetics of the nose. This is growing in popularity and can make subtle yet dramatic improvements to the nose and facial appearance.


To add volume in order to lift and contour the cheek area, Juvéderm is the preferred injectable filler. Especially helpful, as a non-invasive option, for individuals who have lost weight or volume in their facial area mainly in the cheeks. Juvéderm can remove that “sunken” look by plumping up the area of the cheekbones leaving a healthy, refreshed look.


Another area where the signs of aging can hit the hardest is the forehead area. Juvéderm can fill in the lines, also known as the “number 11” lines, that form horizontally across the forehead still allowing for natural facial expressions to occur but with more smoother appearance.

Scars or Other Blemishes

Juvéderm can help diminish or eliminate the appearance of scars on the face and other areas of the body. It can also help with scars left behind by acne depending on the size and severity. Juvéderm smooths out the appearance of scarring and can even be done with one treatment with results lasting up to a year or longer.

Candidates for Juvéderm

Anyone is a candidate for Juvéderm that wants help eliminating wrinkles and getting a more youthful look. Weight loss, sun exposure, and the natural process of aging are all factors that can change the appearance of our skin. Dermal fillers, like Juvéderm, can be the answer by adding volume, reducing wrinkles, and getting a rejuvenated look to your skin without surgery.

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments such as injectable fillers like Juvéderm can be a solution to ward off the signs of aging. As with all cosmetic procedures, a consultation with one of our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgeons at the Peer Group can identify where Juvéderm may best be used. Juvéderm is a safe and effective way to get you looking younger and feeling refreshed. Father time is just a number every year but you don’t have to look your age with the help of Juvéderm.

The Power of BOTOX--How To Get Your GLOW Back!

Does your face look tired? Do you see lines or wrinkles resting on your forehead when you look in the mirror? Or, when you look at photos of yourself smiling, do the lines around your eyes bother you? If you are hoping to find a solution to these upper facial lines and wrinkles, BOTOX can help you revitalize your look without surgery and get your glow back. This popular cosmetic treatment is used daily in our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery practice to help both men and women look and feel younger.

So what makes BOTOX so powerful and popular? Let’s start by explaining what it is and what it is used for.

The Power of BOTOX

BOTOX is an injectable solution using a form of botulinum (onabotulinumtoxinA) that has been proven safe to use in small doses. Since its FDA approval and introduction to the cosmetic world in 2002, BOTOX has been used by millions to fight the signs of aging. Originally used to treat migraines and certain conditions such as eye twitching, BOTOX was used medically before it entered the cosmetic realm. Used today to treat lines and wrinkles in the forehead and lines around the eyes (Crow’s feet) BOTOX works by temporarily freezing the underlying muscles so that facial movement is limited, helping to soften the effect of static lines on the surface. BOTOX can prolong the need to turn to surgical procedures for decades if used regularly.

Who Needs BOTOX?

Anyone in the greater New Jersey area who is looking to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles along the upper face can have BOTOX. Men and women alike eventually deal with the natural signs of aging. Fine lines and wrinkles start to appear and only get progressively worse with age. You can start using BOTOX in your 20s as a preventive measure against wrinkles and in your 30’s for just general maintenance. As you reach your 40s and 50s, BOTOX is looked at as a skin rejuvenation treatment to help turn back the hands of time and restore a softer look. Countless adults of all ages turn to BOTOX to help look refreshed and younger and continue to use it as long as they can before surgery is considered.

How does BOTOX work?

BOTOX injections are placed into target areas to temporarily stop muscles from contracting. The injections block the chemical signals from nerves therefore causing the muscles, especially in our face, to relax and ward off any more production of wrinkles with our day to day facial expressions. You can be in and out of the office in under 30 minutes returning to your daily routine.

Most Popular Areas for BOTOX:

Patients throughout the greater New Jersey area come to our plastic surgery center for BOTOX injections to treat the following areas of concern:

  • Forehead--The most common place to get BOTOX injections is the forehead. This is the area most affected by dynamic facial expressions and where lines, creases, and wrinkles tend to settle the most. BOTOX can help diminish lines on the forehead as well as smooth out glabellar lines located in between both eyes, also known as the “11’s”. So many of our patients are stunned at their results after one round of injections. It can refresh your entire look in a matter of days.

  • Crow’s feet--BOTOX can reduce the appearance of lines on the outer corners of the eyes. These are known as “Crow’s feet” and are caused from years of squinting and smiling. BOTOX helps smooth this area and reduce these lines.

  • Bunny lines--BOTOX can relax the muscles that create small lines at the bridge of the nose with facial expressions.

Other benefits of BOTOX:

  • For years, BOTOX has helped individuals who suffer from migraines by reducing their frequency or duration of them. Injected in small amounts into the scalp and head, it relaxes certain muscles that tighten the scalp as well as relaxes certain neurotransmitters that may trigger migraines or extreme headaches. BOTOX was used to treat migraines before it was introduced as a cosmetic enhancement.

  • Extreme sweating is a common problem with individuals called Hyperhidrosis. BOTOX has been found when injected into the armpits or palms of the hands it can reduce the production of sweat and reduce swelling.

  • BOTOX can also help with spastic muscles or spascity that can cause loss of mobility or even pain typically affecting the face, eyes, arms, or legs. When injected into the target area it relaxes the affected muscles to temporarily relieve individuals of this condition.

BOTOX plays well with others

The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery offers numerous cosmetic non-invasive and surgical options to the surrounding New Jersey area to get you looking and feeling great! One of the great things about BOTOX is it can be combined with other procedures to give you a range of treatments that work well together giving you the best end result.

  • BOTOX can be combined with injectable fillers such as Juvèderm. For example, Juvèderm can restore volume to the skin and plump areas where volume is depleted, which results in a reduction of lines and creates a softer skin appearance. Fillers can also be used for lip and cheek augmentation as well. When used in conjunction with BOTOX, the entire face gets a rejuvenated look.

  • BOTOX can be combined with one of our nonsurgical skin rejuvenation treatments such as facials, microdermabrasion, laser or chemical peels. Getting a rejuvenating procedure then adding BOTOX to reduce lines and wrinkles allows our patients to leave our center looking refreshed and younger!

  • BOTOX can also be used to compliment any cosmetic surgery, especially facial procedures such as a brow lift, facelift, or blepharoplasty. When using BOTOX after your surgical enhancement, you can get optimal, lasting younger-looking results.

There are several options and different cosmetic treatments that work well with BOTOX. It is one of the many benefits that makes BOTOX so popular! As with any cosmetic treatment or procedure a consultation appointment with one of our professionally trained New Jersey area plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery is recommended. BOTOX can be life-changing and definitely an amazing option to get a more youthful glow! Call or schedule your BOTOX appointment today!

Everything You Need To Know On Microblading In NJ

One of the hottest and must-have beauty trends are thick and perfect eyebrows.

Unfortunately, not everyone is naturally blessed with thick eyebrows. So how has this problem been solved? By drawing them on of course!

Many women have even over-tweezed their brows until they barely existed, causing them to slowly and thinly grow back.

So how does one recover from their teeny-tiny brows and get a fuller look? You guessed it! Microblading!

In NJ, microblading is affordable and a great choice for anyone needing a fuller look above the eyes. If you are unsure about microblading or need a little more filling in, you've come to the right place.

In this article, you will read all of the details you need to know for microblading.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a new-to-the-public procedure that's taking the world by storm. It makes drawing in your eyebrows and buying expensive powders/pencils a thing of the past.

The process of microblading is usually compared to tattooing, but it's different and much more precise.

The Procedure

Instead of using a machine, a microblading licensed technician will use a precision hand tool to implant pigment into the skin. Short, fine hair-like strokes aim to mimic your natural brow hair pattern.

Keep in mind, the idea isn't to create completely new brows but to fill in the ones you already have. The small t hair-like strokes fill in sparse areas of your brows. They can also be added where there are no eyebrows as well.

Before you schedule your appointment (or during your consultation) be sure to view your technician's results. While before and after pictures of microblading are impressive, they also help you see the kind of work your technician has done.

At first look, it's hard to believe that these women don't have any eyebrow product on, rather it's all underneath.

This is what makes microblading by far the most realistic and subtle treatment on the market for permanent eyebrow makeup.

Sessions and Follow Up

Most of the time, your initial microblading session won't be at your first appointment. This is because most practices will have you come in for a consultation. This time is used to talk about the desired brow shape and to choose the perfect shade of pigment.

The initial microblading treatment session is about 90 minutes.

A follow-up appointment is recommended two to three months after your first session. During this follow-up, they'll check on healing and go over an area that needs a touch-up.

The follow-up appointment should take about half of the time as your initial treatment appointment.


When all is said and done, the microblading healing process can take up to a month. Here’s what you can expect following treatment.

Days 1-3

During the first few days after your microblading treatment, the eyebrow area will be sore. It's normal for them to be both red and tender for the first few days. You may also see the eyebrows darkening but don’t panic. This is normal and part of the healing process.

Days 4-5

During the next few days, a scab may form and the brow area may feel itchy. Don’t scratch, peel or play around with this area. Let it heal on its own. You may also notice that the pigment will start to lighten

Why Should I Have a Touch Up Appointment?

Microblading touch-ups are recommended to keep your eyebrows looking as good as when they were first done.

Its normal for the brow color to slightly fade once healed after the treatment. This is normal. And sometimes our own body chemistry can cause the shape to change too. A touch-up appointment may be necessary to maintain the shape and color of the brows.

Will It Hurt?

If you're nervous about microblading, it's probably the idea that it will hurt. Well, you can calm those shaking nerves!

Most people who go through the microblading process experience no pain. The area is usually numbed with a topical, local anesthetic cream.

While your eyebrow area is numb and at the worst, it may feel like light scratches. It's nothing you can't handle! If you've gotten a tattoo before, it's even less painful than that.

Taking Tylenol before the session is a good idea if you're worried about your personal pain tolerance. Afterward, it may feel like a light sunburn on your brows.

Minor scratches and a light sunburn? That's nothing! You'll be fine.

How Long Does It Last?

Microblading is not permanent. With today’s technology, microblading results last up to two years.

When your color fades, you won't experience anything abnormal - just the gradual fading of color.

If you have oily skin, your brows may fade faster. The natural oils in your pores can push out the ink.

Don't worry though, you can have the procedure done again when you're ready. The second time you'll already know what it's all about and won't be nervous at all!

Where Can I Get Microblading in NJ?

When you look for microblading in NJ, you want to make sure that you're getting a technician who's certified and experienced. So look no further than The Peer Group!

Our microblading technician is New Jersey state licensed with over 25 years of experience in plastic surgery and the medical skin care industry.

Schedule your consultation today.