The top 5 cosmetic treatments for women over 40

While you may feel a bit wiser and more established in your forties, many women also begin to notice changes in their bodies and how they feel about themselves. Even though aging is a natural part of life, it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to do anything about it. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group located in Florham Park, NJ offer many treatments and procedures that can help reverse some of the signs of aging and leave you looking and feeling like a whole new woman. Here, we share the top five procedures that women over 40 are getting to help turn back the hands of time.

Breast augmentation

While breast augmentation is a popular procedure in general, many New Jersey area women in their forties request this treatment when they begin to notice changes with their breasts. Oftentimes, as we age the breasts begin to deflate and can lose their fullness and shape. A breast augmentation procedure can give you the fuller, rounder breasts you long for and provide an instant confidence boost. Deflated breasts can be revitalized and look fuller with the help of breast implants. Most women take this opportunity to increase their cup size and get the larger breasts they’ve always wanted. Since pregnancy, nursing, age and gravity can affect a woman's breasts; it’s important to note that some women may also benefit from a breast lift. Implants will correct the size and shape of your breasts, but if they’re sagging and droopy you may need the breast lift procedure in order for the breasts to appear perky and more youthful. Women close to their forties are usually past their pregnancies and determine that it’s time to finally get the breasts they’ve always wanted.

Tummy tuck

It is common for women to hold off on a tummy tuck procedure until they’re finished having children. A tummy tuck is a great option for women who not only struggle with stubborn excess skin and fat that’s been a nuisance since pregnancy, but also for women who would like to have a trimmer waistline. Even women who have lost a good amount of weight look into a tummy tuck so they can attain a flatter, more toned abdomen and have the loose skin removed that may be the result of such weight loss. A tummy tuck will flatten and shape the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles leaving your tummy looking smooth and toned. You may have entered your forties with a tummy bulge, but that doesn’t mean it has to hang around forever.


Liposuction is a great way to get that hourglass body you’ve always dreamt of but didn’t think was possible. Liposuction is used to shape and contour the body and remove pockets of fat from various areas of the body. This procedure works well on patients who can’t get rid of the fat through diet and exercise alone. Many women in their forties also consider this procedure as their metabolism has started to slow down and they’re finding it more and more difficult to shed the excess weight. Some of the most common areas include the hips, abdomen, thighs, and love handles. The traditional method of liposuction provides great results and involves a small incision in the skin and then a small surgical tool called a cannula is used to suction out the fat leaving your body looking sculpted and more defined. Another popular option is CoolSculpting which also provides similar results to traditional liposuction but without surgery. The New Jersey area plastic surgeons at the Peer Group offer CoolSculpting as an alternative to traditional liposuction and it continues to grow in popularity. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, no-downtime procedure that uses cold energy to freeze the fat away without damaging the surrounding skin or tissue.


While BOTOX has always been a popular choice for women of various ages, it’s probably the most common anti-aging treatment for women in their forties, and one they use on a regular basis. BOTOX works wonders on many areas of the upper face including reducing the appearance of the horizontal lines that appear on the forehead, along with the vertical lines that appear between the eyes. Another common problem area that is treated with BOTOX includes the lines that appear on the outer corners of the eyes known as the Crow’s feet. New Jersey area patients who use BOTOX on a regular basis report seeing fewer lines and wrinkles on their face and are incredibly pleased with their smoother youthful appearance.

Injectable fillers

Lines and wrinkles begin to increase in our forties as hormone levels start to dip which then affects collagen production causing the skin to lose elasticity and appear dull. Injectable fillers are good for improving the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin by filling in creases or lines and adding volume to specific areas to enhance shallow contours. Fillers are highly effective at reducing the side effects of aging and work by filling in the soft tissue that’s located underneath the skin.

One of the leading fillers that the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group use to treat New Jersey patients is Juvederm. Juvederm can be used to target specific problem areas to help create an overall smooth, even appearance. Some of its top uses include reducing the horizontal lines on the forehead, lines around the nose and mouth and it can even be used to enhance the size and fullness of the lips. Some patients use variations of Juvederm for their mid-face area too, which can give a non-surgical mini “facelift” in some patients. Patients are very pleased with the results from Juvederm and enjoy seeing their wrinkles disappear right before their eyes.

Contact us to learn more

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these procedures then please give our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery office a call to setup an initial consultation. You’ll meet with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons who will address your concerns, conduct a physical examination, and create a customized treatment plan based on your needs.

Your age doesn’t have to define you. Give us a call today to take the first step to a new and improved you. We look forward to joining you on your journey to looking and feeling fabulous in your forties.

What is CoolSculpting--and does it work?

CoolSculpting is the hot new procedure that freezes fat away. It is an advanced cosmetic fat reduction treatment that thousands of New Jersey area men and women are having done to slim down and enhance certain body parts that have proven to be hard to shape with exercise and diet alone. So hot is CoolSculpting in fact, it has been featured all over the media, from the Today show and commercials, to ads on billboards.

Since its FDA approval in 2010, CoolSculpting has been on the fast track as a popular treatment in the cosmetic world to eliminate fat or improve the appearance of unsightly areas that need a little extra help. It is great for individuals who are at a healthy weight, but have that annoying, pesky bulge they just want gone. Coolsculpting has become so popular because it works. In addition, it doesn’t require surgery or a lengthy recovery.

So what is all the buzz about? Learn the basics about CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting: What makes it so cool?

The CoolSculpting procedure is an innovative in-office treatment that safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to effectively target fat cells that reside under the skin. The treated fat cells are crystalized (frozen and then turned to liquid). Over time, in a matter of a few short weeks, your body will naturally process the fat and eliminate these dead cells through the body’s natural elimination process, leaving a more sculpted look. CoolSculpting has risen in popularity because of its non-invasive nature. It can be performed on your lunch hour in a quick office visit that does not require sedation, surgery, sutures, a lengthy recovery, or scars. Unlike traditional liposuction, CoolSculpting treats the fat under the skin while leaving the top layer unaffected. In about 2-3 months patients see noticeable results and a slimmer contour.

What areas can I target?

Coolsculpting is a cosmetic procedure that requires no surgery for areas of the body that just won’t change or improve with diet and exercise. It is extremely popular for slimming the abdomen, flanks, and lower back. Individuals that are close to their ideal body weight but are needing a little extra help in the following areas could consider Coolsculpting.

  • Under the chin (double chin)

  • Bra fat or the area in front of the armpit

  • Underneath the upper part of the arms

  • Back fat

  • Flank area (above the hips)

  • Abdomen

  • Bottom half of the gluts or buttock (also known as the banana roll)

  • Thighs

  • Knees

Coolsculpting can target these areas to rid unwanted fat and create a slimmer look. You can start seeing results 12 weeks after your treatment and the good news is CoolSculpting results are long term!

The Procedure explained

When patients come to our New Jersey area plastic surgery center for their CoolSculpting treatment, they are made to feel relaxed in a treatment chair. A gel pad and applicator is then applied to the treatment area. The applicator uses a vacuum to draw the skin and underlying fat tissue into the device. Patients may feel a mild pulling or pinching sensation but there is minimal discomfort associated with CoolSculpting. The controlled cooling is then applied to the target areas, which will cause an intense feeling of cold that subsides during treatment. Patients typically browse their phones, read, relax or nap during the procedure.

Natural fat elimination

Once the the targeted area(s) are treated, the frozen fat cells turn to liquid and over time are naturally eliminated by the body over about a 12-week timeframe. If more than one treatment is necessary, you will still see contouring results in the target area(s) after this timeframe and then even more amazing results in 2-3 months after your last treatment. It can be determined at a consultation appointment, with a trained professional, if you need one or several CoolSculpting treatments to get you the best end result.

Maintaining your slim results

Coolsculpting “destroys” the fat in those target areas with the freezing process therefore permanently eliminating the fat cells but if an individual gains weight after the treatments then the remaining fat cells may enlarge as they absorb the extra fat. Most patients of CoolSculpting are so pleased with their end results that research has shown they are more likely to continue taking care of themselves with a healthy diet and regular exercise in order to maintain their results.

Is CoolSculpting right for me?

Anyone is a candidate for Coolsculpting who is at their ideal body weight. Since stubborn fat can affect anyone (men or women) it can be a cosmetic treatment for any gender. For example, a mom who has had children but still struggles with a small pooch on her stomach, or a man struggling to get rid of those “love handles” but no amount of exercising is changing the way they look. These are just some examples of ideal candidates who can get results with Coolsculpting.

Throughout the greater New Jersey area, Coolsculpting has proven to be a great non-invasive cosmetic treatment to get great slimming results. No downtime, no surgery, and no scars are several reasons why both men and women turn to this fat reduction treatment over traditional liposuction. It can be customized to the areas you want to target and more than one area can be done leaving you feeling better about what you see in the mirror! Let’s face it, in some cases exercise and diet can only do so much, especially as we age, so finding a non-invasive cosmetic treatment like Coolsculpting with lasting results can be the answer!

If you would like to know more about CoolSculpting and the benefits it can offer you, we invite you to call the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ for more information.

Top reasons why BOTOX is so popular

Truth be told, you probably have at least one friend or multiple friends who have had BOTOX and keep going back for more. BOTOX injections are incredibly popular these days and for good reason. The injections smooth the skin reducing lines and wrinkles. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, New Jersey, have compiled a list to give you a better idea of why so many people have jumped on the BOTOX bandwagon and are singing its praises.

So why is BOTOX in such high demand?

If you are considering BOTOX but are worried about how your results will look or feel anxious that someone may find out; it helps to know that more than 7 million Americans get BOTOX treatments each year. In fact, it is the number one non-surgical cosmetic treatment performed here in the U.S. What makes BOTOX so popular?

Look and feel younger

BOTOX creates a smooth, soft, glowing complexion. Both men and women who get BOTOX injections look and feel their best year-round. At a small cost, during a short appointment, patients can instantly turn back the hands of time. It is easy, effective, and safe. For this reason alone, countless New Jersey area patients visit our plastic surgery center on a regular basis to get their BOTOX injections.

No anesthesia

There’s no need for anesthesia with BOTOX injections because you’ll only feel a small pinch during the treatment. Depending on the number of areas being treated, you’ll have a few injections in various areas of your face and the procedure will be over before you know it.

No downtime

One of the many benefits of BOTOX is that it is a non-surgical treatment. This means that there’s no downtime like you’d expect with a surgical procedure. You won’t need to take off any time from work, have a friend drive you to the office, fill prescriptions, or do anything special to aid in recovery. Simply stated, there is no recovery!

Minimal side effects

The side effects from BOTOX injections can vary. The most commonly reported side effects to include minor swelling or bruising at the injection site. While these side effects are more of a nuisance, they’re definitely not something that will prevent you from continuing with your normal activities. Side effects from BOTOX are gone within a matter of hours.

Results are visible within days

Once the Botox treatment is complete, it will take about 3 to 5 days to see the full results leaving your skin smoother and more vibrant for an overall refreshed look. Lines and wrinkles that once existed along the forehead and around the eyes will be gone and you will look and feel years younger.

It’s quick

You make an appointment, come to our Florham Park, New Jersey plastic surgery office, receive your BOTOX injections, and go on with your daily activities. You won’t believe how quickly you’ll be in and out of our office and on your way. Some people even schedule their treatments during their lunch breaks, it’s that quick!

You don’t look fake or unnatural

BOTOX allows you to still have natural facial expressions and will not make your face look frozen or fake. Another perk of BOTOX is that you can focus on one particular area, or many depending on what you’re trying to correct. Each treatment is customized allowing you to be very specific with the areas you want to improve.

It’s affordable

Compared to many other cosmetic treatments, BOTOX is not nearly as expensive as you’d think and you only have to pay for the amount that is being used. The total cost of your treatment will be discussed in greater detail during your consultation. Ask us about Brilliant Distinctions, a free membership program where you earn, redeem, and save on Botox treatments.

It’s FDA approved, safe, and effective

There’s no need to worry whether or not BOTOX is the real deal. It’s the first and only FDA- approved treatment proven to help reduce wrinkles and forehead, crow’s feet and frown lines making the skin smoother and more youthful-looking.

It also has medical benefits

Aside from the obvious cosmetic benefits, BOTOX is also responsible for many medical benefits. It can help to reduce excessive sweating by blocking the nerves that trigger the sweat glands. BOTOX also works wonders on people who suffer from debilitating migraines by blocking the release of chemicals that are involved in pain transmission. It can actually prevent migraines before they start which is a game-changer for many people. BOTOX can also help treat eye-twitching by weakening the muscles that control the eyelid, which then helps relieve the spasms.

Are you ready to give it a try?

If you’re ready to see the benefits of BOTOX for yourself then give our Greater New Jersey office a call to set up a consultation. You’ll meet with one of our surgeons and go over your medical history and discuss your cosmetic goals in order to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for BOTOX injections.

BOTOX is one of the most popular choices for smoother, younger-looking skin. It’s quick and easy and provides amazing results. You don’t have to spend tons of money or endure painful procedures in order to improve your appearance. Give The Peer Group a call so you can enjoy the many benefits of a BOTOX procedure. The only regret you’ll have is wondering why you didn’t give it a try sooner.

12 facts to know about CoolSculpting

You may have already heard about all of the great benefits of a CoolSculpting procedure, but are still on the fence whether or not it’s the right choice for you. CoolSculpting is an innovative fat removal treatment that involves freezing stubborn fat cells through a process known as cryolipolysis, allowing the cells to dissolve, turn to liquid, and leave the body. The result is a slimmer, more defined figure without having to undergo surgery. The Peer Group located in Florham Park, New Jersey, uses this technique on men and women with outstanding results.

If you are considering a CoolSculpting procedure in the greater New Jersey area, here are some tips that may be helpful as you decide what fat removal treatment is right for you.

Top 12 facts about CoolSculpting

It all started with a popsicle

Years ago, two scientists observed some children eating popsicles and noted that their cheeks began to dimple due to the cold temperature of the popsicles. The scientists realized that popsicles were freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells on the inside of the cheeks. Soon thereafter, the method of eliminating fat by targeting and freezing it, also known as cryolipolysis, was born.

It’s a great alternative to liposuction

CoolSculpting offers many of the same benefits as liposuction, but without the need for surgery. This non-surgical fat removal procedure uses cooling to help eliminate stubborn fat without damaging the surrounding skin or tissue. It does not require general anesthesia, incisions, or other aspects that traditional liposuction uses.

It can reduce fat by up to 25%

This procedure is extremely effective at removing and eliminating stubborn fat. In fact, the results are so good CoolSculpting can lead to a fat reduction of up to 20%. Of all non-surgical liposuction methods, CoolSculpting remains one of the most popular choices among New Jersey area patients seeking an alternative to liposuction.

There’s no downtime

Many patients choose to resume their normal day’s activities after completing a CoolSculpting procedure. Since the procedure is nonsurgical there’s no need to have to wait for any anesthesia to wear off and there’s no need to take time off of work to allow the body to heal. Instead, you’re good to go immediately following the procedure with limited recovery protocols.

It’s discreetly non-invasive

Since CoolSculpting is non-invasive, the procedure is incredibly discreet when compared to liposuction as there are no needles or surgery to deal with. This also means that there are no incisions or scarring to worry about. Nobody will ever know you had fat cells frozen and removed unless you choose to tell them.

It’s suitable for both men and women

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting are men and women who are within their ideal weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment and is only intended to remove stubborn fat in areas that show resistance to normal weight loss patterns. CoolSculpting is not a good option for people who are overweight or obese. While CoolSculpting can treat many areas of stubborn fat, it may not be the ideal solution for certain parts of the body. Your surgeon will be able to confirm whether or not CoolSculpting can give you the results you’re wanting or if there is a better option available to you.

It focuses on fat cells only

Unlike liposuction, there is little risk of damage to surrounding tissue as CoolSculpting specifically targets isolated fat cells.

Results can be seen in as early as 1-2 months

Once the fat cells have been destroyed, it can take some time for them to leave the body. On average, it takes anywhere from 1-2 months for the body to naturally process the fat and remove it from the body. Once the frozen fat cells are eliminated you’ll be able to fully enjoy the results from the procedure.

Safe and effective

CoolSculpting is the only non-surgical fat reduction, fat-freezing procedure that has been approved by the FDA. It is safe and effective for fat removal with proven results that have been shown in numerous research studies.

The side effects are minimal

The most commonly reported side effects from our Greater New Jersey patients include mild tugging, pinching, and intense cold during the actual procedure. Following the procedure, the biggest complaints have been temporary redness, swelling, or bruising. These side effects tend to resolve within a few days or weeks. These side effects are minimal when compared to many fat eliminating surgical procedures on the market.

Can treat multiple areas of the body

CoolSculpting can treat multiple areas of the body where stubborn fat is present. Some of the most commonly treated areas include the stomach, thighs, knees, upper arms, and chin. Oftentimes, patients have more than one problem area treated during the same procedure.

The procedure is a breeze

Most patients feel a little anxious prior to any type of medical procedure, but you won’t have to worry about this with CoolSculpting. Aside from feeling cold initially, the area then becomes numb and you won’t feel much of anything. In fact, many patients read a book, watch a movie, play on their phones, or even take a nap during the procedure.

So how do I get more info?

If you’d like to see how CoolSculpting can sculpt and tone your body then give the highly-skilled surgeons at The Peer Group a call to set up a consultation. The consultation will help your surgeon determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for this procedure. Since everyone’s body is different you may have multiple problem areas that need to be treated. Your surgeon will be able to create an individualized treatment plan that will suggest which areas to treat and how many procedures are recommended to give you the results you desire.

We look forward to assisting you on your fat eliminating journey. We’d love to have you visit our Florham Park office to learn more about a CoolSculpting procedure and the life-changing results it can provide. Get ready to fall in love with your body all over again, from every angle.

How plastic surgery can make you look great, and feel better

The results from a plastic surgery procedure not only do wonders for your body, but they also make you feel better about yourself which is equally as important. So how exactly can plastic surgery have such drastic effects on your life? Read further to find out why the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group, in Florham Park, NJ, do what they do. They have witnessed so many transformations in the lives of their patients following a plastic surgery procedure in their greater New Jersey office.

The many benefits of a plastic surgery procedure

Data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows the explosive growth and popularity of plastic surgery. In 2016, more than 17.5 million people had a surgical or minimally invasive procedure. In fact, the same study announced that more and more Americans are turning to cosmetic procedures to enhance the way they look and feel. Minimally invasive techniques alone increased nearly 200% since 2000. According to the Peer Group, men and women throughout the greater New Jersey area are seeking cosmetic treatment for a number of reasons.

Increased self-esteem

Following a plastic surgery procedure, a patient will go through many emotions as they see their body transform before their eyes. Their problem areas that once caused them so much anxiety and despair are now a thing of the past. The attitude of a patient shifts from one of sadness and shame to hope and pride. Patients feel like they have more to offer others and finally feel satisfied with their new and improved bodies.

Improved self-confidence

Patients are incredibly aware when it comes to flaws in their appearance and that’s why many consider a plastic surgery procedure to begin with. A patient may have a troublesome area that they aren’t happy with, or one that causes them to be shy and avoid others out of fear of how people may judge or view them. Once the problem area that has plagued them with so many concerns and fears has undergone a transformation, patients exhibit a whole new level of self-awareness and are ready to take on the world. Patients report a willingness to try new things and experience new situations with their newfound confidence.

Lifelong improvements

Once a patient has undergone a plastic surgery procedure it not only provides fantastic results, but it gives patients the opportunity for self-reflection and empowerment. Patients worked hard to get these results and they want to do everything in their power to maintain them. They are overly aware of how their actions will affect their results. Changes in diet, fitness routines, and living healthier lifestyles are all common improvements following a plastic surgery procedure.

But wait, there’s more…

Taking a deeper dive, beyond overall improvements in how you look and feel about yourself, plastic surgery can also correct many issues related to one’s physical health. Plastic surgery can fix real issues that affect the everyday quality of life.

Corrects vision issues

Upper eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty, not only corrects loose skin but it also corrects the droopy eyelids that affect the peripheral visual field improving vision. Patients notice an improvement in their vision and also report the procedure helps with dry eye issues.

Improves mobility and function

This is especially true with skin removal and surgeries performed after a major weight loss. Patients who have loose, excess skin in the abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks find it difficult to exercise or be efficient in everyday life. Skin removal and body contouring treatments can truly be life-changing for patients as they are able to function and move more effectively.

Improves breathing and oxygen flow

A rhinoplasty procedure (nose job) can work wonders on the nose and can significantly change its appearance. In addition to that, the procedure can also improve the way a patient breathes by opening up the nasal passages and fixing a deviated septum. Patients report sleeping better and their partners no longer have restless nights caused by their loved one’s snoring.

Alleviates neck, shoulder and back pain

Countless women are burdened with large, oversized breasts. A breast reduction and breast lift procedure have been known to give patients a greater appreciation for life. Patients no longer have to deal with uncomfortable back, shoulder, and neck pain that stems from the extra weight of their large breasts. Many patients choose to start fitness programs after a breast reduction procedure now that their chest is no longer in the way, and they aren’t out of breath as nearly as fast.

Allows you to live a more fulfilled life

The bottom line is that many patients have reported living a more fulfilled, well-rounded life following a plastic surgery procedure. It’s as though they have a new zest for life and want to embrace their new bodies and everything that comes with it. A plastic surgery procedure can change the way you view the world along with the way you choose to take it on.

Where do I sign up?

If you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, but don’t know where to begin then please give our Florham Park, NJ office a call to setup an initial consultation with one of our highly-skilled New Jersey area plastic surgeons. You’ll be able to use this time to discuss your problem areas and go over the surgical options that are available to you. A physical examination will be conducted, along with a review of your medical history, and then an individualized treatment plan will be created to help you obtain your desired results.

The staff at the Peer Group looks forward to your visit to our office. Give us a call today to see why so many patients in the Greater New Jersey area choose our surgeons to provide amazing results and to help them transform their bodies and lives.

Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips: How To Make Sure You Recover Properly

Tummy Tuck (also known as abdominoplasty) is an effective and popular cosmetic surgery procedure that can flatten and tone the abdominal area. When healthy eating and exercise have helped you regain your figure, but still cannot help with loose skin or that stubborn “pooch” in the lower abdomen, men and women in the New Jersey area come to see the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ to discuss their options for tummy tuck surgery. There are various types of tummy tucks depending on your specific needs that range from an extended and full tummy tuck to a mini-tummy tuck. Regardless of which one you choose, the goal is to get optimal results. There are things you need to know and do prior to this cosmetic procedure to help get you there. Below, is information to get you started down the right path on your road to tummy tuck surgery recovery.

Helpful factors before surgery...

We see a great deal of New Jersey area men and women seeing flatter stomachs. However, many patients don’t realize beforehand that how they plan and prepare for their upcoming surgical procedure before they enter the OR can help their recovery afterward. Here are some simple tips:

  • Be patient with recovery. Remember to tell yourself during recovery that it will take several weeks to feel “normal” and look great!

  • Be prepared before surgery to have “distractions” during your recovery like movies or books that have been on your “to watch or read” list.

  • Inform your work that you are taking some time off and that you won’t be returning for at least a week. If they allow you to work from home, get your work space ready so that you can begin tackling some of the workload once you have gone through some of the initial recovery.

  • Have a good support system set up with people to help take care of you for at least the first few days week. Good care makes for better results.

  • Remember to keep in constant communication with your surgeon or their staff post surgery. Call with concerns or questions.

  • Keep your eye on the prize! Remember your end result will be better if you take care of yourself before and after surgery.

Factors that may affect the length of time for recovery…

The main factors that can affect the length of time it takes for a patient to recover are:

  • Poor physical health or not being at your ideal weight prior to surgery.

  • If liposuction is used or needed to remove fatty tissue during surgery, this could add to the recovery time.

  • A circumferential or extended tummy tuck, which involves a broader area and larger incision will take more time to heal.

  • Depending on how complex or how much surgical intervention is needed to address the muscular area to tighten the abdominal region could affect recovery time.

General tips for a better tummy tuck recovery:

The right surgeon…

The first and most important step is finding the right plastic surgeon and surgical center to perform your tummy tuck. Our board-certified New Jersey area plastic surgeons at The Peer Group have extensive knowledge with this procedure, which can only help a patient not only get the results they want but having quality work done makes for an easier recovery.

Be healthy from the start…

It is a known fact, that being healthy prior to a procedure will only help with the recovery. With a tummy tuck procedure, you want to be at your ideal weight pre-surgery. Be mindful of what you are eating and drinking before and after surgery, as weight gain can change or alter your amazing results.

Prepare to need help...

Having the right people in place to help you recover will only make it go smoother and faster. Make sure you have people helping you that are patient but firm so that they make sure you are following the post-surgical instructions.

Follow doctor’s orders…

Follow your surgeon’s instructions. Follow their protocol and post-surgical care instructions thoroughly. Take prescribed medications as instructed. If they tell you when you can do a light activity or return to work, follow their instructions even if you feel good. Remember they have done this procedure before so they know what you are going to experience. Let them give you the tools and information on how to have a successful recovery, which will only help your end results.

Keep your expectations in check...

Post surgery, your stomach isn’t going to be completely flat and you might even be concerned with how your scars look. Scars are part of the tummy tuck procedure but will lessen in appearance over time and can be concealed with clothing. Realize it will take time to look and feel normal. You have to let your body heal first so curtail your expectations when looking in the mirror. Some patients experience minor emotional mood swings post-surgery with a tummy tuck due to the initial discomfort and swelling as well as worry about how the incisions may look. This can leave patients feeling anxious, but remember why you decided to do this surgery. As we said earlier, keep your eye on the prize, which will be the end result of you having a flatter, more toned-looking abdominal area!

Rest is key…

It can’t be said enough, but rest and listening to your body are key after surgery. Taking it slow and easy and not overdoing it will aid in a smoother, quicker recovery and could possibly even shorten your overall recovery time. Even if you are feeling great, remember to rest and take time to heal!

Many factors can affect a patient’s recovery from a tummy tuck procedure. Every situation and person is different. Every person’s tolerance for pain varies as well as every person’s body recovers at a different rate. Either way, there are some standard things you can do to help your recovery, which only helps your end result to look great! The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ is here to help you and the surrounding New Jersey area so call or schedule your tummy tuck consultation today.

Breast Augmentation: Silicone or Saline? Understanding the real facts.

Every woman that contemplates breast augmentation surgery will ask themselves, do I want saline or silicone breast implants? Aside from what size is best to go with, this is one of the top burning questions New Jersey area women want answers to when discussing surgery with their surgeon. With advancements in breast augmentation, as well as medical improvements to the implants themselves, it is still the most popular cosmetic surgery according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Our board-certified plastic surgeons, at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are able to help you decide what type of implant is best for you but let us give some helpful information to get you started. We are going to help take the guesswork out of the saline or silicone question and show the benefits of both so you can make the right choice...for you!

Today’s implants…

Back in the 80’s, silicone was the popular choice for breast augmentation. When some cases of silicone implant rupturing came out causing women to be sick, the implants were briefly taken off the market. But FDA approval was quickly regained and silicone implants were redesigned. A question still commonly asked by patients, in regards to silicone implants, is are they safe? The answer is yes. Today’s implants are methodically engineered with better materials, in turn, offering more sizing options, textures, and shapes to choose from so patients can now safely enjoy their implants whether they be saline or silicone.

Considerations for breast augmentation

Breast augmentation still remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries because they offer New Jersey area women the opportunity to have fuller, shapelier breasts with little downtime and minimal to no side effects. They can help women feel sexier and regain their self-confidence and enjoy a shapelier silhouette that would otherwise not be possible. While some women are born with very limited native breast tissue, the natural process of aging, the toll pregnancy, and nursing takes on a woman’s breasts, weight loss and gain, are all factors that over time cause breasts to naturally lose volume or shape. Getting breast implants can change that for patients and give them back their self-confidence with beautiful, natural-looking results.

The filler difference...

Regardless if you choose saline or silicone, the outside or “implant shell” on both types of implants are essentially the same and have been medically improved to decrease incidences of punctures or implants rupturing. In fact, today’s implants are safer than ever before and ruptures of a silicone or saline implant are extremely rare. As for the difference in the inside filler material, it is simple. Saline implants are filled with a saline-type solution that is essentially sterile salt water. Silicone implants are filled with silicone-gel-type material. Both types have a great safety record. Even with the “silicone scare” decades ago, silicone implants are regarded as one of the most tested medical devices and quickly becoming the more popular implant choice because of their natural look and feel.

The perks about saline implants...

Patients in the state of New Jersey must be 18 years old to consider saline implants, unlike silicone implants which have state regulation of at least 22 years old. Typically the least expensive of the 2 types, saline implants also require a much smaller incision site than silicone. Saline implants or the “outer shell” are inserted first through a small incision and then filled with the saline solution during surgery. This enables the plastic surgeon to make adjustments during surgery in order to reach the desired size needed as well as allowing for better symmetry. Also with saline implants, it is not needed or recommended to have a follow-up MRI every 2-3 years to check for any possible rupturing. If the saline implant ruptures, it slowly deflates, which is visible to the patient. If this occurs, the saline is absorbed into the body (which does not create any harm for the patient) therefore showing obvious signs of an issue.

The perks about silicone implants…

The most popular choice today for most women is to choose silicone implants over saline. One of the main reasons is that silicone implants mimic natural-looking breasts. Due to the composition of the silicone-type material, they feel very similar to natural breast tissue, especially with the latest technology. They can also be offered in a variety of more shapes and sizes, compared to saline, so reaching a desired look for the profile is more achievable. Silicone implants are also lighter in weight which eliminates the “natural sag” that may occur over time. In addition, “rippling” that can occur under the skin rarely occurs with silicone implants.

Which one goes the distance?

It is a known fact, whether saline or silicone, breast implants are not medical devices that typically last forever. Individuals that had breast augmentation at a younger age may have to consider having one or both replaced over time. While it is reported that most implants can last up to 10 years, this is generally no longer the case. Women can enjoy their implants for many years beyond that number. After breast augmentation surgery, it is important to have your plastic surgeon assess your breasts throughout the years to ensure they still look, feel and function normally and are healthy. So as to the question which one lasts longer? Research studies show both saline and silicone have the same longevity.

Is the recovery different for saline or silicone?

The recovery time for both types of implants is about the same. You could return to work in a few short days. And resume more vigorous activities, if cleared by your surgeon, in a few weeks. Full recovery and optimal aesthetic outcome is usually seen within 3-4 months.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, discuss all of your options with your plastic surgeon and allow them to help you determine which implant type is the best fit for you. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are one of the leading cosmetic practices in the New Jersey area. With their advice, they can help guide you on choosing the right implant type in order to give you the best end result! Call or schedule your breast augmentation consultation with The Peer Group today.

Tummy Tuck Surgery--Your Checklist For A Tighter Tummy

Tummy tucks continue to rise in popularity. With recent advances in medical technology and various tummy tucks to choose from depending on your body type and goals, it is easier than ever for New Jersey men and women to get the flat, toned tummy they have always wanted. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery are leading experts in body contouring treatments such as tummy tuck surgery (also known as abdominoplasty). There are some things you should know before undergoing this surgery so that you can get the best results out of your tummy tuck. Below is a checklist to help answer your questions and give you a fresh take on how cosmetic surgery can change your figure and your life.

Step One: Know what you want from a tummy tuck procedure

A tummy tuck is an option to enhance your abdominal area and increase your confidence. Knowing your expectations prior to surgery can only help the plastic surgeon and you during your initial consultation appointment. Knowing what you want help with and the aesthetic outcome you desire will enhance the dialogue between you and your doctor allowing for the surgeon to provide detailed feedback so you can attain a better end result. Here are some key things to think about:

  • What are your areas of concern for your stomach area?

  • Do you have stretch marks you are trying to eliminate or make less noticeable?

  • Did you lose a significant amount of weight that requires extensive skin removal?

  • Have you had one or multiple pregnancies and simply want to get your pre-baby tummy back?

  • Are you in good shape, but desire a little tightening to keep up with the aging process?

  • Is your goal to get back into a 2-piece bathing suit?

  • Ultimately, what is the end result that you desire?

Step Two: Understand if you are a good fit for this treatment

Genetics, pregnancies, large weight fluctuations, and the natural process of aging are all factors that can change the appearance of our midsections. Loose skin, isolated pockets of fat, and the unwanted “pooch” can all be the result of various life occurrences. Tummy tuck surgery is one that is performed to remove this excess skin and fat in the abdominal area and tighten the underlying muscles for a flatter, more toned look. So do you think you are a good fit for this surgery?

  • Have you managed to get to a good body weight but are still struggling to attain a flatter stomach no matter how many sit-ups you do, or how much you exercise or eat right?

  • Are you done having children and just can’t get your lower abs to bounce back and be firmer even with doing daily core exercises?

  • Has pregnancy left your once expanded tummy with loose or wrinkled skin, excess fat, and the appearance of stretch marks?

  • Have you recently lost weight or a significant amount but are now left with excess skin that is draping in folds?

  • Are you noticing that your stomach just is not as tight as it use to be and has loose skin that once wasn’t there due to the natural aging process?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then you may be a great candidate for a tummy tuck. When skin loses it elasticity or the abdominal muscles underneath have been “stretched” there are no forms of exercise that can change it. A tummy tuck is the solution to regaining those areas of your midsection you have lost and want back!

Step Three: Understand what kind of tummy tuck you need

If you have done all the work beforehand, then a tummy tuck can be the solution to getting your midsection over the finish line. With a few different surgical options to consider, our greater New Jersey area plastic surgeons can determine which technique will be best for your specific condition. Some of the tummy tuck surgeries to consider include:

  • A full tummy tuck (the incision spans from hip to hip--also known as the traditional approach)

  • An extended tummy tuck (the incision reaches just beyond the hip bone for those with significant excess skin or fat removal)

  • A mini tummy tuck (the incision is smaller and positioned just under the navel for those needing minimal skin tightening)

  • A reverse tummy tuck (the area of focus is on the upper abdomen/upper torso region where the incision is generally made under the breast fold)

Your initial consultation will involve meeting with one of our expertly trained plastic surgeons and letting them listen to what you want from your tummy tuck procedure. They will diagnose what you need, which tummy tuck procedure will give you the best results, and determine if you are good candidate.

Step Four: Do all you can to get ready for surgery so you’ll have great results

If you have decided that a tummy tuck is an option, then you need to optimize what you need to do to get the best end result. This starts with finding the right plastic surgeon. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group are part of a fully accredited center that is one of the top plastic surgery facilities in the country, as well as in the New Jersey area.

There are some key factors that will help before and after your tummy tuck surgery. A tummy tuck is not a weight loss option. It is for individuals that are at a healthy weight and have maintained it for more than 6 months. To get the best results, patients will need to:

  • Quit smoking, if you currently are, which will help with your recovery and healing process.

  • Consider if you are planning to have more children. For women, the best tummy tuck results last if you are done being pregnant. Obviously, the abdominal area is affected by pregnancy and you want to enjoy the new look of your stomach!

  • Adhere and try to live a healthy lifestyle prior to a tummy tuck procedure. This will only help you with your recovery and healing process. A tummy tuck is a major surgery and it takes several weeks to properly heal and see the results you have been wanting.

A tummy tuck is not a solution for weight loss or trying to get out of exercising ever again. Consider it a “boost” to the work you have already put in. A tummy tuck can not only give you a flatter, tighter-looking stomach but also can give you more self confidence about your appearance. Call or schedule your tummy tuck consultation today with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in the New Jersey area and get the midsection you have always wanted!

What's Trending In Breast Augmentation Surgery

The trend hasn’t changed with breast augmentation surgery still being the most popular plastic surgery performed in 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Yet with today’s medical advancements, breast augmentation is trending to become less invasive, a quicker recovery, and now more than ever, there are more options for patients to get an even better end result. The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey is one of the leading plastic surgery facilities in the New Jersey area for breast augmentation procedures.

Let’s take a look at the latest trends and what you should be considering with your breast augmentation surgery.

A different end result...

The biggest trend seen today in breast augmentation are women wanting a more natural look to their implants. The past trend of women wanting to go straight to a double D size implant, with a more obvious enhancement to their breasts, are farther and fewer between. Today’s women are more active and having larger implants can hinder certain outdoor activities or exercises. The scope has changed where women are wanting a more natural enhancement to give a less obvious improvement to their breasts leaving them with a more healthy, fit look.

Less invasive, better recovery…

Today, thanks to modern medical advancements, most patients recover in a shorter amount of time after breast augmentation surgery. Amazing strides have been made in this area of cosmetic surgery offering patients less invasive surgical procedures and better options for general anesthesia to help with a quicker recovery. New gentler forms of general anesthesia are being developed thus allowing patients to recover faster from their surgery while not trying to recover from the effects of anesthesia at the same time. Patients are able to walk or even go to dinner, the day after surgery, with a more mild sedation and less side effects.

Implant choices…

The tried, true, and tested popular implant choices are still available today, that being either saline or silicone, but there are more advancements in technology, which have made them more durable, safe, and long-lasting. Improvements in silicone implants have decreased instances of rupturing which has caused a rise in women choosing them over saline for a more natural look. Implants are offered in around and now tear shape option, which looks more like the natural shape of a breast with a variety of profiles or dimensions to them. The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey is also one of the few select practices that offers the IDEAL IMPLANT?. The latest in implant options, this implant is engineered to give women a more natural-looking breast implant with saline allowing for a smaller incision site and less scarring post-surgery.

Natural options...

One of the latest trends is not using an implant at all, but rather using your own fat to be the filler. With the latest advances in fat transfer surgery, patients can choose to have liposuction on an area of the body that has excess fat and have it injected into their breasts to increase their size. This treatment leaves no scars and leaves the breasts looking natural.

New breasts with a lift...

This two-part combo procedure in breast augmentation is trending to become more popular especially among older women. If you have had multiple pregnancies, breastfed, lost a significant amount of weight, or are older (over 40) then a breast lift may be needed to give your breast augmentation surgery the best end results. More New Jersey area women are choosing to have a breast lift done at the same time to minimize recovery time from both procedures as well as reduce scarring. It is also safer to have both surgeries done simultaneously.

Other new trends…

Now more than ever knowledge and information is at the fingertips of anyone. With advancements in technology plastic surgery centers, like The Peer Group, can offer 3D images of what your breast implants will look like as well offer a virtual video showing you how your procedure will go. Giving patients today more detail information on the different type of surgical options available to them as well what they can expect post-surgery. Doing your research and knowing what you want prior to surgery, with the right board-certified plastic surgeon, are not new trends but ones that are made easier with today’s technology.

If you are considering breast augmentation the options on what you can do now are more diverse than ever. New Jersey plastic surgery centers, like The Peer Group, are keeping up with today’s technology and medical advancements in order to offer patients better implants, better post-surgery recovery, and longer-lasting results. Even being able to offer patients the option of no surgical scars or need to go under general anesthesia are all cutting edge procedures that have entered into the cosmetic arena of breast augmentation.

If you are ready to enhance your look with breast augmentation surgery, call or schedule your consultation today with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in Florham Park, NJ.

BROTOX: Full Disclosure, Guys Get BOTOX Too! Here's Why…

Self-care is not gender-specific….

BROTOX. You read that right. It is BOTOX for men and yes, men need BOTOX too! The natural process of aging isn’t gender-specific and more men today are looking to take 5-10 years off their appearance with the help of anti-aging procedures like BOTOX. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons over 400,000 men in the U.S. received BOTOX injections (a.k.a. BROTOX) in 2014 alone and that number has continued to rise each year. In this new era of cosmetic enhancements and facial regimens, the stigma that getting BOTOX is “not manly” is slowing becoming extinct. The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in the New Jersey area, offers BOTOX treatments for men….so let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Keeping up with appearances...

Whether you see it on social media or are now faced competing with someone half your age in the workplace, the “standard” is set high to look younger at any age. For years, women have been held to a higher standard when it comes to fighting the visible signs of aging. It’s now fair to assume that many of the women around you have had something done to keep their radiant glow and soft complexion. Men, by contrast, have always considered their sun-damaged appearances and wrinkles as a sign of hard work, “toughness”, and for some, it even adds a little sex appeal. However, men are now no longer excluded from the standard.

Hitting the gym, eating healthy, and avoiding the sun are all now factors men take seriously to look younger and stay “in the game”. The cosmetic industry, specifically, has seen a spike in men undergoing skin rejuvenation treatments and finding ways to put their best face forward. Today, these men are adding BOTOX to their facial regimen.


It’s no secret that when you hit your 30s things just start to change. Your youthful look seems to take a backseat to the creeping in of wrinkles or visible signs that you are getting another year older. In this competitive world and job market, men--just like women--seek alternative solutions to help them have a competitive edge against the younger competition. More men today are wanting to eliminate visible signs that they are in their 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s. That is where BOTOX can help and why more and more men are turning to the injectable scene to erase their real age.

How does BOTOX work?

BOTOX is derived from Botulinum Toxin Type A. Used for many years in the medical field, it is used in the aesthetic industry to treat facial wrinkles, most commonly in the forehead and around the eyes. BOTOX works by blocking the facial nerve endings, which temporarily freezes the underlying facial muscles. Daily facial expressions such as smiling or laughing, lifting your eyebrows with excitement, frowning, and even squinting at the sun are all actions that make wrinkles. Over time as we age, our skin loses elasticity and collagen which makes it harder for our skin to bounce back after these common expressions are made. The result is the appearance of static lines and wrinkles even when the face is at rest. With a simple BOTOX injection, dynamic movement is limited and the result is a smoother, softer, younger-looking complexion.

Where BROTOX can help...

Men, just like women, turn to BOTOX to help treat the same problematic areas on the face. It is used to diminish lines along the forehead, to combat “crow’s feet” around the eyes, or to smooth out the “11” lines that develop in between the brows. In men, these upper facial wrinkles and lines can cause one to look tired or angry. BOTOX injections can diminish or eliminate these lines and allow men to look years younger with just a single injection.

Your BROTOX appointment and maintenance

Men throughout the greater New Jersey area come to our plastic surgery center to get their BOTOX injections throughout the year. The appointments are quick and can be done in as little as 20 minutes. Just like with our female patients, we encourage men to come back within 3 - 4 months so we can help them maintain their younger-looking complexion year-round.

Hitting the gym afterwards

After your BOTOX procedure there can be slight swelling at the injection sites, but other than that there is no downtime or recovery needed. Vigorous exercise immediately following your BOTOX appointment may cause the medication to settle incorrectly or metabolize faster. Studies have shown if men exercise right after a BOTOX treatment it can cause the BOTOX to prematurely enter the body, which can cause the results to not last as long. If you want your treatment to last, then we advise holding out on your next workout for at least 24 hours.

The stigma of men getting BOTOX is becoming a thing of the past. BROTOX treatments are on the rise and men are coming to terms that even they can grow old gracefully with some help from cosmetic procedures. BROTOX is the new era of men keeping themselves looking younger at any age! The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in Florham Park, NJ can help you get started towards a younger-looking appearance. If you are tired of feeling old because of what you see in the mirror, we invite you to call our greater New Jersey plastic surgery office today to schedule your appointment.