Is There A Natural Looking Breast Augmentation Option?

Is There A Natural Looking Breast Augmentation Option?

While many patients considering breast augmentation are hoping for a dramatically enhanced look, a large majority of women still want their breasts to appear “natural,” Fortunately for these patients, modern cosmetic surgery provides a variety of procedures and products that are designed to yield an appealing, enhanced, though natural look for breast augmentation. Located in Florham Park, NJ, the board-certified plastic surgeons and expert medical team at The Peer Group have performed countless breast augmentation procedures for Greater New Jersey area patients seeking a more natural-looking result.

What is the best breast implant option for me?

With a great many options available for those seeking breast augmentation in New Jersey, it is more important than ever to understand the risks, benefits, and specifics of the various types of breast implants available:

Saline breast implants: Though not quite as popular as they once were, saline implants still offer many advantages, including:

  • Require a smaller incision

  • Approved patients under 22 years of age

  • Can be filled after placement to ensure symmetry

  • Naturally absorbed by the body if ruptured

As with any type of breast implant, saline implants have associated risks:

  • Tendency to ripple

  • Less natural to the touch

  • Slightly greater risk of rupture

Silicone breast implants: Quite popular as a breast implant option, the benefits of silicone implants include:

  • Lower risk of rupture

  • More natural to the touch

  • Less risk of rippling

  • Less susceptible to shape changes over time

Though very popular, there are still some disadvantages associated with silicone implants:

  • Because they are pre-filled, silicone implants often require larger incisions to insert and place the implants vs saline, which can be filled once placed inside the body

  • Unable to be absorbed by the body if ruptured, though rupture is slightly less likely when compared to saline implants

Cohesive gel: “Gummy Bear” implants are quickly increasing in popularity due to their many benefits, some of which include:

  • Natural look and feel

  • Less risk of rippling and folding

Fat Grafting: Though it is one of the lesser-known breast augmentation options, fat transfer to the breast is becoming a highly sought after New Jersey breast augmentation procedure. Because it uses a patient’s natural fat and tissue – usually harvested via liposuction from the thighs, love handles, or abdomen – the risk of rejection is almost non-existent. The harvested fat and tissue is used to reshape and resize the breast, and the result is an incredibly soft, natural-feeling breast.

Does fat transfer breast augmentation really work?

Breast augmentation using native fat transfer is a highly effective procedure for many patients, but the best way to find out if you are an ideal candidate for this particular surgery is to be evaluated by a qualified and skilled provider. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are committed to treating patients with the highest level of service and care and will take the time to evaluate each case thoroughly, answer all questions completely, discuss each patient’s goals individually, and make a plan of action that best suits your needs.

Fat transfer to breast can be highly beneficial for many patients, particularly due to the use of native fat and tissue which carries virtually no risk of rejection. Qualified and skilled plastic surgeons are able to extract fat from selected areas using liposuction and then inject this purified fat strategically in a way that can reshape, resize, and enhance the breast in the most natural way possible.

Who is a candidate for natural breast augmentation?

Fortunately, many women can be considered good candidates for fat grafting breast augmentation. As with any surgical procedure, some of the major considerations for candidacy are that a patient is a non-smoker, is in good health, and has no contraindications to general anesthesia or surgery. With breast augmentation procedures, it is preferred that patients have reached and maintained their goal weight for at least six months prior to surgery. Excess weight gain or loss can affect the look of the breasts.

While the experienced and knowledgeable plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can specifically advise patients on the best course of action during their Greater NJ breast augmentation consultation, in general, patients that have at least a small reserve of fat are better candidates for fat grafting breast augmentation compared with significantly thinner women.

If you think breast augmentation may be right for you and are interested in learning about the more natural options for the surgery, including fat transfer breast augmentation, call our office to schedule your consultation today. The board-certified plastic surgeons and a team of medical professionals at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ is committed to providing the highest level of patient care and will take the time to discuss all of the available options with you in order to determine a course of action that will best meet your needs.

How Long Will the Results of Blepharoplasty Last?

How Long Will the Results of Blepharoplasty Last?

Did you know that even your eyelids are not resistant to the effects of aging? It appears that almost every body part can potentially fall prey to the signs of aging, even the lids of the eyes. These small flaps of skin suffer from the effects of gravity, loss of skin elasticity, and depleted collagen, which are all synonymous with growing older. When men and women have excess skin that collects on the eyelid, it causes unattractive wrinkles and bulges. Many people are turning to cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery to reverse the signs of aging and look younger. When expertly performed by a highly qualified plastic surgeon in New Jersey, eyelid surgery can create dramatic results by removing and tightening “bags” of excess skin. The result is a more alert and youthful appearance.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one of the top five cosmetic procedures for men and women with over 100,000 performed last year alone, according to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, have expertly performed countless eyelid surgeries. This fantastic procedure has enabled their patients to finally get rid of excess, saggy skin, and puffy fat pouches around their eyes. An eyelid procedure can give both men and women a rejuvenated look. In some cases, it can even help patients see better as the loosened skin can hang low enough to impair vision. Read below for some insightful information from the expert New Jersey plastic surgeons at The Peer Group about this cosmetic procedure, including how long you can anticipate the results to last.

What is eyelid surgery?

For patients in Greater New Jersey, eyelid surgery is performed to help remove any excess, loose skin on the eyelids or underneath. Tired and droopy looking eyes are transformed by lifting them to a higher resting position, so they look alert and healthy again. Eyelid surgery is becoming an increasingly popular procedure, especially amongst older patients. The skin around the eyes is thinner, so when individuals get older, eyelids can begin to droop or sag, causing heaviness and laxity in the upper eyelid area. This popular cosmetic procedure combines beautifully with other techniques such as a brow or facelift to correct sagging skin for a more dramatic aesthetic improvement.

Medical or functional eyelid surgery in New Jersey is recommended if a patient's skin is so loose and puffy that it inhibits their ability to wear eyeglasses or contacts. Other medical conditions that require eyelid surgery many include irritation from excess skin folds or forehead discomfort from overused muscles that strain to lift sagging skin. Functional blepharoplasty is more common than one might think. It has a fantastic ability to not only correct the problem at hand but also make people look younger in the process.

Taking the first step

The first step to attaining this new rested, and awake look is to schedule a consultation and initial exam with one of our talented, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group. During this session, one of our surgeons will listen carefully to your aesthetic or medical concerns concerning the state of the skin around your eyes and provide you with your customized surgical plan for blepharoplasty.

Three types of eyelid surgery

There are three different types of eyelid surgery for Greater New Jersey patients that can be performed either separately or together as a combination. These types include:

Upper Blepharoplasty

This eyelid surgery focuses primarily on the removal of excess skin, fat, and muscle that falls over the natural crease of the eye, creating a hooded appearance. Aesthetically, it is performed to improve the presence of the eye, creating a more rounded look. It is also the most common for medical needs to restore the function of the lid by removing excess skin that may be impairing a patient’s vision.

Lower Blepharoplasty

This eyelid surgery corrects sagging and puffy under eye bags. When surgically removed, wrinkles and fine lines can be eliminated and provide a more youthful and healthy appearance. Lower eyelid surgery is also helpful in improving the contour of the eyelid as puffiness, and droopy tissue is eliminated.

Double Blepharoplasty

This technique is commonly performed on Asian patients to create a wider, larger opening of the eye area. An incision is made in the upper eyelid skin to create a new eyelid fold, giving patients more real estate in their eyelid area.

Lasting results

Eyelid surgery in New Jersey yields immediate and long-lasting results. Typically, men and women who undergo upper eyelid surgery can expect to enjoy their new appearance for five to seven years. It is rare for those who have had lower eyelid surgery to require any additional tweaking. This quick, outpatient procedure typically only takes 45 minutes but can last up to 2 hours if complementary procedures happen simultaneously. It is normal to have some eye redness and slight bruising or swelling around the eyes for the first couple of weeks. To prolong your results, wear sunglasses and sunscreen whenever outdoors.

Are you ready?

Whether you need this surgery for medical purposes or solely for cosmetic reasons, eyelid surgery can restore a patient’s overall appearance. This transformative procedure provides instant satisfaction for those who are tired of dealing with droopy skin above and below their eyes. We encourage you to call the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, to schedule a consultation about blepharoplasty today.

How Big is Too Big When it Comes to Breast Augmentation?

How Big is Too Big When it Comes to Breast Augmentation?

Size is a big factor to consider when it comes to breast augmentation surgery in New Jersey. Aside from making the decision to undergo this popular surgery, the size of the breast implant a woman chooses plays a significant role in her overall satisfaction. When it comes to bust size, bigger does not always mean better. This theory is especially true for small-chested women who desire a cup size boost. It is possible to over enhance and potentially cause unwanted issues, especially for a smaller-sized person. Besides appearing unnatural, an implant that is too large for a woman’s frame can lead to feelings of regret and newfound discomfort in the shoulders, neck, and back. Ill-chosen implants can make even routine exercise feel burdensome, uncomfortable, and take a toll on a woman's self-esteem.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery in the Greater New Jersey area, enlisting the help of a qualified and knowledgeable plastic surgeon is your first step. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, listen to their patient's aesthetic goals. Together they work to help determine the appropriate implant size that is proportionate to your body. During your consultation, they will explain this transformative cosmetic surgery in detail and provide you with answers to all your questions, ensuring your comfort level. Below our plastic surgeons have provided some crucial factors to consider for choosing the best implant size.

An adequate amount of breast tissue

New Jersey area women who have naturally smaller breasts, cup sizes A or B, may not have enough breast tissue to sustain larger implants. Breast implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters or CCs. Implant sizes typically range from 80cc to 800 CCs. When a patient opts for larger than 400 CC, without the breast tissue to support the size, the implants can show through the skin, looking awkward.

Body proportions

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group take into account a woman’s anatomy when determining the best implant size. That means a patient who is taller with a broader chest and hips can typically accommodate bigger implants, and they will provide an appealing balance to their frame and curves. Those with a more petite build and narrower chest enjoy the results of smaller implants. It is typically not recommended that a smaller-sized woman choose an implant larger than a C cup as it can give the appearance of being top-heavy.

Your lifestyle matters

New Jersey area women who are physically active and enjoy high-impact workouts should convey this information during their consultation. Those who enjoy running marathons may find that more massive breasts are cumbersome and can get in the way of vigorous exercise. Women may also discover it is challenging to find clothing that fits well and looks flattering on their bigger breasts. Simply stated, you want to feel voluptuous yet comfortable during the activities you love most.

Physical effects and potential risks of choosing too big

The goal for most women when they decide to have breast augmentation surgery in Greater New Jersey is to look and feel sexier. Implants do a fantastic job of filling out a bra, but too large of an implant can pose risks. The weight of large implants can cause the skin around the breasts to become overstretched, resulting in a saggy, droopy appearance. Oversized breasts can leave too much gap space and appear asymmetrical and disproportionate. Women with implants that are too large can experience chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain as well as frequent headaches and posture issues.

Other noted effects of choosing implants that are too big include breathing difficulties or shortness of breath, the result of excess weight on the chest. Larger breasts can also pose challenges when it comes to finding a comfortable sleep position. Rashes can develop underneath the breasts as well from consistent friction. Poor outcomes involving breast implants usually can be avoided by openly discussing with your plastic surgeon well in advance your expectations and goals for breast augmentation in New Jersey.

Selecting your size

When it comes to choosing the size of breast implants, New Jersey women have options. It is important to remember that a friend’s size DD breasts may look great on them; it does not mean that it will look the same on you. The correct implant size is determined based on a patient’s height, chest width, and other factors. Breast implants should not be chosen based on bra size. Bra sizes vary between different manufacturers, and despite the cup size, the actual volume may be very different. It is recommended that you bring the exact bra you want to wear after surgery with you to your sizing session. This highly customizable and personal procedure requires expert-level skills, such as those of the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in New Jersey. They have assisted countless women in finding the right size proportions for their bodies.

There are many factors to take into consideration when selecting your implant size. Your new breast volume should not be based on a picture of a celebrity or a friend. It is always best to choose a size that is right for your body. Your body and surgical plan for breast augmentation are unique and must fit your personal needs. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are here to assist you with this big decision. Call us today to schedule your consultation.

I Want Awesome Abs. What Are My Options to Get Them?

I Want Awesome Abs. What Are My Options to Get Them?

Who doesn’t want washboard abs? When diet and exercise alone aren’t providing toned and sculpted abs, turning to cosmetic help may be the best answer. Body contouring procedures in Greater New Jersey have grown in popularity and men and women are finding multiple options either with or without surgery to get those ideal chiseled, sculpted abdominals.

The board-certified, award-winning plastic surgeons of The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are known for their exceptional results with body contouring procedures. The Peer Group uses the latest innovations and surgical technology to create natural-looking, beautiful outcomes for their patients in Greater New Jersey. Body contouring procedures can sculpt and reshape certain areas, especially the abdomen. Procedures such as a tummy tuck, liposuction, and CoolSculpting are some of the body contouring options available for a tighter, more fit midsection. Let’s discuss ways you can get the fantastic abs you want and the cosmetic options The Peer Group offers.

Body contouring help

Women and men who want a flatter, toned midsection are turning to cosmetic procedures to make their vision a reality. It can be deflating to spend long hours at the gym doing countless sit-ups or core exercises without any abdominal definition as a result. With today’s modern cosmetic options in New Jersey, experts like board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can provide both men and women with that little extra boost to further contour their physique. From tumescent liposuction to non-surgical options like CoolSculpting or SculpSure, the options when it comes to body contouring in Greater New Jersey are giving patients the results they desire.  

Body contouring with surgical intervention

Healthy women and men in the greater New Jersey area are trying to find new ways to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in their midsection and gain more muscle definition. Liposuction is one of the most effective cosmetic tools that can further sculpt and create the abs a patient wants. 

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a popular body contouring technique performed by board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group. It is a suction-assisted form of liposuction that utilizes a unique injection, which is a combination of saline, a numbing agent, and medication that controls bleeding. Small incisions are made within the natural contours of a patient’s abdomen to minimize scarring. A unique cannula instrument then sculpts and removes fatty tissue that resides just underneath the skin to accentuate a patient’s abdominal muscles. This same-day outpatient procedure typically takes about an hour and is performed under a general anesthetic. It takes surgical precision and creative touch provided by the experienced plastic surgeons in New Jersey at The Peer Group to give patients incredible results.

Laser-assisted liposuction

This liposuction technique uses a laser to provide heat energy to melt the unwanted fat before permanent removal. Popular techniques include SmartLipo or LipoLift. The cannula instrument is much smaller than with traditional liposuction, so patients are only left with tiny scabs to heal. This less invasive form of liposuction uses a triple-wave laser device to deliver thermal energy to stubborn pockets of fat. Patients can have more abdominal muscle definition and less downtime for recovery with this option.

Tummy tuck with liposuction

A tummy tuck with liposuction can help remove those isolated pockets of fat and contour a patient’s entire midsection. This procedure is a more invasive surgical option to remove excess, loose skin, and unwanted pockets of fat standing in the way of having more abdominal definition. A tummy tuck with some form of liposuction may be what a patient requires to contour their abdominal area further. For patients in New Jersey, a tummy tuck requires more downtime and takes longer to heal than other procedures, but if sagging skin that can not be eliminated with exercise, diet, or liposuction along with stubborn fat in the abdominals is standing in the way of having the abs you always wanted then this may be the option you need. 

Nonsurgical abdominal contouring

Noninvasive body contouring treatments in New Jersey are also becoming more popular. You may have slimmed down with diet and exercise but still, need more abdominal definition without the downtime required by invasive surgical procedures. The expert plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can determine if any of these nonsurgical body contouring options are the right fit for you.


One of the first noninvasive body sculpting techniques since its FDA approval in 2010, CoolSculpting is still providing both men and women great results. The CoolSculpting device delivers a controlled cooling agent that essentially freezes away fat and is widely used to contour abdominal areas. The frozen fat cells die off and the body then naturally absorbs them, leaving patients with permanent results of a more contoured, sculpted midsection.


SculpSure is one of the latest advancements in New Jersey's non-invasive body contouring options. Nonsurgical liposuction procedures like SculpSure use laser thermal heat to target specific pockets of fat. It can reshape a patient’s desired area with no incisions, no downtime, and no scars. The Peer Group experts offer SculpSure and will determine during a consultation if it will give you the desired look for your abdominal area that you want.

Patients in the greater New Jersey area can get amazing results with one of these cosmetic options to further contour their abs. Staying at your ideal weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will allow patients to enjoy their new, sculpted abdominal area for years. The board-certified expert plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will help determine which option is right for you and be with you every step of the way. 

The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, has helped countless women and men achieve the look they want with the various surgical and nonsurgical body contouring options they provide. If you need more help getting the abs you always wanted, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with them today. 

What Are the Latest Trends in Body Contouring?

What Are the Latest Trends in Body Contouring?

Body contouring treatments in the Greater New Jersey area are quite popular these days for men and women who are looking outside the gym for extra help toning their bodies. Growing older, pregnancy, weight loss, and other factors can contribute to how our body changes. Noninvasive body contouring procedures like CoolSculpting or more invasive, surgical options like liposuction can reshape, rejuvenate, and tighten up trouble areas, so you look better aesthetically. Both men and women can turn to a number of body contouring procedures in New Jersey to enhance and tighten up troublesome spots so they can enjoy their new look.

The expert, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, provide several body contouring solutions to their patients across the Greater New Jersey area. From liposuction to tummy tucks and arm lifts or noninvasive treatments like CoolSculpting, The Peer Group offers numerous options to contour your way to a better you. Body contouring treatments are growing in popularity among individuals in New Jersey, and here is how The Peer Group is accommodating their needs.

The beauty behind body contouring in New Jersey

With today’s cosmetic advancements, there are several ways you can contour your body in New Jersey outside of the gym. Both men and women seek to reduce stubborn areas of body fat either for health reasons or simply to look better. A number of body contouring procedures can be customized to what each patient needs, addressing almost every area of the body. For decades, liposuction in the Greater New Jersey area has provided a surgical, helpful solution to give patients a slimmer, more contoured figure. Patients now have other options available when it comes to body contouring that is less invasive or doesn’t require any incisions at all. They also have a shorter recovery period, less downtime, or no downtime at all. The reasons that patients seek body contouring in New Jersey vary as much as the procedures. Some patients want a simple change to their waistline while others need contouring help in more than one area. With the ideal candidate, body contouring procedures can give you a well-proportioned look in all the right spots when performed by the professional board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group.

Who can benefit from body contouring procedures?

Individuals dealing with excess fat and skin in certain areas can benefit from body contouring procedures such as a tummy tuck and liposuction. Ideal candidates are within 10 pounds of their ideal body weight and are healthy, non-smokers. Weight loss patients who struggle with loose, excess skin that has lost elasticity may find that certain body lifting procedures can eliminate that problem and show off the hard work they’ve endured. Another example of a group that will benefit from body contouring in New Jersey is women who decide to have a tummy tuck after they are finished having children. Another growing group looking to body contouring in the Greater New Jersey area are men who want to get that chiseled, sculpted look to their physiques. No matter the patient, the qualified, experienced plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will listen to your aesthetic needs and then determine your appropriate body contouring treatment plan. Depending on what you need, you may be able to address different areas all at the same time.

Surgical or nonsurgical body contouring help

Body contouring envelops a wide range of options. You can have a lower body lift to tighten up loose skin and further sculpt the areas of your hips, buttocks, and thighs all in one surgical session. With the latest nonsurgical innovations, you can possibly forgo more invasive surgery and have a flatter, more toned-looking stomach with CoolSculpting instead of a tummy tuck. In New Jersey, The Peer Group offers several cosmetic options that incorporate the latest surgical and nonsurgical techniques when it comes to body contouring treatments to eliminate sagging skin or stubborn pockets of fat practically anywhere on the body such as the stomach, buttocks, thighs, arms, and breasts.

Surgical body sculpting procedures


For men and women in New Jersey, liposuction still reigns supreme as a leader in the cosmetic world to help patients eliminate pockets of unwanted fat for a more contoured, slim appearance. The Peer Group offers the latest in liposuction technology with tumescent or laser-assisted techniques. Today’s liposuction techniques are more precise, require less downtime, and safer. It is also a versatile tool that can sculpt several areas of the body and in some cases, all in the same session.

Body Lift Procedures

Body lift procedures are particularly popular for weight loss patients to remove excess skin for a more sculpted appearance. Liposuction can also be used in conjunction to remove isolated pockets of fat to optimize the results. The Peer Group offers numerous lift procedures from a tummy tuck, breast lift, arm lift, thigh lift, and neck lift. They even provide body contouring packages for patients needing more than one type of surgical treatment done at the same time as with mommy makeovers, after weight loss surgery or a lower body lift that addresses more than one area.

Nonsurgical body sculpting procedures

The ever-evolving world of noninvasive body contouring techniques is growing in popularity. For patients needing a little extra contouring help in the greater New Jersey area, noninvasive body contouring options may be the right solution. Nonsurgical body contouring procedures like CoolSculpting and SculpSure are giving patients the results they want with no downtime required.


Coolsculpting offers an FDA-approved device that eliminates fat in those stubborn areas of the inner thighs, upper arms, or stomach by permanently freezing them away. In about three months, the frozen fat cells die off, and the body naturally absorbs and eliminates them to give patients a permanent solution if they maintain their ideal weight.


SculpSure is a quick procedure that uses a temperature-controlled device similar to CoolSculpting but instead uses heat produced from a laser. The method is applied to trouble spots like the stomach, thighs, or flanks to deliver intense heat which is absorbed by the fatty tissue. In about 6-12 weeks, after one treatment, patients see visible results.


Ultherapy is the latest technique that has everyone talking. This noninvasive technique uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten certain areas like the face, brow, under the chin, and neck. It treats the deep layers of the skin without disturbing the surface to give patients a boost in collagen production to reveal a more youthful appearance in about 2-3 months.


Kybella is the first FDA injectable that The Peer Group provides which can eliminate submental fullness, also known as a “double chin” that commonly occurs with age. It removes those fat cells so patients can enjoy a new profile after their last treatment in about 3-6 weeks. As long as patients maintain their current weight, the Kybella results are permanent.

If you have done all the work and realize that you still need a little body contouring help, then it is time to turn to the experts at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ. Body contouring procedures offer patients help for almost any area of the body. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group provide numerous surgical and nonsurgical body contouring options to their patients in the greater New Jersey area. They will help devise a plan to address your cosmetic concerns so you can feel better about how you look. If you are interested in seeing what options may be right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with The Peer Group today.

10 Facelift Do's and Don'ts

10 Facelift Do's and Don'ts

Your face is a very important part of your identity. If any part of your face appears worn out, tired, or aged, this can take a toll on your confidence. Facelift surgery restores your natural appearance by addressing issues such as deep lines or creases in the corners of your mouth as well as the loss of skin elasticity.

To get the results you desire, turn to the board-certified plastic surgery experts at The Peer Group in the Greater New Jersey area. Our plastic surgeons can accommodate your individual needs and provide you with an exceptional experience as they improve the look and feel of your face. Learn more about the do’s and don’ts of facelift procedures for New Jersey area men and women and how to obtain more successful results below.

Do: Protect Yourself From the Sun

Imagine going through facelift surgery in New Jersey only to have the sun damage your final results. You must protect your face from sunlight for at least several weeks as you recuperate from your facelift. If you must go outside, you should wear a scarf, a large hat, or dark sunglasses to protect the surgery sites. However, do not wear sunscreen or other products on your face immediately after the procedure to avoid irritation.

Do: Prepare Yourself to Sleep Propped Up

Patients must get plenty of sleep post-surgery so your body can rest and dedicate resources to healing the injured tissues and muscles in the face. Before your facelift procedure in New Jersey, prepare an area where you can sleep with your head elevated to prevent swelling. You can sleep in a comfortable recliner at home or simply prop up your head with pillows.

Do: Get Some Help Post-Surgery

Following your facelift surgery, have a responsible adult stay with you for at least the first 24 hours. They can drive you to and from your appointment, make sure you take your medications as recommended, and help you with simple tasks such as food preparation. A simple act such as bending over to pick something up can cause blood to rush to your head. Having this extra help on hand can prevent you from a lot of unnecessary discomforts.

Do: Eat Well and Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water and eat nutritious foods when resting at home after your facelift. In general, staying hydrated keeps your skin looking young and helps to ward off deep lines and wrinkles as you age. Following the facelift procedure, soft foods such as yogurt and smoothies can help you feel comfortable by placing less strain on your mouth and jaw. Getting the nutrients your body needs is also essential in the recovery process.

Do: Be Patient

Based on your unique health needs, most patients who undergo a facelift in Greater New Jersey will need at least two to three weeks before they can return to their regular tasks at home and work. Depending on the activity, you may need more time before you are able to resume it. It is important to have realistic expectations during the healing process before you can see your end results. While you may experience some bruising or swelling, you will find that the final outcome is worth the wait.

Don’t: Over-exert Yourself

Be careful, take it easy, and avoid any vigorous exercises for at least a few days after the procedure. If you feel pain or discomfort during an activity, take a moment to stop and rest to avoid injury to the face or body. After the initial recovery, you can slowly return to your daily routine to encourage blood flow.

Don’t: Irritate Your Face

Makeup products should be avoided for at least one week to prevent irritation of the surgery sites. In fact, any products applied to your face must be approved by your plastic surgeon at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ beforehand. Heat or pressure to the face may also affect your final results, as well as engaging in any activities that submerge your face in the water, like swimming.

Don’t: Use Hair Products

Avoid washing your hair or using hair products for several days after your facelift. Soaps and shampoos are likely to aggravate the sutures, as well as a hairdryer, curling iron, hairspray, or other related hair care products. For this reason, you might want to consider having your hair professionally done a few days before the procedure to ensure your comfort.

Don’t: Ignore Your Plastic Surgeon’s Advice

Your board-certified plastic surgeon at The Peer Group may give you a list of post-op instructions, including any medications you need to take following a facelift. New Jersey patients who ignore this advice may result in injury or a longer than the expected recovery period. For example, it is important to stay away from tobacco products such as cigarettes as they restrict blood flow and prevent proper healing. You should also avoid alcohol, saunas, and steam rooms during this time.

Don’t: Take Shortcuts

You may see some dramatic results immediately following your facelift, but understand that improvement can take weeks or even months. This means you must ease back into your regular routine slowly over time. If you push yourself too hard, you risk slowing down the healing process or experiencing side effects such as redness, swelling, or irritation. Please contact your plastic surgeon immediately if you experience any severe pain, bleeding, or concerning symptoms.

At The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, we understand that any surgery takes a great deal of time, effort, and resources to improve the shape and appearance of your face. We make the process easier by providing you with the board-certified experts and state-of-the-art resources needed to be successful. Address issues such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and more by scheduling a facelift consultation at our caring New Jersey practice today.

Tips For Becoming Active Again After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tips For Becoming Active Again After Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck procedure helps eliminate excess fat from the middle and lower abdomen, along with tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. This is a common surgery to correct loose skin and pockets of fat as a result of recent weight or pregnancy. If you would like to have a leaner, smoother midsection and live in Greater New Jersey, a tummy tuck may be the answer. This transformative procedure changes your waistline by eliminating stubborn fat that may not go away due to traditional diet and exercise programs.

The Peer Group is a renowned plastic surgery practice located in Florham Park, NJ that offers tummy tuck procedures for patients concerned about their midsection. One of the more commonly asked questions to our board-certified plastic surgeons at our facility is: When can I return to my regular exercise regimen? While every individual case is different, we have provided several general guidelines for recovery so you can get back to your active lifestyle.

Follow Your Post-Op Instructions

While you may be eager to get back to your active routines, for men and women in Greater New Jersey, a tummy tuck is a major procedure performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 to 4 hours to complete. Immediately following the surgery, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will give you any required prescriptions along with a compression garment to wear for several days to promote proper blood flow.

It is absolutely essential that you follow any detailed instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon. This includes taking your medication at the right times, resting properly, and slowly easing your way back into your active routine. If you exert yourself too quickly, you risk damaging the surgery site, which means an even longer recovery period. Based on the type of tummy tuck procedure you receive, the trained experts at The Peer Group can provide you with details on what you can do and at what time.


While we encourage Greater New Jersey tummy tuck patients to take a walk the day after their procedure, an important part of the healing process is to start slow. For the first two weeks after your tummy tuck, you must allow your body to rest and heal properly. When you begin with strenuous activity or push yourself too hard, you risk injuring the surgery sites, leading to a longer recovery period. After this two-week period, under the approval of your plastic surgeon, you may participate in light exercise.

Walking is a low-intensity activity that doesn’t require special equipment and does not harm the surgery sites. In fact, walking helps promote blood flow and circulation that could help you heal faster. Regular walks could also assist with joint and muscle stiffness and pain if you have been sitting or laying down for long periods of time.

Regular and Core Workouts

A tummy tuck procedure requires an extensive amount of work to the abdominal wall, which is why workouts are not advised for at least 6 - 8 weeks post-op. At the 6-week mark, ask your board-certified plastic surgeon at The Peer Group about incorporating low-impact cardiovascular activities if there were no issues or injuries during the healing process. More intense exercises that focus on the core are prohibited for three months so these muscles can heal properly.

Leg or arm exercises can keep you active, as long as you don’t place any unnecessary stress on the abdominal area. Though every patient recovers in their own time, it can take up to six months to fully recover from tummy tuck surgery and get back to your normal workout routine. Slowly incorporating new movements is a great way to transition into harder exercises. Be sure to clear certain exercises with your doctor if you are uncertain if they are appropriate for you.

Risks and Concerns

So what happens if you ignore the advice of your physician or push yourself too hard right away? Strenuous workouts tend to raise your blood pressure and heart rate, which can cause bleeding and other complications. If you are taking pain medications, this can also affect how you move or control your muscles, placing you at higher risk for injury. Patients who had their stomach muscles tightened must take extra precautions as core exercises can cause a great deal of damage following a tummy tuck.

Remember to schedule a follow-up appointment as needed so that your plastic surgeon at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ can assess the surgery site and underlying muscles to ensure they are healing properly. They will be able to give you the clearance to perform certain core activities like pelvic thrusts, leg lifts, and planks so you can show off your newly toned and sculpted midsection once again.

Contact The Peer Group

Working with a board-certified plastic surgeon makes all the difference when it comes to getting the outcome you want from a tummy tuck. Though every patient’s recovery period looks different, it is best to follow the instructions of your practitioner so you can make the most of your procedure and obtain the aesthetic outcome you desire. At The Peer Group, our leading, board-certified plastic surgery experts in the Greater New Jersey area offer a safe, comfortable environment in our on-site surgical center to accommodate your needs. Our staff invites you to reach out to our office for a tummy tuck consultation today.

Let's Learn About Liposuction. What it Can and Can't Do For You.

Let's Learn About Liposuction. What it Can and Can't Do For You.

If you’re looking to achieve a slimmer, more toned and shapely appearance, you may have already done some research about the benefits of liposuction. Considered the gold standard of body-sculpting techniques, it is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures – and with good reason. Small incisions are made on targeted areas such as the hips, thighs, back, and abdomen, among other areas, and fat is artfully suctioned away to create sexy contours and a smoother overall look. Despite the head-turning results that can be made with liposuction, Greater New Jersey men and women still remain unsure about what can – and cannot – be accomplished with this versatile surgery. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are dedicated to educating patients about how it can work to improve their physiques.

Liposuction can …

Improve problem areas.

When it comes to shedding undesired pounds, there is no substitute for the proven effects of maintaining a healthy diet and following a regular exercise regimen. However, it is next to impossible to determine from where on the body that weight will be eliminated. Maybe you had hoped to smooth your stomach, but instead shed inches from your hips. With liposuction, specific areas are identified, and fat cells are broken down manually before being removed to create the curves and contours exactly where they wanted. The transformative results may be noticeable soon after surgery.

Boost volume.

Have you always dreamed of having a bootylicious backside or fabulously full breasts? With liposuction, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in New Jersey can make your dream a reality. Fat cells that are removed from an area of the body can be purified and transferred (or grafted) into another area that is lacking the desired volume. This provides Greater New Jersey patients the bonus of being able to address one or more cosmetic concerns at the same time.

Target stubborn fat.

Are you done with your double chin? Have you had it with a protruding tummy? Are you sick of the saddlebags on your thighs? Liposuction can be used to effectively treat areas where fat tends to accumulate and hang on despite the efforts of diet and exercise. This type of versatility is one of the many reasons it has become such a popular body-sculpting tool. Fat on the knees, calves, and buttocks can be targeted. The dreaded appearance of so-called bat wings on the upper arms can be improved. By removing excess fat on the neck, even the face can be made to look slimmer.

Spot reduce.

After having lost a substantial amount of weight, most Greater New Jersey patients would agree that there are few things are more frustrating than noticing a residual roll of fat here or a leftover bump there. In general, liposuction can be employed to reduce pockets of fat that remain as well as better shape these areas so men and women can feel confident about the results of their weight loss and trimmer figure. Similarly, areas that are difficult to notoriously to shape up, such as the knees and the neck, can be improved with liposuction.

Create sculpted curves.

Sexy curves never go out of style. Besides removing fat, liposuction works to sculpt the subtle or dramatic contours that patients in Greater New Jersey desire. If you want to maintain volume in your buttocks and thighs, for example, the New Jersey plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can slim your hips and abdomen areas so you achieve a classic hourglass figure. They work closely with patients to give provide custom results with little scarring since most liposuction procedures require only small incisions.

Versatile liposuction can be used effectively to produce long-lasting, remarkable enhancements and improvements from head to toe. For most patients, the surgery does much to bolster confidence in their appearance. However, men and women need to set realistic expectations for the outcome of their procedure and remover that liposuction does have some limitations.

Liposuction cannot …

Serve as a substitute for diet and exercise.

Even though liposuction creates contours and slims the appearance by removing fat, it is important that patients not think of it as a weight-loss procedure. Nor should it take the place of following a healthy diet and exercising regularly. In fact, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ recommend that patients be at or near their ideal weight before getting liposuction so that they may better suited to achieve and maintain the excellent results that can be achieved.

Improve the appearance of your skin.

If you’re counting on liposuction to tighten up the skin on stomach following the loss of significant pounds or improve the appearance of stretch marks following pregnancy, you likely will need to reconsider. Neither of these can be improved with liposuction since the procedure only targets underlying fat cells. Once those are removed, your sagging, stretched skin will remain. Other plastic surgery procedures, such as a thigh lift, tummy tuck, or arm lift, can be used to address skin concerns. Also, be advised that liposuction does not eliminate the skin dimpling effect that is caused by cellulite.

Assist you in losing weight.

With liposuction, it is possible to safely, quickly, and successful ditch fat and improve the shape of your body. However, the surgery will not work to help Greater New Jersey patients lose significant amounts of weight. Rather, it is best suited for sculpting and contouring specified areas to achieve a slimmer, more toned appearance. On average, only about one to 10 pounds of fat is removed during most lipo procedures that are performed strictly for cosmetic purposes.

Prevent you from gaining weight.

It may be surprising to learn that following adolescence, the body ceases to produce new fat cells. As the years march on, those cells can either fill up or deflate like a balloon as weight is gained or pounds are shed. Liposuction targets unwanted fat cells and removes them from areas that are treated. Once they’ve been eliminated, the cells do not regrow. Although it is still possible to gain weight, fat does not accumulate in areas that have undergone liposuction.

Now that you know what is possible with versatile liposuction, New Jersey men and women should schedule an appointment with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ. They are dedicated to educating patients about this truly transformative procedure.

4 Things You Should Know Before Getting Eyelid Surgery

4 Things You Should Know Before Getting Eyelid Surgery

As men and women get age, their eyes begin to show telltale signs of growing older. Baggy lower eyelids, droopy or sagging upper eyelids -- they can be a cosmetic or even a medical issue. According to a report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, was the fourth most common cosmetic procedure performed in 2018.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, offer eyelid surgery to Greater New Jersey area men and women. Eyelid surgery for New Jersey patients provides men and women with a new outlook on their facial appearance and also provides dramatic results. The surgical experts at The Peer Group in New Jersey share four helpful facts about eyelid surgery to better inform you about what it can do from both a cosmetic and medical perspective and how they can help open your eyes to this rejuvenating procedure.

The popularity of eyelid surgery

Over the past few years, eyelid surgery has risen in popularity. Both women and men in Greater New Jersey are turning eyelid surgery for help looking more awake or correcting droopy skin around their eyes. This cosmetic procedure can rejuvenate a person’s appearance by removing excess skin and tightening up the eye area to reveal a more youthful look. In data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2018, over 206,000 eyelid surgery procedures were performed.

From a medical standpoint, as we age, many older patients suffer from drooping eyelids, which can impede their vision. Severely saggy skin around the eyes can reduce a patient’s side, or peripheral vision -- especially if it is impacting the upper and outer parts of their field of vision. Blepharoplasty can reduce or eliminate these types of vision problems and make eyes appear more alert, awake, and even younger.

Eyelid lift options

As men and women age, our bodies make less collagen, which causes the skin to lose elasticity. Collagen is the protein that keeps skin looking plump and youthful, and when it starts to diminish, then so does the texture of our skin. Eyelid skin is predisposed to already being thin, and as we age, the muscles around the eyes also weaken. The combination of both of these factors lead the eye area to be one of the first areas to change aesthetically as we get older. Eyelid surgery can be customized to what each patient needs, whether it is for the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, or both. During a consultation with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group about eyelid surgery, Greater New Jersey men and women can learn about the different options and what would be a good fit for them.

Types of eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgery: This procedure focuses on the upper eyelid area. It is popular among elderly patients or those genetically born with droopy eyelids to improve their vision sightline. This procedure will provide a more rounded, open, youthful appearance to a patient’s eye while restoring any medical function if needed.

Lower eyelid surgery: This procedure focuses on the lower eyelid area. The primary goal of this surgical procedure is to reduce the appearance of “bags” under the eyes, eliminate wrinkles or loose skin in the lower eyelid area.

Whether you want to improve the function of your eyes or their appearance, eyelid surgery for New Jersey area men and women can give your eyes a fresh new look.

Is eyelid surgery right for you?

Your eyes are a significant part of your facial features. When they appear tired or droopy in appearance, then eyelid surgery may be the right solution. In some cases, it might be covered by insurance if it can restore medical function to the eyes from upper eyelids that are impeding a patient’s vision. Even lower eyelid surgery can be considered a medical or functional blepharoplasty when eyeglasses are not able to be worn due to excessive puffiness and surgical intervention is the only solution.

Be patient for the dramatic results

Eyelid surgery can take years off a patient’s appearance. Tightening drooping and sagging eyelid skin and eliminating lower eyelid puffiness can make both women and men in the Greater New Jersey area look more “awake” and rejuvenated. It can be one of the most dramatic facial cosmetic procedures, giving patients immediate satisfaction -- especially for individuals who require eyelid surgery for a medical need to improve their vision. However, individuals should be patient while waiting for their final results. It can take a few months for patients to be able to enjoy their new look fully. The eye area is delicate, so each week, the eyelids will gradually improve. Before long, everyone will be asking, “why do you look so refreshed?”.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, can help eliminate those signs of aging in your eyes, making you look younger and even more awake. Your eyes play an essential part in your overall appearance, so rejuvenating them with eyelid surgery can have a significant impact on how you feel and look. If you are interested in eyelid surgery, then we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of the skilled plastic surgeons at The Peer Group today.

I Didn't Know That! Surprising Facts About Liposuction

I Didn't Know That! Surprising Facts About Liposuction

Stubborn fat can be targeted with liposuction.

There is no substitute for the effects that can be produced by consuming a healthy diet and exercising regularly, especially when it comes to ditching undesired pounds. However, there’s no good way to determine exactly which areas will shed that weight. For example, you may want to slim your thighs, but end up shedding inches from your waistline. By manually breaking down and suctioning fat cells from targeted areas, liposuction can create a smoother, more contoured appearance in precisely the areas where it is desired.

Liposuction is not intended to address obesity.

While it is possible to lose pounds with liposuction, it should not be viewed by Greater New Jersey women and men as weight loss surgery. It works best for removing deposits of fat that have not responded well to the efforts of diet and exercise, as well as for sculpting desired contours in certain areas of the body. In most cases, when performed for cosmetic purposes, only small quantities of fat are removed during most liposuction procedures. In general, between one and 10 pounds of fat may be suctioned out. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group recommend that New Jersey area patients be at or near their ideal body weight before undergoing a liposuction procedure.

Unwanted fat can be eliminated.

Are you tired of having a tummy pooch? Sick of sporting saddlebags on your thighs? Does your double chin bring you down? These and other bothersome areas of fat can be improved with liposuction. Localized fat in areas that may otherwise be tough to target, such as the calves, upper arms, and knees, also can be removed. Even the face can be made to look slimmer when excess neck fat is eliminated. This type of versatility has helped boost the popularity of liposuction among patients in New Jersey and around the world.

Lipo will not prevent you from gaining weight.

After adolescence, the body stops producing new fat cells. In later years, those cells will either fill up or deflate like a balloon as weight is gained or lost. Once fat cells are removed from a specific area of the body with liposuction, they do not return. Although it is possible for cells surrounding the treated area to increase when weight is gained, fat should not accumulate in areas where liposuction was performed.

Fat can be transferred to where it is needed.

Do you dream of having a rounder rear end or fuller breasts? When unwanted fat is removed from an area of the body, the cells can be purified and transferred (or grafted) into other areas of the body that lack volume. This offers patients at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ an opportunity to address multiple cosmetic issues during a single liposuction procedure.

Liposuction will not improve stretch marks or scars.

If you’re counting on liposuction to tighten excess skin on your stomach or reduce the visibility of stretch marks resulting from pregnancy, you will need to reconsider. These conditions cannot be improved with liposuction. The same goes for the dimpled appearance on the skin that is caused by cellulite. This is because liposuction targets underlying fat cells. Once these are removed, the skin will still appear saggy. However, the experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can recommend other cosmetic procedures for men and women in the Greater New Jersey area that are designed to tighten the skin and make stretch marks less visible.

Shapely curves can be sculpted.

Besides reducing areas of unwanted fat, liposuction is effective for creating the sexy contours that are desired by patients in Greater New Jersey. The procedure is highly customizable. For example, those who want to maintain the voluptuous, hourglass shape of their hips, thighs, and buttocks may do so while simultaneously smoothing their stomach for a slimmer look. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group work closely with patients to provide the results they want with minimal scarring since most liposuction procedures require only small incisions.

The appearance of problem areas can be improved.

After successfully losing a moderate amount of weight, it can be frustrating to notice a residual roll or other small areas of leftover fat on the body. For most patients, liposuction can be employed to spot-reduce bothersome areas, which also will be smoothed in the process to achieve a better shape. This may help men and women feel proud about their weight loss as well as more comfortable showing off their new, trimmer figure.

Is liposuction right for you?

Now that you know more about the history of liposuction, as well as the many improvements to your physique that can be accomplished with this versatile surgery, you may feel better prepared to move forward with scheduling a liposuction procedure for yourself. You are encouraged to contact the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ to learn how liposuction may benefit you.