Know the Essentials Before And After A Tummy Tuck at Peer Group Plastic Surgery

Know the Essentials Before And After A Tummy Tuck at Peer Group Plastic Surgery

A tummy tuck procedure is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. Men and women in the Greater New Jersey area may be frustrated that a healthy diet and numerous hours in the gym are not giving them the tight tummy they want. This is why many consider a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, for additional assistance in attaining their aesthetic goals. Abdomens with excess skin that are unresponsive to diet and exercise could be vastly improved by removing the extra fat and skin and tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. A tummy tuck is considered to be major surgery, so enlisting the help of a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is the first step.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are leading abdominoplasty experts in the Greater New Jersey area. With extensive knowledge and experience, they have helped numerous men and women improve the appearance of their midsection so they can love the way they look. There are various types of tummy tuck options available, but no matter which surgical procedure you choose, the preparation and recovery steps are similar. Here is some helpful information about the essentials both before and after tummy tuck surgery.

Understanding the surgery

A tummy tuck surgically removes excess skin from the abdomen. Some patients require the additional step of tightening the underlying abdominal muscles as part of a tummy tuck, depending on the severity of muscle separation. A tummy tuck is not a one-size-fits-all procedure, and it is not uncommon for liposuction to be included to contour the stomach area by removing additional fatty tissue.

Are you a tummy tuck candidate?

A tummy tuck is not for everyone. The best candidates are those who follow a healthy diet and exercise plan, are at or near their goal weight and still have excess skin, and women who have completed their families. If you have any of the following concerns, abdominoplasty may be right for you:

  • Excess skin following significant weight loss
  • Separated abdominal muscles due to pregnancy
  • Fatty tissue deposits in the abdomen
  • Protruding abdomen

Maintain your health before surgery 

A tummy tuck procedure is major surgery. Maintaining good health before surgery should be a priority, as patients in good physical condition before surgery will recover more easily. New Jersey-area patients are advised to maintain a consistent weight and healthy diet before surgery for optimal results. Issues with weight fluctuations can alter your results and potentially undo some of the post-surgery effects. It is highly recommended that you get to your ideal body weight and maintain it for six months before a tummy tuck procedure.

Final results will take time

Your stomach won’t be completely flat after surgery. Also, your scars will be prominent at first and will need time to heal, but they will gradually fade. Be patient, as it takes time to feel normal and see your final tummy tuck results. You will be swollen and sore, and your energy levels will be depleted at first. Just remember that the results won't be visible right away.

Plan ahead

Another essential before tummy tuck surgery is planning. Know where and how you plan on spending your recovery time, and have the proper help in place so you can put your mind at ease during the healing process. Rest is crucial during the recovery period after any cosmetic surgery. Prepare your accommodations for a recovery space before surgery, and have magazines, books, or favorite shows available so you can rest easy. Also, arrange help for at least the first 48 – 72 hours after your surgery, especially if you have children.

Follow your doctor’s orders

Your post-surgical protocol from the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group is your guide to a smooth recovery. Listening to their recommendations for recovery is imperative for the healing process and the warning signs you will not want to ignore. Take medications as instructed, restrict activities, and follow their timeline to get you back into the swing of things. Anything you feel unsure about should always be communicated to our experienced staff.

The recovery process 

There are several options for tummy tuck surgery, including a full, extended, or mini tummy tuck. During your consultation, one of our plastic surgeons will assess your problem areas and listen to your concerns before formulating a plan. A full abdominoplasty addresses loose skin in the lower and upper stomach, while a mini tummy tuck is better suited for the lower belly, also known as the "pooch." An extended tummy tuck helps with loose skin on the abdomen and around your waist. Based on the method or technique chosen, recovery time will vary.

Schedule your consultation

A tummy tuck is an excellent option for patients in the New Jersey area who need additional help when a healthy diet and regular exercise aren’t doing the trick. Patients can enjoy a firmer, more toned stomach and love the way they look with a tummy tuck. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, can help women or men with their midsection woes so they feel better about their appearance. Call or schedule your tummy tuck consultation with The Peer Group today.

The Benefits Of Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafting

The Benefits Of Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafting

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most highly coveted cosmetic surgeries today. Women enjoy the option of being able to increase their breast size and improve the shape of their bustline. However, many have concerns when it comes to placing a foreign substance like an implant in their bodies. Breast augmentation with fat grafting or fat transfer, also known as autologous breast augmentation, is a safe, natural alternative that can still give patients their desired enhancements without the use of implants. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, proudly offer the fat transfer approach for breast augmentation. If you have been researching breast augmentation surgery with a fat transfer, read below for an in-depth look at this alternative surgical procedure and the benefits it can provide.

What is breast augmentation with fat transfer?

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a surgical procedure that can contour the breasts into the desired shape and size through the use of your body's own fat. This innovative surgical technique has become more widespread in recent years, thanks in part to medical advancements in surgical technology. This more-natural alternative to breast implants incorporates the body's fat cells instead of saline or silicone implants for the desired aesthetic effect.

As an added benefit, this customized technique also reduces the size of other parts of the body. Fat is removed via liposuction from target areas such as the abdomen, love handles, thighs, or buttocks, then purified and transferred to the breasts to complete the augmentation. Because a fat transfer is an autologous method, there is less risk associated with this procedure than with silicone or saline breast implants.

The benefits of fat grafting     

Fat injection, also known as fat grafting, is one of the most well-tolerated substances. New Jersey-area women love the benefits, including their natural appearance, long-lasting lifespan, and associated safety. The liposuctioned fat is processed and cleaned with an antibiotic solution to ensure that only healthy tissue is used for injection. This fat is slowly injected into the breasts for the desired shape and volume, completing the augmentation. Your plastic surgeon will then gently massage the area, so the fat deposits are evenly distributed for a smooth, uniform appearance.

Not every woman wants the same dramatic results breast implants can provide, and fat transfer can offer a more subtle enhancement. One of the most significant benefits of a fat grafting procedure is that you won’t need to remove or replace the fat like with breast implants. Fat grafting can assist with the following issues:

  • Smaller increase in breast size
  • Fix minor breast asymmetry
  • Fine-tune results of breast implant procedures
  • Enlarge breasts without scarring

Ideal candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation

Breast augmentation via fat transfer is perfect for women in the New Jersey area who desire a more organic approach than the use of breast implants. Ideal candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation include those whose breasts have the following features:

  • Naturally smaller in size
  • Asymmetrically shaped
  • Loss of volume or shape from pregnancy or dramatic weight loss
  • Decreased breast size, shape, or volume due to aging

Potential candidates will need to have an adequate amount of fat on their bodies so the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can harvest a sufficient amount of fat for the transfer. Women who are very thin and lack excess fat may not be ideal candidates. During your initial consultation, an assessment will be performed to determine if there is enough fat for liposuction. The ideal candidate should be in good health and refrain from using tobacco products. It is recommended that you quit smoking before surgery, as it can directly affect the healing of the tissue and cells.

What kind of results can I expect?

Typically, most New Jersey-area patients can expect an increase of one full cup size. Breast augmentation with fat transfer feels soft and looks natural. Following the post-operative care instructions carefully will get you back on your feet again quickly. Patients can resume moderate activities and usually go back to work within a few days. It is normal to have some bruising and swelling in the treatment areas. The body parts that underwent liposuction may feel sore, and prescribed pain relief can assist in relieving discomfort. After a few months, you will see the full effects of your new breasts.

Schedule your consultation today

A fat transfer is one of the most natural ways to enhance your breasts. Contact our Florham Park, NJ, plastic surgery office to schedule a consultation for your breast augmentation with fat grafting. One of our board-certified plastic surgeons will thoroughly review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and discuss your aesthetic goals so you can achieve the results you desire. Suggestions will be made, along with answering any questions you may have regarding the procedure and recovery. If you're ready to learn more and enhance your breasts with a fat transfer, call The Peer Group in Greater New Jersey today to schedule a consultation.