I Want Awesome Abs. What Are My Options to Get Them?

I Want Awesome Abs. What Are My Options to Get Them?

Who doesn’t want washboard abs? When diet and exercise alone aren’t providing toned and sculpted abs, turning to cosmetic help may be the best answer. Body contouring procedures in Greater New Jersey have grown in popularity and men and women are finding multiple options either with or without surgery to get those ideal chiseled, sculpted abdominals.

The board-certified, award-winning plastic surgeons of The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are known for their exceptional results with body contouring procedures. The Peer Group uses the latest innovations and surgical technology to create natural-looking, beautiful outcomes for their patients in Greater New Jersey. Body contouring procedures can sculpt and reshape certain areas, especially the abdomen. Procedures such as a tummy tuck, liposuction, and CoolSculpting are some of the body contouring options available for a tighter, more fit midsection. Let’s discuss ways you can get the fantastic abs you want and the cosmetic options The Peer Group offers.

Body contouring help

Women and men who want a flatter, toned midsection are turning to cosmetic procedures to make their vision a reality. It can be deflating to spend long hours at the gym doing countless sit-ups or core exercises without any abdominal definition as a result. With today’s modern cosmetic options in New Jersey, experts like board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can provide both men and women with that little extra boost to further contour their physique. From tumescent liposuction to non-surgical options like CoolSculpting or SculpSure, the options when it comes to body contouring in Greater New Jersey are giving patients the results they desire.  

Body contouring with surgical intervention

Healthy women and men in the greater New Jersey area are trying to find new ways to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in their midsection and gain more muscle definition. Liposuction is one of the most effective cosmetic tools that can further sculpt and create the abs a patient wants. 

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a popular body contouring technique performed by board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group. It is a suction-assisted form of liposuction that utilizes a unique injection, which is a combination of saline, a numbing agent, and medication that controls bleeding. Small incisions are made within the natural contours of a patient’s abdomen to minimize scarring. A unique cannula instrument then sculpts and removes fatty tissue that resides just underneath the skin to accentuate a patient’s abdominal muscles. This same-day outpatient procedure typically takes about an hour and is performed under a general anesthetic. It takes surgical precision and creative touch provided by the experienced plastic surgeons in New Jersey at The Peer Group to give patients incredible results.

Laser-assisted liposuction

This liposuction technique uses a laser to provide heat energy to melt the unwanted fat before permanent removal. Popular techniques include SmartLipo or LipoLift. The cannula instrument is much smaller than with traditional liposuction, so patients are only left with tiny scabs to heal. This less invasive form of liposuction uses a triple-wave laser device to deliver thermal energy to stubborn pockets of fat. Patients can have more abdominal muscle definition and less downtime for recovery with this option.

Tummy tuck with liposuction

A tummy tuck with liposuction can help remove those isolated pockets of fat and contour a patient’s entire midsection. This procedure is a more invasive surgical option to remove excess, loose skin, and unwanted pockets of fat standing in the way of having more abdominal definition. A tummy tuck with some form of liposuction may be what a patient requires to contour their abdominal area further. For patients in New Jersey, a tummy tuck requires more downtime and takes longer to heal than other procedures, but if sagging skin that can not be eliminated with exercise, diet, or liposuction along with stubborn fat in the abdominals is standing in the way of having the abs you always wanted then this may be the option you need. 

Nonsurgical abdominal contouring

Noninvasive body contouring treatments in New Jersey are also becoming more popular. You may have slimmed down with diet and exercise but still, need more abdominal definition without the downtime required by invasive surgical procedures. The expert plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can determine if any of these nonsurgical body contouring options are the right fit for you.


One of the first noninvasive body sculpting techniques since its FDA approval in 2010, CoolSculpting is still providing both men and women great results. The CoolSculpting device delivers a controlled cooling agent that essentially freezes away fat and is widely used to contour abdominal areas. The frozen fat cells die off and the body then naturally absorbs them, leaving patients with permanent results of a more contoured, sculpted midsection.


SculpSure is one of the latest advancements in New Jersey's non-invasive body contouring options. Nonsurgical liposuction procedures like SculpSure use laser thermal heat to target specific pockets of fat. It can reshape a patient’s desired area with no incisions, no downtime, and no scars. The Peer Group experts offer SculpSure and will determine during a consultation if it will give you the desired look for your abdominal area that you want.

Patients in the greater New Jersey area can get amazing results with one of these cosmetic options to further contour their abs. Staying at your ideal weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will allow patients to enjoy their new, sculpted abdominal area for years. The board-certified expert plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will help determine which option is right for you and be with you every step of the way. 

The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, has helped countless women and men achieve the look they want with the various surgical and nonsurgical body contouring options they provide. If you need more help getting the abs you always wanted, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with them today. 

What Are the Latest Trends in Body Contouring?

What Are the Latest Trends in Body Contouring?

Body contouring treatments in the Greater New Jersey area are quite popular these days for men and women who are looking outside the gym for extra help toning their bodies. Growing older, pregnancy, weight loss, and other factors can contribute to how our body changes. Noninvasive body contouring procedures like CoolSculpting or more invasive, surgical options like liposuction can reshape, rejuvenate, and tighten up trouble areas, so you look better aesthetically. Both men and women can turn to a number of body contouring procedures in New Jersey to enhance and tighten up troublesome spots so they can enjoy their new look.

The expert, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, provide several body contouring solutions to their patients across the Greater New Jersey area. From liposuction to tummy tucks and arm lifts or noninvasive treatments like CoolSculpting, The Peer Group offers numerous options to contour your way to a better you. Body contouring treatments are growing in popularity among individuals in New Jersey, and here is how The Peer Group is accommodating their needs.

The beauty behind body contouring in New Jersey

With today’s cosmetic advancements, there are several ways you can contour your body in New Jersey outside of the gym. Both men and women seek to reduce stubborn areas of body fat either for health reasons or simply to look better. A number of body contouring procedures can be customized to what each patient needs, addressing almost every area of the body. For decades, liposuction in the Greater New Jersey area has provided a surgical, helpful solution to give patients a slimmer, more contoured figure. Patients now have other options available when it comes to body contouring that is less invasive or doesn’t require any incisions at all. They also have a shorter recovery period, less downtime, or no downtime at all. The reasons that patients seek body contouring in New Jersey vary as much as the procedures. Some patients want a simple change to their waistline while others need contouring help in more than one area. With the ideal candidate, body contouring procedures can give you a well-proportioned look in all the right spots when performed by the professional board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group.

Who can benefit from body contouring procedures?

Individuals dealing with excess fat and skin in certain areas can benefit from body contouring procedures such as a tummy tuck and liposuction. Ideal candidates are within 10 pounds of their ideal body weight and are healthy, non-smokers. Weight loss patients who struggle with loose, excess skin that has lost elasticity may find that certain body lifting procedures can eliminate that problem and show off the hard work they’ve endured. Another example of a group that will benefit from body contouring in New Jersey is women who decide to have a tummy tuck after they are finished having children. Another growing group looking to body contouring in the Greater New Jersey area are men who want to get that chiseled, sculpted look to their physiques. No matter the patient, the qualified, experienced plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will listen to your aesthetic needs and then determine your appropriate body contouring treatment plan. Depending on what you need, you may be able to address different areas all at the same time.

Surgical or nonsurgical body contouring help

Body contouring envelops a wide range of options. You can have a lower body lift to tighten up loose skin and further sculpt the areas of your hips, buttocks, and thighs all in one surgical session. With the latest nonsurgical innovations, you can possibly forgo more invasive surgery and have a flatter, more toned-looking stomach with CoolSculpting instead of a tummy tuck. In New Jersey, The Peer Group offers several cosmetic options that incorporate the latest surgical and nonsurgical techniques when it comes to body contouring treatments to eliminate sagging skin or stubborn pockets of fat practically anywhere on the body such as the stomach, buttocks, thighs, arms, and breasts.

Surgical body sculpting procedures


For men and women in New Jersey, liposuction still reigns supreme as a leader in the cosmetic world to help patients eliminate pockets of unwanted fat for a more contoured, slim appearance. The Peer Group offers the latest in liposuction technology with tumescent or laser-assisted techniques. Today’s liposuction techniques are more precise, require less downtime, and safer. It is also a versatile tool that can sculpt several areas of the body and in some cases, all in the same session.

Body Lift Procedures

Body lift procedures are particularly popular for weight loss patients to remove excess skin for a more sculpted appearance. Liposuction can also be used in conjunction to remove isolated pockets of fat to optimize the results. The Peer Group offers numerous lift procedures from a tummy tuck, breast lift, arm lift, thigh lift, and neck lift. They even provide body contouring packages for patients needing more than one type of surgical treatment done at the same time as with mommy makeovers, after weight loss surgery or a lower body lift that addresses more than one area.

Nonsurgical body sculpting procedures

The ever-evolving world of noninvasive body contouring techniques is growing in popularity. For patients needing a little extra contouring help in the greater New Jersey area, noninvasive body contouring options may be the right solution. Nonsurgical body contouring procedures like CoolSculpting and SculpSure are giving patients the results they want with no downtime required.


Coolsculpting offers an FDA-approved device that eliminates fat in those stubborn areas of the inner thighs, upper arms, or stomach by permanently freezing them away. In about three months, the frozen fat cells die off, and the body naturally absorbs and eliminates them to give patients a permanent solution if they maintain their ideal weight.


SculpSure is a quick procedure that uses a temperature-controlled device similar to CoolSculpting but instead uses heat produced from a laser. The method is applied to trouble spots like the stomach, thighs, or flanks to deliver intense heat which is absorbed by the fatty tissue. In about 6-12 weeks, after one treatment, patients see visible results.


Ultherapy is the latest technique that has everyone talking. This noninvasive technique uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten certain areas like the face, brow, under the chin, and neck. It treats the deep layers of the skin without disturbing the surface to give patients a boost in collagen production to reveal a more youthful appearance in about 2-3 months.


Kybella is the first FDA injectable that The Peer Group provides which can eliminate submental fullness, also known as a “double chin” that commonly occurs with age. It removes those fat cells so patients can enjoy a new profile after their last treatment in about 3-6 weeks. As long as patients maintain their current weight, the Kybella results are permanent.

If you have done all the work and realize that you still need a little body contouring help, then it is time to turn to the experts at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ. Body contouring procedures offer patients help for almost any area of the body. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group provide numerous surgical and nonsurgical body contouring options to their patients in the greater New Jersey area. They will help devise a plan to address your cosmetic concerns so you can feel better about how you look. If you are interested in seeing what options may be right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with The Peer Group today.

Noninvasive Liposuction is Here With SculpSure

Noninvasive Liposuction is Here With SculpSure™

Does anyone, not like the idea of melting fat away to reveal a more sculpted body? The answer is no! People everywhere are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest body contouring procedures available in today’s ever-evolving cosmetic world. It’s a fact, men and women want a more toned, fit-looking appearance, and sometimes diet and exercise just do not do the trick. How does a noninvasive, no surgery required, and no downtime form of liposuction sound? SculpSure™ is an FDA cleared, a non-surgical laser treatment that can safely target and break down stubborn fat cells to give you a slimmer appearance. If countless hours in the gym and eating healthy just aren’t effective, then the option of reshaping your body without surgery is the new way to get the physique you have always wanted.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, offer this innovative, modern cosmetic technique for their patients in the Greater New Jersey area. Without the need for invasive surgery and little to no downtime, SculpSure™ is becoming a well-known body contouring secret. Read below for more information about SculpSure™ and how it can transform your body.

Is liposuction out?

Liposuction is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today. However, noninvasive fat reduction methods are also on the rise, giving individuals who need that extra little bit of help a real option for attaining their aesthetic goals without the need for surgery.

For many New Jersey-area patients, traditional liposuction may still be the best choice when it comes to removing stubborn excess fat from certain areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise. Men and women who need more significant areas of fat removed will have greater success with the conventional method. Liposuction can effectively remove between 6-8 pounds of unwanted fat in one procedure. However, liposuction is considered a surgical procedure, and there is associated downtime along with accompanied swelling and mild bruising. Individuals who need less body contouring help and don’t have the time for surgery and recovery can turn to nonsurgical body contouring techniques like SculpSure™ to further sculpt and tone up certain areas.

SculpSure™ explained

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group offer SculpSure™ as an alternative option to traditional liposuction for their Greater New Jersey area patients. This state-of-the-art noninvasive laser treatment is capable of reducing up to 24% of fat cells within targeted areas. Unwanted fat cells are destroyed in up to four focused regions in one single session. Our board-certified plastic surgeons use a hyperthermic laser whereby heat is carefully produced and monitored to eliminate fat cells as it is applied to the treatment areas. The hyperthermic laser energy heats the fat cells and breaks them down. The applicator is safe to use for all skin types and will not harm underlying layers of skin. Patients remain comfortable during the 25-minute procedure.

A significant advantage of this procedure is that it includes no downtime, no scarring, and no discomfort. The broken-down fat cells are naturally processed and released by the body in the weeks following treatment, leaving patients looking more sculpted and fit

The best areas to treat with SculpSure™

Men and women in the greater New Jersey area are curious about this innovative, non-invasive fat lipolysis treatment. People who are best suited for SculpSure™ have a BMI of 30 or less. It is important to note that SculpSure™ is not a substitute for weight loss.

The best areas to target for ideal sculpting with SculpSure™ are:

  • Stomach
  • Hips
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms
  • Knees

What does a SculpSure™ treatment feel like?
During treatment, the laser heats up but the attached cooling element helps to keep patients feeling comfortable. The varying degrees of heat coupled with the cool sensation leaves men and women feeling alternating sensations of cool and warm. Some report a “pins and needles” feeling similar to when your foot might fall asleep. However, in the end, this technique is far less uncomfortable than other cosmetic procedures, such as surgically invasive liposuction.

Ideal candidates for SculpSure™

This treatment is designed for those individuals with excess body fat who want a more sculpted body. During your consultation with one of the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group, a thorough explanation about SculpSure™ and how it works will be given, followed by an assessment. Individuals who are in good shape and have maintained their ideal body weight through diet and exercise but still want a more toned, slimmer look are good candidates for this non-invasive body-contouring procedure. Healthy men and women can eliminate these stubborn areas of fat while getting the body they always wanted.

Amazing results

New Jersey area men and women can expect to see the full effects of their SculpSure™ treatment in about 12 weeks. The destroyed fat is naturally and gradually eliminated through the body, revealing a better-looking body without the need for surgery or unnecessary downtime. Our patients love not only their results but also the lack of interruption in their daily routine.

Patients in New Jersey finally have a fantastic option to obtain the body they have always wanted without surgery or downtime. Long-lasting results are attainable thanks to the latest advancement in non-invasive body contouring, SculpSure™. If your curiosity has been sparked, then the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group invite you to schedule a consultation. Countless women and men in the New Jersey area are seeing real results thanks to nonsurgical options like SculpSure™ to contour their already healthy bodies.

Body Contouring the Noninvasive Way

Body Contouring the Noninvasive Way

Body contouring procedures are all the rage in today’s cosmetic world with people wanting a more toned, fit-looking appearance in certain areas. An even hotter topic is all the amazing new ways to take your body to the next level without surgery. Noninvasive cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting and SculpSure™ are being chosen more and more because people are getting good results with minimal or no downtime. After spending countless hours in the gym and eating healthy, reshaping your body without surgery is the new way to get the body you have always wanted.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ offer these innovative, modern cosmetic techniques to their patients in the surrounding New Jersey area. With no invasive surgery and little to no downtime, CoolSculpting and other nonsurgical methods are on the fast track to becoming the preferred body contouring treatments of choice. Here is a look at some of these noninvasive bodies sculpting treatments and what they can do for you.

Innovative body contouring procedures on the rise

Traditional liposuction is still the popular choice for individuals needing dramatic body contouring results. Men and women who need more extensive fat removal and sculpting help should consider traditional liposuction surgery to get amazing results. However, individuals who need body contouring help on a smaller scale can turn to nonsurgical body contouring techniques to further sculpt and tone up certain areas. Even though liposuction is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, noninvasive ones are on the rise, giving individuals that need a little help an option to reach their aesthetic goals without the need for surgery.

Ideal candidates for noninvasive body contouring procedures

Everyone has a different body type and specific need when it comes to getting cosmetic help. Qualified experts, like the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in New Jersey, can help determine if any of these noninvasive options will be the best option for you during a thorough consultation. Individuals in good shape who have maintained their ideal body weight through regular exercise but want a more toned, slimmer look in certain areas can consider such procedures. Healthy men and women can eliminate these stubborn areas while getting the body they always wanted.

Popular noninvasive options

Ask yourself this question: who wouldn’t want to look even better without the need for surgery? If you have exhausted all efforts of exercising and eating healthy to only feel like you still have certain areas that just won’t change then you should consider these modern cosmetic non-invasive treatments. The experienced plastic surgeons at The Peer Group have helped countless individuals throughout the Greater New Jersey area transform the way they look, revealing a slimmer, more toned appearance with treatments like CoolSculpting and SculpSure.


CoolSculpting offers a noninvasive way to target stubborn fat cells that reside under the skin with a controlled cooling agent that is precisely delivered by a CoolSculpting device to freeze those unwanted fat cells that then turn to liquid. Over a few weeks, your body will naturally absorb these dead fat cells leaving a more sculpted look. Done over your lunch hour or even after work, this quick procedure doesn’t require any sedation and can target excess fat in the following areas:

  • Knees

  • Outer and inner thighs

  • Back

  • Bottom half of the buttocks

  • Stomach

  • Hips or flank area

  • Underneath the arms in the upper part or around the armpit area

  • Under the chin (double chin)

CoolSculpting targets the fat residing in these areas and creates a slimmer, more toned appearance and the best part is, the results last. If patients maintain their ideal body weight, they can enjoy their new look for a long time.


SculpSure is the latest advancement in noninvasive body contouring procedures that can be done anywhere on the body. Unwanted fat cells are destroyed in target areas with a hyperthermic laser. This cosmetic laser is engaged to produce heat to eliminate fat cells while the device remains cool, so patients remain comfortable during the 25-minute procedure. Qualified and board-certified plastic surgeons can treat up to 4 target areas in one session. Just like with CoolSculpting, dead fat cells are naturally processed and absorbed by the body in the weeks following treatments leaving patients looking more sculpted and fit.

No recovery time with amazing results

These noninvasive procedures are offering patients in New Jersey who only need a little help a way to take their body to the next level. These innovative techniques are able to help individuals attain a better-looking body without the need for surgery or unnecessary downtime. Men and women are getting results without taking away from their daily life to get it done which is why considering these types of cosmetic procedures can be the right solution for you.

CoolSculpting and SculpSure procedures are getting great reviews from men and women in New Jersey. Patients love their results and love that it didn’t require invasive surgery or a long recovery. The best part is that the results are long-lasting -- as long as you maintain your healthy lifestyle. If you are unsure whether or not you are an ideal candidate for these noninvasive body contouring procedures, then the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group invite you to schedule a consultation. Countless women and men in the New Jersey area are turning to these nonsurgical options to sculpt and contour their already healthy bodies so they like what they see.

A nip here, a tuck there: What body contouring can do for you

A nip here, a tuck there: What body contouring can do for you

Have you recently lost a significant amount of weight and now find yourself feeling frustrated by the excess skin that remains? Do you miss the toned tummy you had before pregnancy? Have age and gravity caused your upper arms to look more like “bat wings”? If your answer to any of these questions was yes, you may be a good candidate for body contouring. A plethora of surgical and nonsurgical procedures can be performed to lift, tuck, tighten, and sculpt the body while creating desired contours that enhance one’s silhouette. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, have highlighted several of the most popular body-contouring procedures performed at their practice.


One of the top cosmetic surgery procedures in the world, liposuction is extremely effective for removing pockets of fat, especially those that prove impervious to the efforts of diet and exercise. Even those who are at their ideal weight can use it to help banish areas of stubborn fat on the stomach, thighs, hips, back, and even the face. Surgeons make small incisions through which a narrow tube called a cannula is inserted to manually break up and suction out fat cells while simultaneously creating a more toned and youthful appearance. Meanwhile, fat cells that are extracted can be purified and injected into areas, including the breasts and buttocks, where volume may be needed to create a fuller, more curvaceous figure. The versatility of liposuction is one of the reasons it has become a favorite body contouring treatment among New Jersey area patients and physicians alike.

Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck surgery is another popular body contouring treatment. Several styles of tummy tucks are available. Each is performed differently to achieve the shared goal of making the midsection appear more trim. During a traditional tummy tuck, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, create an incision on the lower abdomen and excess skin is removed. Underlying muscles are tightened and liposuction may be employed to remove pockets of fat, both of which work to give the stomach a flatter, firmer look and feel. The belly button may also be repositioned to look more aesthetically pleasing before the remaining skin is pulled tightly over the stomach and the incision is closed. This surgery often is included as part of wildly popular Mommy Makeovers, a collection of procedures designed for women in New Jersey to help restore features impacted by pregnancy and childbirth. An extended tummy tuck, on the other hand, typically is best suited for those who have lost a large amount of weight through diet and exercise or weight-loss surgery and now struggle with excess amounts of sagging fat on the abdomen. The results of an extended tummy tuck can be dramatic, altering a patient’s overall body size and shape.

Breast and other lifts

When the breasts sag due to age, weight loss, or the effects of breastfeeding, a breast lift can be helpful to reposition them on the chest wall. Incisions are made on the breast to remove excess skin, and implants may be placed to enhance their size and shape. Other areas of the body can also benefit from undergoing similar lift procedures, including the thighs, upper arms, face, and buttocks. During a lower body lift, excess skin is removed from the abdomen, outer thighs, hips, and buttocks, oftentimes during a single surgery. This procedure offers the added benefit of smoothing the skin’s surface and improving the dimpled appearance of cellulite.


This nonsurgical procedure requires little or no downtime following treatment to remove persistent, targeted fat. It is approved by the FDA for use by the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group on areas including the back, thighs, upper arms, and abdomen. CoolSculpting involves a process called cryolipolysis, during which specialized equipment crystallizes (or freeze) subcutaneous fat cells, which then go on to die. The body processes the cells naturally over time and eliminates them. A short, deep-tissue massage is performed following each CoolSculpting treatment to help move the fat that has been released by the tissues, as well as boost its drainage from the lymphatic system. Several areas may be able to undergo treatment on the same day. New Jersey patients may begin to notice a more toned, contoured appearance in treated areas within several weeks. Once removed, fat cells cannot return to the body, making it possible to achieve long-lasting results with CoolSculpting.


This innovative treatment uses ultrasound technology to improve the appearance of sagging skin, lines, and wrinkles and provide results similar to those achieved through traditional facelift procedures minus the surgery and extended downtime. This makes it ideal for those who wish to restore a youthful appearance to their skin but who are unable to undergo - or simply would rather avoid - invasive surgery. Cleared by the FDA, Ultherapy employs carefully calibrated levels of ultrasound energy that is deposited deeply into targeted areas of tissue at precise temperatures to stimulate the production of collagen over the course of several months. Most patients of The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, require only one Ultherapy treatment, which typically takes an hour or so to complete and requires no recovery period. Its long-lasting results may include visibly smoother skin and a slimmer-looking face overall.


With the help of laser energy, FDA-cleared SculpSure is able to remove targeted, pesky fat cells from areas including the inner and outer thighs, back, abdomen, and below the chin to create defined contours with minimal discomfort and zero downtime. Treatments take about 25 minutes to perform, during which light-based technology heats and destroys fat cells. All the while, patients are kept cool and comfortable, and most usually are able to return to work or other regular activities immediately following the procedure. Over the course of several weeks to a few months, damaged fat cells are naturally removed by the body’s lymphatic system. The long-lasting results may include a noticeably slimmer appearance in areas treated with SculpSure.

As you can see, numerous body contouring options exist for New Jersey area men and women. Some require surgery and a lengthy recovery period, while others have patients up and moving around within a few moments of their procedure. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, to discuss how which of these exciting procedures may help you achieve the more-toned, shapely results that you desire.