Open or Closed? Which Rhinoplasty Procedure is Right For Me?

Open or Closed? Which Rhinoplasty Procedure is Right For Me?

The nose is the most prominent feature of the face. As such, it is not unusual for men and women to want to change aspects of their appearance. Maybe the tip points a little too far down or the bridge is a bit too wide. If your nostrils flare out, you may wish to correct that. These and numerous other features can be addressed with rhinoplasty. Also known as nose-shaping surgery, this complex procedure is used to correct and improve several cosmetic and medical conditions associated with nasal and breathing issues.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are highly skilled at performing rhinoplasty procedures and creating excellent outcomes. For patients considering this transformative procedure, they detail the similarities and differences between open and closed rhinoplasties and explain which option may be best suited for patients in the Greater New Jersey area.

Why opt for rhinoplasty?

Aesthetic issues

In an ideal world, the appearance of the nose will complement the face, not distract from it. However, when Greater New Jersey patients are unhappy with certain features of their nose, it can cause confidence in their appearance to falter. After all, a nose may look great on one face but may not be flattering on another. Rhinoplasty can be employed to address cosmetic concerns including:

  • the shape, width, and angle of the nose

  • nasal tips that are too pointed, flat, or bulbous

  • bumps, depressions, or an uneven bridge

  • unusually large nostrils can be narrowed to look more proportionate

Breathing issues/nasal deformities

Similarly, rhinoplasty can be performed to improve breathing issues as well as nasal deformities such as a deviated septum. With this common condition, the nasal septum that separates the left and right airways is crooked. This can cause one of the nasal passages to close and make breathing difficult.

Damage from an accident/injury

Damage that results from an accident or injury may also be repaired. When the nose is broken and breathing becomes difficult, Greater New Jersey patients must see a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in surgeries addressing the nose as soon as possible.

Sleep apnea and other nasal issues

Even sleep apnea can be addressed with rhinoplasty. This much-maligned condition is marked by excessive snoring and can ultimately have serious health consequences. Meanwhile, nasal polyps, a cleft palate or lip, and even chronic sinus infections can also be corrected. In most cases, rhinoplasty works to restore proper nasal function and provide patients the relief they need.

Rhinoplasty techniques

There are two types of rhinoplasty techniques, open and closed. Many patients are unaware of the differences between these procedures and what can be accomplished.

  • With open rhinoplasty, an incision is made on the skin between the nostrils and inside the nostrils.

  • With a closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nostrils.

The terms “open” and “closed” refer to the methods by which the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group access the nose.

It may be surprising to learn that nearly any change to the appearance of the outside of the nose corresponds to alterations that are made inside the nose. As a result, the surgical technique that is used, along with the structure of the nose, greatly influence the outcome of your rhinoplasty.

What is open rhinoplasty?

During an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes a small incision on the tissue at the base of the outside of the nose that separates the nostrils. This area is called the columella. The skin is raised to provide easier access to the bones, tissue, and cartilage inside the nose during surgery. With the interior structure of the nose revealed, the surgeon has optimal access to the area that will be altered. This usually allows him or her to operate in a more delicate manner.

It often is easier to stabilize the nose following an open rhinoplasty versus a closed procedure. For these and other reasons, most plastic surgeons prefer the open rhinoplasty technique, which usually results in minimal visible scarring. The biggest drawbacks of open rhinoplasty are that the procedure typically is longer and more invasive than closed rhinoplasty. Recovery times also may be a bit lengthier.

What is closed rhinoplasty?

The earliest method of nose surgery to be performed, closed rhinoplasty is still employed by a good many plastic surgeons in the Greater New Jersey area. With this technique, small incisions are created inside the nostrils so that the surgeon can make changes without having to lift the nasal skin. Considered less invasive and usually shorter in duration than an open rhinoplasty procedure, closed rhinoplasty is best suited to address features that are more easily corrected, especially when the tip of the nose is well-shaped.

Because the incisions are located inside the nose, patients will have no visible scars and may experience less swelling as well as a shorter recovery period following surgery. The greatest downside to closed rhinoplasty is that is the incisions may cause the nasal structure to weaken, which can compromise its shape in the future. Also, given the limited access that it allows plastic surgeons to cartilage and tissue, usually only small, less delicate changes can be made.

Which rhinoplasty procedure should you choose?

While open and closed rhinoplasties are performed differently, one technique is not necessarily better than the other. With a closed procedure, the recovery period may be faster. Also, Greater New Jersey patients will not have any noticeable scars. However, with the nasal skin lifted, the changes made as part of an open rhinoplasty procedure can be more precise. This is important especially when large, complex alterations are required.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ work closely with patients to determine which rhinoplasty procedure will provide them with the best results. Your nose will be evaluated and, depending on the changes that you desire as well as your expectations for the outcome of the surgery, they can confidently recommend the technique that will meet your needs.


Now that you are more informed about open and closed rhinoplasties, we invite you to contact the New Jersey office of The Peer Group and schedule a consultation with one of our skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons so that your journey toward looking and feeling can get underway.

Noninvasive Liposuction is Here With SculpSure

Noninvasive Liposuction is Here With SculpSure™

Does anyone, not like the idea of melting fat away to reveal a more sculpted body? The answer is no! People everywhere are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest body contouring procedures available in today’s ever-evolving cosmetic world. It’s a fact, men and women want a more toned, fit-looking appearance, and sometimes diet and exercise just do not do the trick. How does a noninvasive, no surgery required, and no downtime form of liposuction sound? SculpSure™ is an FDA cleared, a non-surgical laser treatment that can safely target and break down stubborn fat cells to give you a slimmer appearance. If countless hours in the gym and eating healthy just aren’t effective, then the option of reshaping your body without surgery is the new way to get the physique you have always wanted.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, offer this innovative, modern cosmetic technique for their patients in the Greater New Jersey area. Without the need for invasive surgery and little to no downtime, SculpSure™ is becoming a well-known body contouring secret. Read below for more information about SculpSure™ and how it can transform your body.

Is liposuction out?

Liposuction is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today. However, noninvasive fat reduction methods are also on the rise, giving individuals who need that extra little bit of help a real option for attaining their aesthetic goals without the need for surgery.

For many New Jersey-area patients, traditional liposuction may still be the best choice when it comes to removing stubborn excess fat from certain areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise. Men and women who need more significant areas of fat removed will have greater success with the conventional method. Liposuction can effectively remove between 6-8 pounds of unwanted fat in one procedure. However, liposuction is considered a surgical procedure, and there is associated downtime along with accompanied swelling and mild bruising. Individuals who need less body contouring help and don’t have the time for surgery and recovery can turn to nonsurgical body contouring techniques like SculpSure™ to further sculpt and tone up certain areas.

SculpSure™ explained

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group offer SculpSure™ as an alternative option to traditional liposuction for their Greater New Jersey area patients. This state-of-the-art noninvasive laser treatment is capable of reducing up to 24% of fat cells within targeted areas. Unwanted fat cells are destroyed in up to four focused regions in one single session. Our board-certified plastic surgeons use a hyperthermic laser whereby heat is carefully produced and monitored to eliminate fat cells as it is applied to the treatment areas. The hyperthermic laser energy heats the fat cells and breaks them down. The applicator is safe to use for all skin types and will not harm underlying layers of skin. Patients remain comfortable during the 25-minute procedure.

A significant advantage of this procedure is that it includes no downtime, no scarring, and no discomfort. The broken-down fat cells are naturally processed and released by the body in the weeks following treatment, leaving patients looking more sculpted and fit

The best areas to treat with SculpSure™

Men and women in the greater New Jersey area are curious about this innovative, non-invasive fat lipolysis treatment. People who are best suited for SculpSure™ have a BMI of 30 or less. It is important to note that SculpSure™ is not a substitute for weight loss.

The best areas to target for ideal sculpting with SculpSure™ are:

  • Stomach
  • Hips
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms
  • Knees

What does a SculpSure™ treatment feel like?
During treatment, the laser heats up but the attached cooling element helps to keep patients feeling comfortable. The varying degrees of heat coupled with the cool sensation leaves men and women feeling alternating sensations of cool and warm. Some report a “pins and needles” feeling similar to when your foot might fall asleep. However, in the end, this technique is far less uncomfortable than other cosmetic procedures, such as surgically invasive liposuction.

Ideal candidates for SculpSure™

This treatment is designed for those individuals with excess body fat who want a more sculpted body. During your consultation with one of the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group, a thorough explanation about SculpSure™ and how it works will be given, followed by an assessment. Individuals who are in good shape and have maintained their ideal body weight through diet and exercise but still want a more toned, slimmer look are good candidates for this non-invasive body-contouring procedure. Healthy men and women can eliminate these stubborn areas of fat while getting the body they always wanted.

Amazing results

New Jersey area men and women can expect to see the full effects of their SculpSure™ treatment in about 12 weeks. The destroyed fat is naturally and gradually eliminated through the body, revealing a better-looking body without the need for surgery or unnecessary downtime. Our patients love not only their results but also the lack of interruption in their daily routine.

Patients in New Jersey finally have a fantastic option to obtain the body they have always wanted without surgery or downtime. Long-lasting results are attainable thanks to the latest advancement in non-invasive body contouring, SculpSure™. If your curiosity has been sparked, then the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group invite you to schedule a consultation. Countless women and men in the New Jersey area are seeing real results thanks to nonsurgical options like SculpSure™ to contour their already healthy bodies.

I'm in My 40s. What is the Best Facelift For Me?

I'm in My 40s. What is the Best Facelift For Me?

For many women and men, their 40s are an ideal time to make significant improvements in their personal and professional lives, as well as to their appearance. In the war against the effects of aging, it may no longer be enough to rely solely on BOTOX and dermal filler injections to achieve and maintain a more youthful look. A more powerful tool - namely, a surgical facelift - may be necessary to win this battle.

Years ago, this tried-and-true procedure was primarily reserved for patients in their 60s and 70s. Thanks to advances in cosmetic surgery, new facelift techniques are giving patients in their 40s a wider variety of options for combating wrinkles, sagging skin, and other telltale signs of aging. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are leaders in the field and are dedicated to providing patients in Greater New Jersey with remarkable results. Below, they expertly explain the best facelifts for 40-something patients.

Skin changes with age

As we grow older, the body’s production of collagen and elastin plummets. These compose the structure of the skin and help to maintain its firmness and elasticity. By the time we reach our 60s and 70s, the appearance, tone, and texture of the skin usually are very different than in previous decades of life. Wrinkles have set in. Having lost much of its fullness, along with its ability to spring back into shape, more mature skin may tend to sag or droop to a certain degree, even after having undergone a surgical facelift.

However, for most patients in their 40s, this usually is not as great concern since the skin still possesses some of its laxity, as well as an adequate amount of underlying tissue, versus that of older adults. In general, patients in Greater New Jersey who are considering facial rejuvenation usually have the added benefit of good-quality skin to further enhance the long-lasting results that can be achieved with a surgical facelift.

Facelift benefits

It’s no secret that the body transforms during our 40s. As women begin the journey toward menopause, they may notice changes in their skin. When collagen and elastin production levels begin to drop, oftentimes their jawline and cheeks follow suit and may take on a saggier, drooping appearance. As its youthful fullness fades, the face may start to look thin or a bit deflated, and fine lines and wrinkles can become noticeable. Even skin on the neck may look less taut and firm. You can tell whether the skin has lost some of its elasticity if at least one centimeter on the jowls, neck, or the nasolabial fold around the nose and mouth can be easily pinched. The skilled plastic surgeons at The Peer Group work closely with patients in their 40s to determine whether they are suited for a facelift as well as which style will provide them with the rejuvenated results they desire.

Which style is right for you?

It is common for Greater New Jersey patients in their 40s to turn to non-invasive procedures such as laser treatments and injectables to slow or reverse the hands of time. Although these popular cosmetic treatments can refresh the face and make wrinkles and fine lines less visible, the results cannot compare to those that are achieved with a surgical facelift. Because skin laxity among 40-something patients usually is not as pronounced as it is with older patients, in many cases a full facelift is not required. Read on to learn about some of the available options:

The mini facelift

less-invasive mini facelifts are popular among Greater New Jersey patients in their 40s. This procedure requires smaller incisions than a traditional full facelift and boasts a quicker recovery. However, it still effectively targets the muscles deep beneath the skin that lend structure to the face. A mini facelift can work to provide a slight lift while also tightening the lower face. Loose skin around the cheeks, sagging jowls, and skin below the jawline and on the neck - areas where patients in their 40s most often experience changes - can be addressed.

The mid-facelift

Also known as a cheek lift, a mid-facelift is designed to tackle areas around the mouth (including the nasolabial folds), the nose, cheeks, and eyes. Some of the earliest signs of aging, such as skin sagging on and around the cheeks, can be addressed with a mid-facelift. During their 40s, patients may begin to experience loose, sagging skin as well as wrinkles around the midsection of the face. During the procedure, the experienced plastic surgeons of The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ make small incisions just outside of the cheek area. These are used to create a subtle lift. So-called laugh and smile lines can be smoothed, and skin laxity in the area can be improved.

By lifting the malar fat pad in the cheek, a mid-facelift can restore fullness that may have been lost. The results of this procedure are longer lasting than those achieved with injectable fillers. Another bonus: Recovery from a mid-facelift usually is shorter and easier than with a full facelift. In conjunction with a mid-facelift, blepharoplasty (better known as an eye lift) may also be performed. This procedure can be effective for reducing bags and puffiness in the area below the eyes and can eliminate fine lines and crow’s feet.

Lower facelift and neck lift

When the cheeks begin to droop and skin starts to sag along the jawline and below the chin, Greater New Jersey patients in their 40s may want to consider a lower facelift. This procedure can significantly improve the appearance of loose skin on the lower third portion of the face by tightening underlying structures that have weakened. Meanwhile, a neck lift can be performed to address wrinkled skin on the neck as well as to improve the appearance of the jiggly jowls and diminish a dreaded double chin.

The idea of growing old gracefully is a thing of the past for many men and women in Greater New Jersey. When the earliest signs of aging become apparent, patients in their 40s need not wait to address their cosmetic concerns. Several styles of facelifts are available to smooth wrinkles, plump cheeks, and restore youthfulness to their appearance. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, and learn how and what type of facelift may benefit you.

It’s So Cool! Learning All About CoolSculpting

It’s So Cool! Learning All About CoolSculpting

It can be frustrating when persistent pockets of fat fail to respond to the effects of diet and exercise. One of the hottest ways for patients in Greater New Jersey to ditch an unwanted belly pooch and smooth their thighs is with CoolSculpting. This revolutionary treatment is considered an alternative to traditional liposuction. It works by freezing the fat, which is shed naturally by the body to reveal a more toned and contoured physique.

Even areas that are difficult to slim with targeted exercise can be transformed with CoolSculpting. One of the biggest benefits to this procedure is that there is no invasive surgery or extensive downtime required! The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ expertly explain how this innovative procedure can produce such excellent results.

The skinny on CoolSculpting

FDA approved CoolSculpting targets subcutaneous fat cells and crystallizes (or freezes) them in a process called cryolipolysis. This science was discovered years ago by happenstance when a pair of doctors from Massachusetts noticed that the fat inside of the cheeks of young children disappeared as they ate icy-cold popsicles. The rest, as they say, is history!

CoolSculpting is different from other procedures that are designed to remove fat in that it only impacts fat cells below the skin. The top layer of skin, as well as tissues surrounding the treatment area, are not affected. Once frozen, the fat cells die and are liquified before being processed naturally and eliminated by the body. The results are truly remarkable. According to studies, CoolSculpting can work to reduce fat by up to 20%, leaving behind a more sculpted, shapely silhouette in treated areas.

Because there is no surgery involved with CoolSculpting, patients of The Peer Group do not need any type of anesthesia or numbing medication and can resume normal activity following their treatment. Also, the lack of incisions means that no residual scarring will be experienced, so Greater New Jersey patients may discreetly undergo the procedure.

Which areas can be treated?

CoolSculpting treatments are designed to eliminate fat where it has stubbornly hung on even after countless lunges, squats, and sit-ups have been performed. This state-of-the-art system targets areas including the abdomen, flanks, and hips that have proven disappointingly slow or extremely resistant to improvement, despite a strict diet and exercise regimen. Other areas, including the thighs, upper arms, the lower half of the buttocks, the knee,s and even dreaded double chins also may benefit from CoolSculpting treatments. Rolls of fat that form on the back, such as those that appear in front of the underarm area and beneath the bra line, also can be addressed.

Are you a candidate for CoolSculpting?

Physically fit adults in the Greater New Jersey area who can maintain a healthy weight, as well as those who are capable of making wise lifestyle choices, usually are considered ideal candidates for CoolSculpting treatments. They may be fed up with the pesky pockets or bothersome bulges of fat that have accumulated on specific areas of their body.

Women in who wish to restore their pre-pregnancy figure, but who can’t seem to shed a small area of fat on their stomach, may turn to CoolSculpting to help flatten their abs. Meanwhile, men who have had it with the love handles on their hips may also decide to freeze away the fat. Several problem areas can be treated with CoolSculpting so that patients may feel more confident in their appearance and achieve their aesthetic goals.

However, CoolSculpting may not be an option for Greater New Jersey patients who are obese or are considering weight-loss surgery. Also, the procedure does not work to improve skin laxity. Patients who possess substantial amounts of excess skin are not likely to see their condition improve following treatments. It is possible to pair CoolSculpting with other cosmetic procedures that may increase the firmness of the skin. The expert board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can recommend alternative treatments that may be effective.

What to expect during treatment?

One of the many benefits of CoolSculpting is that it is a quick procedure. It is not unusual for patients to schedule treatments at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ during their lunch break and return to work and other daily activities immediately afterward. Keeping patients safe, comfortable, and relaxed throughout the procedure is a priority.

A cooling gel pad is placed on the designated treatment area, followed by the revolutionary CoolSculpting applicator, which draws fat and skin up into the device. Patients may feel a slight pinching or pulling sensation, but this is temporary and may cause only minor discomfort. In fact, most Greater New Jersey patients are able to check their phones, read a magazine, or even nap during their CoolSculpting sessions. An intense cold feeling may be experienced as the controlled cooling is applied, but this should subside as the treatment progresses. Following their procedure, men and women may feel temporary numbness or tingling in the treatment, although these should be mild. The treatment area may appear slightly red or bruised but will improve.

Eliminating fat with CoolSculpting

Fat cells that have been frozen with CoolSculpting are transformed into a liquid, which is subsequently flushed out by the body. This usually occurs within 12 weeks following your treatment. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group may recommend additional treatments to achieve optimal contoured results. If so, areas that were previously targeted with CoolSculpting will continue to improve even as dramatic results in the newly treated areas emerge.

In general, Greater New Jersey patients can begin to expect to witness the long-lasting results of CoolSculpting treatments about 2-3 months following their treatment session. Once removed, fat cells in areas that were treated are unable to return. Many patients report that their outstanding CoolSculpting results motivate them to exercise regularly and follow a proper diet in order to maintain their sexy, new contours.

When small areas of fat prove difficult to shed, CoolSculpting may be able to help Greater New Jersey patients achieve the slimmer and more shapely hips, abs, and thighs that they long to have. Learn more about this innovative system by scheduling an appointment with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ today.

Busted! 10 Myths About Breast Augmentation

Busted! 10 Myths About Breast Augmentation

More than 313,000 breast augmentations were performed in the U.S. in 2018, making it the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure. Despite the fact that so many women have undergone this transformative surgery, there is still plenty of misinformation about it circulating online and via word of mouth. Maybe you’ve heard that breast augmentation is only for younger women, or that it will make your breasts disproportionately large. Have you been told that implants are unsafe or that they must be replaced every few years?

The myths surrounding breast augmentation are numerous. Thankfully, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are here to expertly dispel them and provide patients with the correct information they need in order to feel confident about going forward with their procedure. In this article, they breakdown 10 of the biggest fallacies about breast augmentation.

10 Myths About Breast Augmentation

Implants make breasts look fake.

During the 1990s, trends in breast augmentation favored a heavily enhanced look. However, this is no longer the case, as current trends support a more natural appearance. New implant technology has allowed for better designs and materials that help the devices look and feel more like natural breasts. When breast augmentations are performed by the skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons of The Peer Group, beautiful results are achieved.

Only women who crave attention get breast augmentation.

Although an increase in attention may be experienced after undergoing breast augmentation, it usually is not the primary reason for a woman to opt for the surgery. In most cases, Greater New Jersey patients turn to the procedure as a way to help clothing fit better as well as to feel more comfortable and confident about their appearance. Breast augmentation is a highly personal procedure. There are a multitude of reasons why a woman may choose to enhance her bustline.

Sagging breasts can be improved with implants.

Several factors can cause natural breasts to sag and appear deflated. These can include pregnancy, extreme weight loss, and the effects of aging. While implants can improve and enhance the shape and size of the breasts, they do not address sagginess. It has been suggested that by placing an implant beneath the muscle, the device may work to support the breast and possibly prevent sagging in the future. However, scientific evidence to support this theory does not exist.

For patients who grapple with sagging, droopy breasts, a breast lift procedure can be performed as part of your augmentation. This is designed to reposition the breasts higher on the body so that they may look more perky and youthful.

Your surgery scars will be unsightly.

Advancements in surgical techniques for breast augmentation have made significant scarring a thing of the past. Depending on the placement of the incisions that your plastic surgeon makes, scars can be easily hidden by undergarments or a swimsuit. When incisions are placed in the underarm area, the breasts will be free of scars. The board-certified plastic surgeons of The Peer Group carefully consider the various styles of breast augmentation when determining how to create the best possible aesthetic outcomes for patients.

Implants make breastfeeding impossible.

This pervasive myth is one of the biggest involving breast augmentations. It also is entirely untrue. Many Greater New Jersey women are pleased to learn that in most cases, it is still possible to breastfeed your children after implants have been placed. During your consultation with the board-certified plastic surgeons of The Peer Group, be sure to discuss your desire to breastfeed the following augmentation.

Nipple sensitivity disappears after surgery.

It is possible for some patients, especially those who select larger implants, to experience a temporary decrease or loss of nipple sensation as a result of breast augmentation. This is a result of nerves being stretched by the implants. As your body slowly adjusts to your newly augmented chest, nipple sensitivity should be restored.

Only younger women can get breast implants.

In general, breast augmentation is an option for women of almost any age. While it is popular among New Jersey area women in their 20s and 30s, many patients turn to the surgery during their 40s once they are finished having children and wish to restore confidence in the appearance of their body. As with any cosmetic surgery, women considering breast augmentation should be in good health and capable of setting and maintaining realistic expectations for the surgery as well as its results.

There is no such thing as a safe implant.

You likely have heard frightening accounts of women who claim to have fallen ill as the result of a ruptured breast implant. It is important to know that implants are extremely durable devices. They are manufactured and thoroughly tested according to federal government safety standards. In fact, estimates show that only about 10% of saline implants burst within the first decade and require replacement. With silicone implants, that number is even lower.

Implants must be replaced every few years.

While some breast implant manufacturers recommend that the devices be removed and replaced after 10 years, the majority of plastic surgeons disagree as long as the implant has not ruptured, and the patient is satisfied with how it is performing. Deciding to increase or decrease the size of your breasts can make it necessary for your implants to be replaced. However, barring a rupture or another rare complication, long-lasting saline and silicone implants usually do not need to be routinely replaced.

Breast augmentation is a simple procedure.

Although the surgical techniques associated with breast augmentation are fairly straightforward, it takes a highly trained plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast augmentation and a keen eye for detail, such as those of The Peer Group, to create the stunningly beautiful, natural-looking result. Before moving forward with your procedure, be sure to thoroughly research a plastic surgeon’s medical and practice history and confirm that he or she specializes in breast augmentation. This will help to ensure that your surgery goes well and that you receive an excellent aesthetic outcome.

Now that you know the facts about breast augmentation, you may feel more confident in moving forward with this extremely popular procedure for yourself. Schedule a consultation with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ to begin the journey toward discovering a new you.

Open Your Eyes to A Whole New World with Eyelid Surgery

Open Your Eyes to A Whole New World with Eyelid Surgery

More women and men are turning to cosmetic procedures to not only look younger but feel younger. On the rise in popularity are eyelid surgeries being performed by plastic surgeons in growing numbers across the country and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. Eyelid surgery can help eliminate droopy eyelids and give a little cosmetic “lift” to your eye area. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a fairly straightforward procedure that gives patients dramatic results and can make individuals look years younger.

Located in Florham Park, NJ, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group are leading cosmetic experts at this highly regarded practice in the New Jersey area. Their main focus is patient care and giving patients what they need to look and feel better. An eyelid procedure can give both men and women a whole new outlook about their appearance and in some cases even help patients see better. Here is some helpful information on what this cosmetic procedure is all about.

A medical need with a cosmetic boost

Eyelid surgery essentially helps patients in the New Jersey area by “lifting” their eye area and removing any excess, loose skin. This is becoming a very popular procedure, especially among older patients. The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate so when individuals get older, eyelids can begin to droop or sag. This excess skin can sag low enough that it actually impedes a person’s line of sight.

Another medical need for eyelid surgery is in regard to puffiness or “bags” under the eyes. In some severe cases, eyeglasses are not able to be worn due to extreme lower eyelid puffiness. A functional blepharoplasty, when needed for medical reasons, is actually quite common and not only eliminates a patient’s medical concern but can also help them look years younger on top of it.

Looking younger with this procedure

For some patients, eyelid surgery is solely a medical necessity. However, for most men and women in the greater New Jersey area, it is purely a cosmetic need. Cosmetic blepharoplasty procedures strictly performed for aesthetic reasons are done to restore a more youthful appearance. Eyelid skin is delicate and when collagen production begins to decrease with age then the eyes are one of the first areas that show it. As we age, eyelid skin loses elasticity, more wrinkles begin to appear, and some men and women experience puffiness underneath their eyes, which can make individuals look tired. Eyelid surgery can provide amazing results by tightening up the skin around the eyes, decreasing puffiness, and removing fine lines or wrinkles to give patients an overall rejuvenated appearance.

Big results with this simple procedure

Whether it is a medical need or merely for cosmetic reasons, eyelid surgery can restore a patient’s overall appearance with this one procedure. New Jersey area patients often say they look more vibrant and “awake” after their eyelid procedure. Friends will ask why they look so rested. This fairly quick procedure gives patients immediate satisfaction, especially for those who had a medical need.

What can eyelid surgery do?

The qualified, experienced plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can determine what you need after your initial consultation and exam. They will listen to your aesthetic or medical concerns and then give a detailed surgical plan for your blepharoplasty procedure. Every patient has different facial features unique to them and the eyes are no exception. Consulting with experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons, such as those with The Peer Group, will give you a better understanding of what you need in order to get the results that you want.

There are three options when it comes to eyelid surgery:

  • Upper eyelid surgery is primarily performed to improve the appearance of the eye and leaves patients with a more rounded look to their eye area. It is also the most common for medical needs to restore the function of the eye and remove any excess skin that might be impeding a patient’s vision.

  • Lower eyelid surgery is primarily performed to remove puffiness under the eyes and eliminate any wrinkles or fine lines. It can help improve a patient’s overall appearance.

  • Double eyelid surgery is primarily performed on Asian patients to create a wider, larger opening with the eye area. An incision is made in the upper eyelid skin in order to create a different eyelid fold to give patients more range in their eyelid area.

Easy recovery

Patients who undergo eyelid surgery get immediate results, especially if it’s a medical necessity. This outpatient procedure typically only takes 45 minutes but can last up to 2 hours if there are other procedures being done at the same time. There will be some eye redness and slight bruising or swelling around the eye for the first 1 to 2 weeks. Most patients feel soreness but rarely any pain. Keeping your head elevated at night for the first few weeks and using cold compresses will help alleviate any discomfort. Wear sunglasses when outside to protect your eyes and expect them to get tired quickly for the first few weeks so it is important to rest when needed. Once you are adequately healed, you will have friends asking, “what did you do, you look so well rested!”.

Are you wishing you didn’t look so tired? Are your eyelids droopy and you are tired of the constant struggle with that sagging skin? If so, then we invite you to contact the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ to learn more about blepharoplasty and what this eye-opening surgery can do for you.

Why Not Give Your Breast Augmentation A Little Extra Lift?

Why Not Give Your Breast Augmentation A Little Extra Lift?

Breast augmentation with a breast lift is a common duo in the cosmetic world in order to enhance a woman’s natural breasts to restore perkiness while improving the overall size. A breast lift is the first step in the process to change the firmness and/or location of a woman’s natural breasts. Breast augmentation is the process of changing the size of the woman’s natural breasts with implants. Both procedures together can give a woman’s current breasts an overall beautiful, new look. Let’s be honest, you don’t want to put new implants into a breast that is saggy or droopy in appearance. A breast lift combined with breast augmentation can give women perkier, bigger, younger-looking breasts all at the same time.

Women in the greater New Jersey area who are looking to enhance the way their current breasts look can turn to The Peer Group. Located in Florham Park, NJ this accredited surgical practice has spared no expense creating a comfortable, relaxing environment for its patients. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group are leading experts in breast augmentation procedures. In some cases, if ptosis (also known as breast sag) is present, then it is in the best interest of the patient to have a breast lift prior to augmentation. Here is some helpful information on why a breast lift may be necessary and how it can improve your overall breast augmentation results.

The surgical reason for a breast lift

Women in the New Jersey area dealing with ptosis (breast sag) are prime candidates for a breast lift. The natural process of aging, having children, and fluctuations in weight over time can all be elements that cause women’s breasts to lose elasticity or change in shape. Breasts can begin to droop or sag and in some severe cases, a woman’s nipples will point downward. A loss of natural breast shape over time is a normal occurrence and a factor that can be corrected with a breast lift procedure.

The dynamic duo

Breast augmentation gives women fuller, rounder breasts due to implants. In some cases, a breast lift is necessary prior to implants to give implants a better platform if a patient has lost shape or volume. A breast lift doesn’t give women more size to their natural breasts, but it does give them better shape and location on the chest before implants are inserted. Combining these two procedures helps give women optimal results by repositioning their natural breasts first before implants.

Breast augmentation in some cases needs a lift prior

Breast augmentation is still the most popular cosmetic procedure in the country. In the last decade, major strides have been made with improvements to implants as medical devices. Surgical techniques are more precise and now there are gentler forms of anesthesia making it easier to recover. It has never been a better time to get the breasts you always wanted.

You don’t want to put new implants in breasts that have lost their shape or sag. Your new implants should be placed in perky breasts that have been lifted into their proper place before being enhanced to get the best aesthetic outcome.

Get an expert opinion

Every woman is different, which means every breast augmentation procedure varies. Not all women have ptosis or loss of shape to their natural breasts. In that case, a breast lift may not be necessary prior to augmentation. Women who need a breast lift prior to implants will show visible signs that their natural breast has lost elasticity or shape. One of the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in New Jersey will examine your breasts and give their professional opinion on whether you need a breast lift prior to breast implants to get the overall best results. The experienced, qualified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group would never put a patient through an unnecessary additional procedure if they didn’t deem it absolutely necessary in their professional opinion.

You are not alone if you are concerned you might need a breast lift prior to breast implants. It is a very common duo when it comes to breast augmentation procedures and can be done simultaneously allowing patients one recovery period. You want your new breasts to look amazing and for some women in New Jersey, a breast lift is necessary to get the best results.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are leading breast augmentation experts in the greater New Jersey area. After a thorough evaluation, they will help determine what your breast augmentation procedure will entail and if a breast lift is also necessary. If you are interested in breast augmentation and are unsure if you need a breast lift as well, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with The Peer Group today.

Allergan Breast Implant Recall

In light of the recent announcement by Allergan regarding their TEXTURED breast implants and tissue expanders, the doctors of The Peer Group are encouraging all of our breast implant patients to contact our office if they have any concerns. We would like to emphasize that this current recall is for textured Allergan implants that are on the shelf. There is NO recommendation from Allergan, or the FDA, that these implants and expanders need to be prophylactically removed if they have already been implanted. Your doctor will be able to discuss with you the type of implant you have and answer your questions. We encourage all of our breast implant patients who have not been seen within the past year to make an appointment to be seen as part of their routine follow-up. As always, your health is our primary concern.

We look forward to assisting you.

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Saline or Silicone? Why Choose One Over the Other for Breast Augmentation?

Saline or Silicone? Why Choose One Over the Other for Breast Augmentation?

The decision to have a breast augmentation is exciting and comes with a lot to consider. Breasts come in all different sizes and shapes, and the right plastic surgeon will help guide their patients in choosing the right fit for their specific body type. When a woman decides to include an implant in her procedure, there are two common options, silicone or saline. Looking at the choices leads to the question, “What are the differences between the two types of implants?” New Jersey area women often inquire about the difference between the two different types and want to know which is best suited for them. Ultimately, women want the results of their breast augmentation surgery to look and feel natural.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are highly skilled and experienced in performing breast augmentations. Their expertise helps women navigate their decisions towards a final result they will love. Whether you choose silicone or saline implants, breast augmentation surgery can dramatically alter a woman’s breasts to be fuller and shapelier. They can help a woman feel sexier and regain her self-confidence while enjoying a shapelier silhouette. Below is some helpful information regarding saline and silicone implants which will help you feel armed with a bit more knowledge when it is time to make your own decision.

Concerns regarding silicone implant safety

Both silicone and saline implants have been used since the 1960s. Silicone implants are often the more popular choice due to their more natural look and feel. These implants were briefly removed from the market due to concerns that they contributed to autoimmune disorders. However, following an investigation, there was no evidence of support to validate those reports. The FDA removed the ban, and silicone implants were redesigned. Many women may still remember those days and question their safety. Research has shown that there is no increased risk of autoimmune disorders due to silicone implants.

Silicone implants - natural in look and feel

One of the most significant advantages of silicone implants is their natural look and feel. While both implants are designed to look and feel natural, silicone implants are known for their more natural aesthetic appearance. Also, if you have ever noticed someone's breast implants seem to appear wrinkled or rippled, they most likely have saline implants. Silicone implants are less likely to cause this unattractive ripple effect and are softer in appearance.

Less scarring with saline implants

One difference between silicone and saline implants is regarding the size of the incision made to insert the implants and the resulting scars. Saline implants can be inserted into the breast unfilled and then are filled with the saline solution after implantation to the desired ccs to give women the exact volume and symmetry. This style of implant enables smaller incisions to be made versus already pre-filled silicone implants which require a larger incision to place the pre-filled implant into the breast area. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group have more freedom when it comes to selecting the location of incision lines when using saline implants. This versatility enables the doctors to minimize scarring by choosing the perfect hiding spot.

Being aware … the difference in saline vs silicone implant ruptures

New Jersey area women will enjoy the benefits of their new breast implants for many years to come. However, it is important to note that implants do not last forever, and revision surgery is possible. In some cases, women may experience the rupture of one of their breast implants. While rare, it is good to be aware of the differences between silicone and saline breast implant ruptures.

Ruptured saline implant

The good news about saline implant ruptures is that it is detectable within a few hours. Your implant will noticeably deflate, and your breasts will lose their volume and shape. Saline ruptures do not pose any health risks, and your body will naturally absorb the liquid. Surgery to remove the ruptured shell is necessary, and at that point, you may decide to replace your implant.

Ruptured silicone implant

Unlike saline, a ruptured silicone implant is much more challenging to detect. Even though the shell itself has ruptured, the nature of the silicone substance does not allow for it spread as freely as saline. Yearly MRIs are recommended to check the health of your implant and look for leaks or ruptures. Some patients report breast pain as a side effect of the leak. In the case of a silicone rupture, surgery is required to remove the implant shell and silicone.


New Jersey area patients who have undergone breast augmentation may have to consider having one or both breast implants replaced over time. Typically, most implants can last up to 10 years. However, many women can enjoy the benefits of their implants for years often well past the benchmark. After breast augmentation surgery, it is essential to schedule checkups with your plastic surgeon, who will ensure they still look, feel, and function normally. Both silicone and saline implants have the same longevity.

If you have been researching breast augmentation surgery, you have probably read a lot of information about the different implant styles available to you. The board-certified plastic surgeons at the Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are among the leading cosmetic experts in the New Jersey area. Their guidance can help you select the right implant, whether it is saline or silicone, for your aesthetic goals. Call or schedule your breast augmentation consultation with a plastic surgeon at The Peer Group today.

The Nose Knows. What to Look for in a Rhinoplasty Surgeon in NJ

The Nose Knows. What to Look for in a Rhinoplasty Surgeon in NJ

Rhinoplasty surgery or a “nose job” is a very popular procedure that can dramatically improve the way you look. Men and women who seek out this cosmetic surgery procedure are often unhappy with certain aspects of their nose, which may include the size and shape, and how it impacts their overall profile. Centrally located in the middle of the face, the nose has a powerful impact on your facial appearance and your self-confidence. This intricate surgical procedure is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It takes a combination of surgical artistry, skill, experience, and detailed patient input to create the perfect facial balance and harmony. Once you have decided to get a new nose, the next step to ensuring your happiness with the outcome depends in large measure on choosing the right plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgery, and rhinoplasty, in particular, require top-notch training, years of experience, and a complete understanding of the facial bones and the surrounding muscles. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are highly skilled with the technical know-how, and sound judgment to perform this highly customized surgical procedure. The information below features a guideline of important things to consider when choosing the right plastic surgeon to help ensure you get the nose you have always wanted.

Understanding your nose

Rhinoplasty procedures are one of the most requested and versatile cosmetic surgeries today. While some New Jersey/Greater NJ area patients want to change their nose for aesthetic reasons, others require this surgery for medical purposes. Difficulty breathing because of a deviated septum or a broken nose can make it hard to sleep and is often the reason why patients consider rhinoplasty. Others choose this surgery because they are bothered by the look of their nose on their face. Some patients feel their nose is too small or too large, while others wish to have a softer curve or want the removal of a nasal bump. These issues may all be altered by rhinoplasty. Whether it is for aesthetic reasons or medical needs, your effective communication of precisely what you do not like about your nose is critical. Ask yourself, “What do you want your nose to look like?” before you even step foot into a doctor’s office.

Searching through the sea of doctor referrals to find the right experienced and qualified New Jersey/Greater NJ area plastic surgeon can be daunting. Here are a few things to consider when beginning your initial search.

Top credentials

Perhaps the most crucial factor when choosing a plastic surgeon is their credentials. Before even scheduling a consultation, check their credentials on their website. Their website should include detailed information regarding their education, experience, patient testimonials, and board certifications. Rhinoplasty is not a simple procedure, and it requires a valid medical license. This license ensures minimum doctor education through medical school and graduate training. Information regarding doctor medical licenses can provide insight into unsatisfactory work, which is invaluable information for ensuring the right surgeon. Reputable surgeons have clean medical license reports.

Finding the right plastic surgeon

Selecting a board-certified, experienced surgeon, like those from The Peer Group in Florham, NJ, is an essential part when considering a rhinoplasty procedure. Rhinoplasty is a surgical balancing act that gives patients beautiful results while making sure their nose still functions properly. A plastic surgeon needs a creative mindset as well as extensive surgical experience when performing this complex, intricate cosmetic surgery. Here are some essential factors to look for before signing up for your procedure:

  • He/she has experience with both open and closed rhinoplasty procedures.

  • He/she has experience performing rhinoplasty procedures for at least 5+years and preferably ten years or more.

  • He/she performs at least 100+ rhinoplasty procedures annually.

  • He/she has surgical experience with revisional nose reshaping work.

  • He/she exhibits artistic talent and a keen eye for detail to create the right balance for your face.

  • The practice offers before and after photos with procedure details of actual rhinoplasty patients.

  • The practice offers computer technology to show pre-surgical plans for your rhinoplasty procedure.

  • Patient accolades or recommendations are essential and accessible.

  • Your plastic surgeon offers clear explanations of the customized surgical plan for your rhinoplasty procedure.

  • Your plastic surgeon sets realistic expectations, so you know what to expect.

  • The procedure is performed in a state-of-the-art, accredited plastic surgery facility.

Surgical experience and creative talent

Since the nose is the central part of the face, it is essential that your selected plastic surgeon is both experienced and talented. Rhinoplasty reshapes a patient's nose while maintaining balance with the other facial features. This procedure takes surgical skills and a creative eye to create and sculpt a nose that gives patients a final look they desire. Look for a plastic surgeon that is highly qualified, board-certified, and experienced in rhinoplasty procedures.

The renowned, award-winning plastic surgeons at The Peer Group combine science and art to deliver exceptional patient outcomes. Through the use of their three-dimensional Vectra imaging system, patients can visualize their potential surgical outcome and communicate their aesthetic goals before surgery. Our plastic surgeons have helped countless women and men in the New Jersey/Greater NJ area create a natural-looking result from their rhinoplasty procedure, while simultaneously improving look and function.

Your surgical care should consist of the right training, surgical skill, and artistic sense to reshape your nose. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will not only enhance your rhinoplasty experience in our state-of-the-art, accredited plastic surgery facility, but will also help you feel confident about your new and improved nose. If you have decided to undergo rhinoplasty surgery to correct, enhance, or reshape your nose then call or schedule your consultation with one of the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ today. Let them help you start your journey to getting the nose you always desired.