Is Laser Hair Removal in NJ Right for You?

Are you sick and tired of trying to get rid of unwanted facial hair? Or have you had enough of maintaining the hair under your arms, in your bikini area, on your back, or on another part of your body?

With laser hair removal in NJ, you can get rid of hair once and for all. The Cutera Cool Glide(R) laser can remove hair from your face or body safely and ensure that it doesn't grow back again. The ProWave(TM) can also prove to be beneficial for those who have larger patches of hair on their bodies.

Before you go through with laser hair removal, it's a good idea to take the time to learn more about how it works. It'll allow you to decide if it's the right option for your specific situation.

Here's what you need to know about it.

How Does Laser Hair Removal in NJ Work?

If you're considering laser hair removal in NJ, it's important for you to understand how the procedure actually works. Some people have the wrong idea of what the procedure is all about.

Laser hair removal targets hair in the growth phase and destroys the hair follicle by delivering short pulses of energy using a hand-held device with a cooling tip that glides across the skin. It delivers energy to the root of unwanted hair stopping the hair from growing. Over the course of several treatments, your hair follicles will stop producing hair.

Every patient who opts to have laser hair removal may respond to it a little bit differently based on their individual issues. But in general, most people start to see real results after two or three laser hair removal sessions.

You'll likely see your hair get less dense following each treatment. You'll also experience a reduction in hair thickness.

Who Are the Ideal Candidates for Laser Hair Removal?

If you have unwanted hair on your face or body, you are an ideal candidate for laser hair removal in NJ. It can truly help anyone who wants to eliminate hair from their body.

But with that being said, there are some people who respond better to laser hair removal than others. Those people with lighter skin and darker hair tend to get the best results right away.

That shouldn't stop you from seeking laser hair removal if you have darker skin and lighter hair. You may just need to be slightly more patient with the process. You can achieve the same results as others as long as you're willing to undergo several extra treatments.

A surgeon can speak with you more about your skin tone and hair color and estimate how long it would take for you to experience positive results.

Why Does It Take Multiple Sessions to Remove Hair for Good?

Some laser hair removal candidates are confused about why it takes several sessions in many cases to remove hair permanently. Can't it all be done and over with after one long session?

The truth is that hair on your face and body tends to grow in cycles. So when you have laser hair removal, there's a chance some of your hair could be in the middle of a growth cycle while other hair could be sitting dormant at that time.

When that happens, you could experience hair growth in certain areas simply because your dormant hair has sprung back to life. You might be under the impression that laser hair removal hasn't worked for you, but it's actually just your hair playing tricks on you.

When you undergo a series of laser hair removal treatments, you won't have to worry about hair sporadically growing back. The treatments will work in unison to end hair growth throughout your body.

What Is the Recovery Process for Laser Hair Removal Like?

One of the best parts about laser hair removal in NJ is that there is no recovery time at all following treatment.

Your skin may appear to be pink following treatment, and you may experience a slight tingling sensation, too. Those conditions could continue to exist for up to two hours.

But you won't experience any discomfort. And if you want, you can go back to work right after laser hair removal treatments without any problems.

Is There a Chance Hair Could Grow Back After Laser Hair Removal?

In most cases, you won't experience any hair growth at all after you've had laser hair removal in NJ done.

However, laser hair removal is technically considered a semi-permanent procedure, which means you may have stray hairs that pop up. That might indicate that a few hair follicles were not subjected to the laser's wrath during your treatments.

The stray hairs will be much easier to maintain than the hair that existed before. But if you want, you can always have an additional one or two maintenance treatments to eliminate them as well.

More often than not, though, hair growth will become a thing of the past following laser hair removal.

Stop Dealing With Unwanted Hair By Having Laser Hair Removal Done

If you've decided that you want to have laser hair removal in NJ done, it's best to work with a surgeon who has plenty of experience with the procedure.

This will ensure that your unwanted hair is gone following your treatments. It'll also ensure you get the best possible service during your laser hair removal.

Following laser hair removal, you'll feel better about yourself and be proud to show off your body without worrying about unwanted hair. You'll feel like a brand-new person right away.

Contact us to schedule a laser hair removal consultation in NJ.

Do Chemical Peels Hurt? 5 Myths and Facts You Need to Know

Skin is the body's largest organ, with the average adult having eight pounds and 22 square feet of it. It's also one of the most important organs as it holds the body together and protects it from evaporating.

It's no wonder that taking care of it is important. In fact, skincare makes up 37% of the $84 billion a year cosmetic and beauty industry in the United States. That number includes at-home and clinical skincare products and treatments.

Some treatments are a little misunderstood. In the case of chemical peels, the word "chemical" causes a lot of confusion. The most asked question about this procedure is "Do chemical peels hurt?"

Read on for five myths and facts about chemical peels that will set the record straight once and for all.

Chemical Peels: 101

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing procedure. It uses chemicals such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), glycolic or lactic acid, or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to exfoliate the top layer of skin. The result is a glowing, smoother complexion.

In some cases, chemical peels are used to treat skin conditions. In other cases, the patient wants the procedure for cosmetic reasons.

Both physicians and highly-trained and licensed estheticians perform chemical peels. Only a doctor, such as a dermatologist, will perform a deeper peel.

A chemical peel procedure is the same for each type but varies depending on the level or strength of solution used. First, the patient's face is thoroughly cleaned. The chemical solution is then applied onto the skin, which causes mild tingling.

The face is rinsed with water to neutralize the peel and a cool compress may be applied. Patients will need to limit sun exposure for the first day or two. For deeper peels, this should continue for up to two weeks. Sunscreen is recommended daily.

There are misconceptions about chemical peels. The most common get addressed below.

How Many Kinds of Chemical Peels Are There?

There are three kinds of chemical peels, each with their own benefits. Face peels for acne are simple and easy, while peels to treat deep wrinkles are more complex.

Superficial/Light Peels

A superficial/light peel exfoliates the top layer of skin, called the epidermis. This eliminates accumulated dead skin cells. Licensed and highly-trained clinicians, like estheticians, perform superficial peels.

Light peels are mild and use Alpha Hydroxy or Beta Hydroxy acid. The procedure is so simple and easy, people often refer to them as "lunchtime peels." In general, the peeling process takes 3-4 days to complete. The downtime is almost non-existent.

Superficial peels are, on average, the least expensive. They treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and dry skin. While effective, the results are more limited compared to other peels.

Depending on the desired results, a patient could have a light peel every two to five weeks.

Medium Peels

A medium peel penetrates the skin deeper than a superficial/light peel. It removes dead skin cells from the epidermis and portions of the upper part of the dermis, the middle layer of the skin.

The effects are also stronger than those of a light peel. Some clinics allow licensed estheticians to do medium peels, but many reputable plastic surgery centers will only have their physicians perform this procedure.

A medium peel consists of Trichloroacetic acid, also known as a TCA peel. It is a little more uncomfortable than a superficial peel, but the results last longer.

This procedure, on average, costs more than a light peel. The recovery time is a week or longer. A medium peel treats wrinkles, acne scarring, and uneven skin tone.

The procedure can get repeated three to nine months after the initial peel to maintain the desired results.

Deep Peels

A deep peel is the harshest chemical peel. A board-certified physician should be the only one to perform the procedure.

Deep peels contain Phenol and have a stronger effect and last longer than the others. This procedure removes dead skin cells from the epidermis and can penetrate as deep as the lower layer of the dermis.

Because Phenol has a stronger effect, it lasts the longest. It's also the most expensive and has the longest recovery time.

A deep peel can bleach the top layer of the epidermis, so it's not recommended for darker skin tones. Most often, only patients with deep wrinkles, scarring, or facial growths have the procedure.

This type of chemical peel is usually only performed once.

Do Chemical Peels Hurt?

The greatest concern tends to be over chemical peel pain. While a patient may need some sort of pain control during a deep peel, light and medium peels don't hurt.

In general, light and medium peels cause some discomfort. The discomfort ranges from mild to moderate, depending on the patient's level of tolerance.

The most common sensation is tingling. Some patients report a slight or mild burning feeling. These sensations subside when the procedure is complete.

A patient should direct all pain concerns with the physician and staff at the facility the procedure will take place in.

Are They Safe?

Another question that is a common one is, "Are face peels safe?" The answer is a resounding yes. Cosmetic practitioners use chemical peels to treat skin disorders like severe acne, acne damage, photodamage, and melasma.

Many scientific studies over the years found very minimal and rare side effects as a result of a chemical peel. In medium and deeper peels, these side effects include reddening of the skin, small bumps, and scarring.

The face peeling benefits far outweigh the few and rare side effects.

Can Procedures Get Combined?

Yes. It's common for patients to have a chemical peel and another procedure like microdermabrasion. When combined, the results of these procedures are very effective.

A patient can repeat this particular combination every four to six weeks. The skincare facility should give the patient all options during a consultation, including combining procedures.

Only Accept Exceptional Care and Results

Now that, "Do chemical peels hurt?" and other concerns have been answered, the only question that remains is finding the right facility.

The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery's board-certified and award-winning practitioners dedicate their practice to enriching the lives of their patients. The Peer Group hires the most talented and compassionate staff members to give every patient the highest level of individualized care.

To learn more, visit the procedures section or read hundreds of The Peer Group's five-star reviewsSchedule a consultation today to tour The Peer Group's accredited and state-of-the-art surgical center and meet the knowledgeable staff.

10 Things Patients Need to Know About Body Sculpting in NJ

Are you struggling to get rid of stubborn body fat? Are you frustrated by sagging skin that won't seem to firm up, no matter how hard you try?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a good candidate for body sculpting.

Before you schedule this procedure, it's important to understand what it is, why it works, and how you can benefit from it.

Read on to learn ten important facts about body sculpting in NJ.

1. What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting, which is sometimes referred to as body contouring, is a type of surgery that involves reshaping, tightening, and rejuvenating specific areas of the body. The end result is sleeker, more toned physique.

Body sculpting treatments often include liposuction in addition to other procedures like a tummy tuck, arm lift or body lift.

2. Body Sculpting Works Best on Certain Areas of the Body

Plastic surgeons typically use body sculpting to get rid of excess skin or fat in the following areas:

  • Neck/lower chin

  • Arms

  • Love Handles

  • Thigh

  • Abdomen

  • Upper back/bra area

Additional procedures may be recommended by your plastic surgeon to properly the contour the area of your body for the best result possible.

3. Body Sculpting is Not an Alternative Weight Loss Solution

As a result of the body sculpting procedure, patients lose inches and may lose some weight too. But, body sculpting is not a weight loss solution in and of itself.

Body sculpting can help you get rid of the last few pounds or reduce the appearance of sagging skin. And it is often the springboard to a healthy lifestyle. To experience significant weight loss, though, you'll need to eat a clean diet and exercise.

Many people use body sculpting to help them attain their ideal physique after they've lost a significant amount of weight. In fact, if you still have a lot of weight to lose, you might not be a candidate for the procedure until you’ve lost weight and maintained a healthy weight for a certain period of time.

4. The Ideal Candidate

There are factors that a surgeon will consider before deeming you a good candidate for a body sculpting procedure.

One is your ratio of visceral fat to subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is present above the muscle. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is located deep in the muscle tissues and around the organs.

Subcutaneous fat is easy to remove. Visceral fat is not. If you have a lot of visceral fat, your doctor may suggest you utilize diet and exercise to reduce it before you try a treatment like body sculpting.

5. Recovery is Important

After undergoing a body sculpting procedure, you'll be instructed to avoid bending, lifting or straining. Depending on the extent of your procedure, your limitations may last for several days or several weeks.

If you had your abdomen or thighs worked on, your surgeon may also recommend that you avoid standing upright for a few days. This can put stress on internal sutures. You may also need to sleep with pillows underneath your knees.

Recovery from this procedure can be challenging. But, many people find that the recovery is worth it. This is especially true when they start to see their skin looking smoother and their body looking more toned.

6. You'll See Results Very Quickly

One of the best things about body sculpting surgery is that you'll likely see results almost immediately after the surgery is finished. The fact that you can see your body change helps make the recovery process a lot more manageable.

Another great thing about body sculpting is the fact that, as long as you maintain your weight after the surgery, your overall appearance will likely continue to improve over time.

7. You'll See Best Results if You Reach Your Target Weight First

Body sculpting procedures are most effective on people who have lost weight and kept it off. Because weight maintenance is so important, you should be at your ideal weight and be able to maintain it for several months before your surgery.

8. Stress Can Alter Your Results

Before and after your surgery, it's important to do as much as you can to reduce your stress.

Stress can have a negative effect on your body's ability to heal. It can also increase your risk of experiencing complications during and after surgery.

9. You May Experience Scarring

Scars are common with body sculpting procedures. But, surgeons will do their very best to minimize scarring.

Your surgeon may try to make incisions in areas that can be hidden under undergarments or bathing suits. Or, they may make them in areas where natural skin folds will cover them up.

Remember, too, that scars improve and lighten with time. They may seem significant right after your procedure, but they'll fade.

10. You May Need Multiple Procedures

Finally, it's important to note that, in order to get the body you want, you may need to undergo multiple surgeries. Multiple surgeries are usually needed when patients want to address several different areas of the body.

Sometimes, certain areas can be grouped together, but trying to work on the whole body during one surgery could put you at risk for complications. It could also dramatically increase your recovery time.

Your surgeon may choose to address the upper body during one surgery and the lower body during another. Consider your priorities and choose to have the areas that are most important to you worked on first.

Are You Ready to Try Body Sculpting in NJ?

Now that you're up to speed, are you interested in giving body sculpting in NJ a try?

If you live in or around the Morristown area, contact us at The Peer Group today to schedule a consultation.

In addition to body sculpting, we offer a variety of other services, including microneedling, microblading, liposuction, and laser hair removal.

7 CoolSculpting Recovery Tips for The Best Results

While some celebs don't admit it, Khloe Kardashian shares how much she loves undergoing body shaping treatments to fine-tune her body. She admitted in 2015 to using CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting, technically called cryolipolysis, is a non-surgical body contouring procedure that targets stubborn fat cells in an area of the body treating them with controlled cooling to freeze the fat cells. Typically, the amount of fat cells in that targeted area is reduced by 20-25% per treatment.

If you are curious about CoolSculpting but want to know more about what to expect during CoolSculpting recovery, read on.

We'll give you 7 tips to help you get the best results possible.

1. Understand the CoolSculpting Procedure

It's vital that you understand the CoolSculpting procedure (including follow-ups and timeline) so that you can get the most out of your treatment.

During CoolSculpting, a cooling device is placed on the target area of your body. The machine pulls in the area of fat and only freezes those fat cells. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are removed naturally from the body.  

You will probably feel pressure but shouldn't feel any pain. Each CoolSculpting application takes around 35 minutes per area. You may treat several areas during one session if you wish.

This procedure is performed without any local anesthesia and there’s no downtime.

2. Expect Some Soreness, Swelling, and Redness

Immediately after your procedure, you may see some minor redness and swelling in the treated area. This is normal. Don't be discouraged by your "results" right now. The true result will come later once your body has recovered.

You might feel sore in the treated area. It will likely feel like you have a bruise in that spot.  It's also possible that you will feel numb in the area that was treated. That's normal, too.

3. Wear, Loose Comfortable Clothes

Don't go home after your procedure and try to squeeze into your skinny jeans. The minor swelling will make you feel uncomfortable.

Let your body heal and while it does enjoy your comfy stretch pants and shirts.

4. Get Ready for Nerve Twinges on Days 3-5

Everyone’s experience with CoolSculpting will vary. A few days after your treatment, you may start feeling some nerve twinges. It may feel like a short zap in the treated area. This is normal. Your nerve endings are regenerating or “getting back to normal”.

Call your CoolSculpting provider if anything seems unusual.

5. Listen To Your Body

Even though you know the possible side effects, if anything is causing your concern, contact your CoolSculpting provider and discuss your symptoms.

Your provider will be able to give you a better understanding of what you are experiencing and what you can do about it.

Trust your instincts. If something feels wrong, contact your provider.

6. Be Patient During CoolSculpting Recovery

After CoolSculpting, many see changes as early as 3 weeks after treatment with the most dramatic changes 2-4 months later.

Remember, your body is flushing out fat cells and will continue to do this for up to 6 months after your treatment. Stay well hydrated following CoolSculpting. Drinking plenty of water will flush the fat cells out of your body more quickly. Don’t get frustrated, it will happen!

In the meantime, it's a good idea to keep track of your progress through a blog or even in a journal. Take progress pictures, measurements and write about your experience as you go through recovery.

You will likely see the results as you review past measurements and photos more so than just looking at how you look today.

7. Remember That Long-term Results Are Up to You

Once the treated fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good, however; maintaining your CoolSculpting results will depend on your lifestyle. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy, balanced diet is the best thing you can do to maintain your results.

Remember, CoolSculpting won't prevent you from gaining weight and storing fat.

CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss solution. Looking great for years to come is up to you.

For many, the CoolSculpting treatment is what they need to kickstart a proper fitness and nutrition lifestyle. You may find that looking good fuels your desire to stay that way. It's not uncommon for people to start and maintain a new lifestyle that includes being active regularly and eating well.

Final Thoughts on CoolSculpting Recovery

We hope these 7 tips for your CoolSculpting recovery help you understand what you can expect after your treatment.

Getting mentally prepared for months of gradual results coupled with a personal commitment to do what is necessary to keep your results will ensure that your experience is a success.

Now that you know what to expect, all that's left to do is choose your procedure provider. Check out our reviews to see why so many people choose The Peer Group Plastic Surgery.

7 Reasons to Consider Plastic Surgery in New Jersey

Plastic surgery is very popular in America. People are lining up more than ever for plastic surgery procedures, and they need skilled surgeons to meet the demand.

If you live in New Jersey, you have access to many plastic surgeons especially with New York City right next door. But you don't have to travel far to get outstanding plastic surgery. You can find a great plastic surgeon in Morristown NJ.

A lot of people turn to The Peer Group when they need to get work done. Are you curious about why so many people love this New Jersey medical practice? Read on to learn more.

6 Reasons To Consider Plastic Surgery in New Jersey

We know that you have your pick of plastic surgeons, but there's a reason why so many people turn to The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey when they want to enhance their look.

Whether you're concerned about expertise, choice, or atmosphere, this place has it all.

There are a lot of reasons why people love this practice, but we're going to list the top 6 reasons why there's so much repeat business.

Innovative Procedure Options

When most people think about plastic surgery, images of facelifts and tummy tucks come to mind. Plastic surgery has evolved a lot over the years, and now there are new ways to achieve what was once only possible through surgical procedures.

When you're looking for plastic surgery practice, you're going to want to go somewhere that's up to date on the latest procedures. Don't think that your only option is traditional surgery. Always ask about the non-surgical options and you could be surprised about what's available.

Expertise You Can Trust

If your car needed a new coat of paint you wouldn't go to a transmission repair shop simply because they know about cars. When you want plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures, you'll want to go to the experts in this field.

All of the New Jersey plastic surgeons and providers at The Peer Group are experts in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures including non-surgical treatments. Each of the surgeons is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This certification demonstrates that the doctor has completed an approved set of education and training requirements and passed exams that test the full spectrum of knowledge covering all plastic surgery procedures.

Thoughtful Staff

Rude or inattentive office staff can easily sour patient experiences. That's why this practice only hires the best to staff their team. The doctors at The Peer Group are impressive on their own and the staff at the facility really make the practice extraordinary.

When you walk in, you can expect to be greeted with a warm and friendly hello. The staff is trained to promptly care for patients and can help with any billing or insurance questions you may have.

Only the best nurses, medical assistants, and skin care consultants work at our plastic surgery practice. Whether you're asking questions about a procedure, checking in for a service, or prepping for surgery, you'll be in the best hands possible.

Excellent Reviews

Most people looking for a skilled and reputable surgeon may rely on word of mouth, seeking out personal recommendations from friends and family. You can also go online to see how the doctor and the practice rates among the community.

Doctor and practice reviews are available on several reliable rating sites and can tell you almost everything you need to know before you go in for your procedure.

If you take a look at the plastic surgery reviews for The Peer Group, you can read first-hand accounts of patients’ wonderful experiences.

If you want to see for yourself, check out the review page.

Personalized Attention

Every patient that comes to The Peer Group is a unique individual and we understand that everyone has their own needs too. Our staff provides all of our patients with personalized service where the individual and his or her needs are the main focus.

From the initial consultation to your procedure follow-up, The Peer Group staff and medical professionals will carefully walk you through all of your options. We'll recommend the best procedure to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Countless Non Surgical Options

If you’re not ready for surgery, that's not a problem for the providers at The Peer Group. There are many non-surgical, non-invasive options that may benefit you like CoolSculpting to get rid of unwanted body fat and Ultherapy to lift the sagging skin on your face and neck. Our most requested non-invasive treatment is Botox and Juvederm, an excellent option to smooth out facial wrinkles and restore lost facial volume.

Next Steps

Now that you know why so many people choose to go to The Peer Group, you're ready to make an appointment with some of the best plastic surgeons in New Jersey.

Contact us today and schedule a consultation. We'll discuss the best procedure options for your unique needs.

In the meantime, take your time to familiarize yourself with the procedures we offer. To make your appointment go smoother, consider writing a list of any questions or concerns you may have so we can address them when we meet.

Non-surgical Facelift FAQ: "Where Can I Find Ultherapy Near Me?"

Are you looking for a way to safely reverse the signs of aging without undergoing a full-blown surgery? Do you want to accomplish this without the possibility of a prolonged and painful recovery? If so, you just might be a candidate for Utherapy.

This is a non-invasive, non-surgical outpatient procedure that is performed in 60 to 90 minutes. With Ultherapy, your doctor will use ultrasound energy to tighten the skin throughout your face from the brow and neck areas to the decolletage. This method is proven to increase the amount of collagen you naturally produce, revealing a firmer, fuller appearance.

We collected all the information you'll ever need about this alternative facelift procedure. So, keep reading this article to find the answer to "Where can I find Ultherapy near me?" and much more!

How Does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive skin lifting treatment that's been cleared by the FDA. It is the only type of cosmetic procedure that uses ultrasound technology. This means it gives your practitioner the ability to see the multiple layers of skin tissue that are being targeted, this way, the ultrasound energy will only be deposited in the areas where it benefits you the most.

Ultherapy delivers a low amount of focused energy beneath the skin’s surface. The heat from the ultrasound stimulates new collagen growth. It does this at the temperature that's best for collagen regeneration. In short, it jumpstarts the body's natural collagen-producing process.

There aren't any added creams or fillers used during this procedure, so you don't have to worry about toxins or allergic reactions. Ultherapy solely relies on your body's natural collagen-building systems.

We start with identifying your trouble zones and the areas that need to be treated. Your practitioner will then use a handheld device to administer the ultrasound energy to those areas.

The amount of time this treatment will take is dependent on the areas you want to be treated. On average, patients don't spend more than an hour and a half in the office for this.

Expected Results

You will see a nice change in your skin after your ultherapy procedure is completed. You may see some toning and firm immediately afterward. Just keep in mind that you won't see the maximum results right away. The full lifting and tightening effect will build gradually over two to three months. The reason is that it takes time for your skin to build collagen. The process works in a slow and effective way that keeps the collagen in your skin new.

Ultherapy may not give you the dramatic results you will get from surgery but what it will do is produce subtle changes. This is good for those who want a more natural-looking result that becomes better with time.

Are the Results Permanent?

After an Ultherapy treatment, you will still have fresh young collagen after a year’s time or so., but we continue to age. Future touch-up treatments may be needed to keep up with the aging process which varies from person to person.

Who Should Undergo Ultherapy?

A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with skin that is “relaxed”. Skin that looks and feel less firm.

On average, people between the ages of 30 and 40 begin to experience a bit of loosening of the skin on their faces. The most common areas where this loosening will begin to present itself are around the eyes, eyebrows, under the neck, and in the chin area.

Although this procedure can help with further signs of aging, the subtle changes ultherapy provide are ideal for those who are just beginning to display signs of aging.

Ultherapy Near Me

After learning about the benefits of ultherapy, you are probably wondering, "Where can I find ultherapy near me?" At The Peer Group Plastic Surgery, we have award-winning, board-certified plastic surgeons on staff to help you achieve the best looking results possible.

Visit our website today to schedule a consultation and learn more.

Radiant Beauty: 5 Benefits of Having a Hydrafacial in NJ

There were over 2 million hydrafacial treatments performed across the globe in 2017. That's more hydrafacials than chemical peels in the US - the third most popular non-invasive treatment year after year.

According to one study, at least 50% of people think appearance is a major signifier of who we are as people. Being the largest and most visible aspect of your outward appearance, the skin is an important aspect of how you look. Yet so many of us struggle with discoloration, skin clarity, as well as the visible signs of aging.

The good news is, hydrafacial in NJ offers an effective and no-risk solution to your skin concerns.

Whether you're struggling with skin concerns or you simply want your skin to look the best that it can, a hydrafacial can give you the results you're looking for. If you're considering facial treatments, look no further. Keep reading to find

out what the top 5 benefits of a hydrafacial are.

What is a Hydrafacial?

Let's start with the basics: what exactly is a hydrafacial? In short, it's a revolutionary technology that can change your skin for the better.

Using medical-grade hydradermabrasion, a hydrafacial takes place in 3 steps. These include cleansing, exfoliating, and infusion of serums for your specific needs.

This comprehensive skin care treatment is not only medical-grade, but it's also a spa-like experience. It offers skincare solutions while giving you a relaxing and comfortable treatment.

A hydrafacial can improve your overall skin health. It's also customized to whatever your skin care needs are.

And customization doesn't stop there. Your hydrafacial treatment includes follow-up and an at-home plan to maximize your results.

The Top 5 Benefits of Hydrafacials

Now that you know a little bit more about this revolutionary facial treatment, we'll break down the top 5 reasons you should consider this treatment over others.

It's Customized Just for You

Most facials are routine. They include the same steps performed in the same way regardless of your specific skin care concerns and issues. The 4-in-1 Vortex technology used in a hydrafacial is customized to whatever skin concerns you're targeting as well as your skin type.

When you go for a hydrafacial, your skin care specialist will customize every step of the process to your needs. Whether you're struggling with the visible signs of aging, clogged pores, skin clarity, rough skin, uneven texture, or dryness, an individualized treatment plan is created specifically for you.

Various skin care products can be incorporated into your hydrafacial. Your skin care specialist can choose from the 3 strengths of glycolic-salicylic acids involved in the process. This will be based on your experience with chemical peels, your skin type, and what you're looking to achieve.

Even at the consultation phase, customization is considered. Your follow-up and at-home plan will be suited to your complexion. It will also help your results last.

When it comes to hydrafacial in NJ, we at the Peer Group pride ourselves on providing individualized care for each of our patients. This process is one of the many ways we can achieve that.

Treats a Variety of Skin Concerns

A hydrafacial isn't limited in the same way as other facials. Because it's customizable, it can include a number of different skin care products and steps.

These steps and products can be used on their own or in different combinations to target a wide variety of skin concerns. For every skin type, there are different skin care concerns. Hydra facial has you covered there, too.

Below is a comprehensive list of what hydrafacials in NJ can help with:

  • Fine lines

  • Wrinkles

  • Skin elasticity/looseness

  • Skin firmness

  • Skintone

  • Skin texture

  • Vibrancy and radiance

  • Brown spots

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Age spots

  • Congested skin

  • Clogged pores

  • Acne

  • Enlarged pores

Hydrafacial is not just an anti-aging procedure. It can also be used for people who struggle with skin clarity, acne, and hyperpigmentation.

The adaptability of this treatment is a result of it's 3 basic steps. In these steps, items can be added or removed as needed - all according to what you need.

Cleansing and exfoliation begin in step 1. Your skin will be cleaned before the procedure begins. It will gently exfoliate your skin to reveal the new layers of fresh skin below.

In the extraction and hydration step, dirt and dead skin cells are removed from your pores. This process is achieved using a painless suction technique. Your pores will be refreshed and quenched with nourishing moisturizers and serums.

In the final step, your treatment is fused and your skin protected. Revitalizing antioxidants and peptides will be fed to your skin. This will protect all the work of the treatment and make your skin more vibrant.

Quick and Easy Procedure

Not only is this procedure comfortable and relaxing, but it's also extremely quick. After a consultation to determine your customized treatment, you can have the treatment on the same day.

It only takes 30 minutes to complete all three steps. Plus, it's completely non-invasive, soothing, and non-irritating. The process of cleansing, exfoliating, extracting, hydrating, and protecting doesn't involve any squeezing or pressing on the skin.

After your treatment, your professional skin care consultant will suggest what you should do to maintain the results of your treatment. You can return to work the same day. You'll see results immediately, without any irritation or peeling.

It's Completely Safe

Hydrafacial is painless. Instead, you can expect the sensation to feel like a light massage for your face.

This is because a hydrafacial uses hydradermabrasion, a “wet” technique that is more gentle on the skin. This technology delivers great results every time and for every patient. While other treatments may cause inflammation or irritation, the hydrafacial promises no side effects.

Everyone is A Candidate

No matter your gender, age, or skin type, you're a candidate for a hydrafacial in NJ. Because it's completely customizable, a hydrafacial can treat your skin concerns regardless of what they are.

If you have a rash or sunburn, you should avoid a hydrafacial until your skin has cleared up. It may also not be suitable for patients with rosacea.

Hydrafacial in NJ

Regardless of your skin concern or skin type, a hydrafacial can help you achieve more radiant and vibrant skin. It's customizable according to what you need, quick and painless, and 100% safe and effective.

If you're looking for a hydrafacial in NJ, look no further than the Peer Group. Contact us for more information.

7 Common Mistakes When Getting a Breast Lift in NJ and How to Avoid Them

Many women are getting breasts lifts done in New Jersey and all around the country - over 300,000 did last year, actually!

Women get breast lifts for a variety of reasons. Some do it to fix their sagging breasts while others do it to finally get that perky, proportional look they've always wanted.

Either way, a breast lift usually has the same outcome: it makes a woman feel much sexier and a lot more confident in her own skin. But, the best way to achieve such a feeling is to do everything right. You can't afford to make mistakes when getting a breast lift in NJ if you want the absolute best results.

Here are 7 things to avoid doing during your breast lift process.

1. Half-Hearted Research

The results of your breast lift heavily depend on the surgeon you choose. As such, you need to do a thorough search for all the surgeons in your area.

Consider how long each plastic surgeon has been doing breast lifts as well as the number of years they’ve been in practice. Check to see whether or not your top choices are board-certified and look into what past clients have to say as well.

2. Speeding Through the Consultation

The best way to tell if you've chosen the right surgeon is to get a consultation from a few different doctors. Plan 2-3 consultations within the same week then sit down on your own and compare the pros and cons of each one.

This is your chance to get a feel for each doctor's level of professionalism and knowledge of the procedure. It's also an opportunity to get a sense of how well you can trust them and how comfortable you feel with them.

More so, a consultation is the time to ask all the questions you have about a breast lift. Some women just take the doctor's word for it without bringing up their concerns or hesitations. As much as you need to trust the medical professional who will perform your procedure, it pays to educate yourself about the whole process.

Use your consultation to ask everything from the level of pain you can expect to feel post-op to everything you need to do to prepare for the surgery. Talk about the changes you'll need to make in your level of activity, too.

3. Not Looking at Before and After Photos

Another smart thing to do before getting a breast lift is to look at the results your surgeon has provided past clients. Browsing through the before and after photos gives you an idea of what your breasts will look like after surgery.

Although each woman's breasts are unique, before and after photos reflect the skill and attention to detail of the surgeon you've chosen. You don't want to ignore this. Make sure you ask for before and after photos before your consultation is over.

4. Ignoring the Surgeon's Recommendations

Keep in mind that part of building a relationship with your surgeon is to take their advice. A surgeon won't explicitly tell you what to do, but they will do their best to guide you in the right direction. Listen to them when they do.

You may go into a consultation with the thought of fixing your sagging breasts only to realize they can't be completely transformed. Or, you may contact a surgeon about a breast implant procedure and then realize that a breast lift is the better option or even a lift with an implant.

At the end of the day, you make the final decision (so long as it's possible for your body). But, it's good to do so with the surgeon's suggestions in mind.

5. Neglecting Your Post-Surgery Responsibilities

Don't forget that there's work to be done after the surgery is complete. This is arguably the most important part of the entire breast lift process. The doctor's efforts won't look as best as they can if you neglect your post-surgery instructions.

Make sure you're resting as much as you're supposed to, treating your incisions carefully and following the instructions provided. After several weeks, you can ease back into your fitness routine but don’t overdo it. And wear your surgical bra every single day.

6. Continuing to Wear Your Old Bras

It is important to wear a good fitting support bra or sports bra for several weeks after surgery. And as far as your old bras go; now's the time to treat yourself to new ones.

Even though the size may not change much, the overall contour wil. A new bra will provide the ideal fit for the way that your breasts are now positioned. They'll give you the best level of support to ensure the results you've gotten last a long time.

7. Getting a Breast Lift for the Wrong Reasons

Here's something to think about: why do you want a breast lift in the first place? Don't get a breast lift if you think it will please someone else.

Also, think about what kind of confidence you're looking to get out of this. It's one thing to fix the asymmetrical breasts you've always had or to lift sagging breasts that make you feel older than you are. But, there's a fine line between the confidence boost a breast lift can provide and expecting it to resolve all your body image insecurities.

Find the Right Surgeon to Do Your Breast Lift in NJ

Ready to get the breast lift you've been dreaming of for a while now? Great! Just be sure you find the right surgeon for the job.

If you're looking for a breast lift in NJ, you've come to the right place.

Click here to discover why The Peer Group is the perfect team to do your procedure.

5 FAQs About Brachioplasty Recovery Time

Are you looking for more confidence to go sleeveless or dress in form-fitting tops?

75% of women admit body image overrules their confidence. The same gets said for over 80% of men. Both sexes desire a more sculpted physique, including their arms.

Arm sculpting is the answer for smoother and firmer underarm skin. Brachioplasty (or arm lift) can help correct sagging or loose skin. It works to fix drooping skin that results from aging or excessive weight loss.

So what to expect from this form of body contouring? Here are the answers to all your Brachioplasty recovery time questions.

The Brachioplasty Procedure at a Glance

Brachioplasty is a body contouring procedure that involves removing loose or sagging skin from the upper arm. It results in a more shaped and toned appearance.

Once you turn 30, your muscle mass begins to decrease up to 5%. It continues to lose more mass every 10 years. While this happens with age, Brachioplasty can help bring back a firmer shape to your arms.

The procedure is best suited for men and women who are not obese. Nor for those with a significant amount of fat in their upper arms.

Brachioplasty is performed under anesthesia as an outpatient procedure.

This procedure involves making an incision along the inside of the arm, from the armpit toward the elbow. Then, the extra skin gets trimmed away. The doctor may also use liposuction to remove excess fat and contour the upper arm.

Following the procedure, the patient will be taken to the recovery room for observations and to rest. The incision area will stay bandaged. A drain may also be placed to help remove extra fluid.

5 FAQ's About Brachioplasty Recovery Time

Here are the top 5 FAQ's about the in-home recovery of an arm lift procedure.

1. What Should You Expect Right After the Procedure?

Along with bandages, you may have to wear a compression garment. This will help keep any swelling down. Because of the anesthesia and post-operative pain medication, it's important to have someone drive you home.

Someone should help take care of you during the first few days of your arm surgery recovery process. They can go grocery shopping and help with meal prep. They may also need to check your drain if you have one.

You will be instructed to drink plenty of fluids right after your surgery. Staying well hydrated will help to speed up recovery time. It’s equally important to eat a healthy and balanced diet.

2. How Painful Is the Recovery Period?

During your arm lift recovery, it's common to have some discomfort. You may experience soreness, swelling, and some bruising. This should lessen after the first few days.

Plan for 1 to 2 weeks of recovery time for an arm lift procedure. It may take the tissues in your arms a few weeks to fully heal.

You'll want to use pillows to keep the arms elevated. This helps to increase circulation and reduce swelling. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication if needed.

Wear comfortable loose clothing which is easy to take on and off. Choose a zip or button up shirt rather than a pullover.

It's important to keep an eye on the surgery site for any changes. Any increased redness, drainage, or swelling should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible.

3. Will There Be a Scar?

Since an arm lift involves an incision to remove extra skin, there will be a scar. Your incision line will continue to refine as you heal. It's important to avoid direct sunlight for the first 12 months after surgery. This helps to avoid discoloration of the scar. The scar may be bright pink at first but will fade to your normal skin color over time.

4. How Soon Can You Get Back to Work?

Arm lift recovery time is usually 1 to 2 weeks.

For a quicker recovery, it's important to follow your post-operative instructions. Get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activity that may include bearing weight or lifting over your head.

It's normal for your arm and hand strength to feel weak at first. They will get stronger over time as you heal. Keep arm movement and activity limited during the recovery phase.

What About Exercising?

You'll also need to pause your exercise routine. Your doctor will recommend when you can begin physical activity in your arms again.

It will most likely be a month or two before you can resume all regular activities. Start out slow with a daily walk. Then ease back into your normal fitness routine.

Once you get the green light from your doctor you can start strength training. This will help continue muscle growth and toning for your arms.

5. How Does Combining Other Procedures Affect the Recovery Time?

An arm lift is a popular cosmetic surgery to combine with other procedures. When appropriate, patients choose to do this to avoid another anesthesia procedure and recovery time.

An upper body lift is a popular combined procedure. It involves contouring your breasts, arms, and abdomen all at once. Many doctors will recommend breast surgery with a tummy tuck and liposuction.

When combining procedures, you'll only have to go under anesthesia one time. Depending on the number of procedures done you may need a longer recovery time.

Your surgeon will be able to inform you of recovery times for each procedure as well as which procedures can get done at the same time.

Finding the Right Surgeon

The right surgeon is the most important part of your Brachioplasty recovery time. They should have vast experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, with a specialty in arm lifts.

The result of this surgery is shapely arms for a satisfying self-image. Following your recovery, it's important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. This will keep the results long-lasting, without a need for other surgeries down the road.

Learn more about how this popular procedure can transform your confidence and contour your body.

The Best Ways to Maintain Your Body After Abdominoplasty in New Jersey

If you've ever considered getting some kind of cosmetic surgery, then chances are you've thought about whether or not a tummy tuck is right for you.

However, it's important that you understand that, even after you've had a tummy tuck, you'll need to hit the gym to keep your new body looking great.

In addition to telling you all about what you can expect from an Abdominoplasty, we'll let you know what you can do to maintain your results.

After all, even after surgery, looking your best still takes work!

We'll also let you know where you can find a trusted surgeon to perform your Abdominoplasty in New Jersey.

What is an Abdominoplasty?

Before we go into further detail about how to maintain the results of your Abdominoplasty, let's ensure that you know a bit about the procedure.

An Abdominoplasty is commonly referred to as a "tummy tuck."

In fact, there are several different types of Abdominoplasty options. The first is a full tummy tuck, which helps men and women alike to get rid of excess skin in the ab and stomach area.

You may also opt for a mini tummy tuck, which works for those who are looking to tighten things up but won't need as much of a fat removal procedure. For those needing more extensive work -- for example, those who have lost a significant amount of weight -- an extended tummy tuck may be needed.

In some cases, you may be able to combine your Abdominoplasty in New Jersey with other cosmetic procedures. You might choose to have a breast lift, augmentation, or even liposuction to target challenging areas.

Depending on the extent of your tummy tuck procedure in New Jersey, you should expect to avoid strenuous exercise for about 6 weeks after your Abdominoplasty. You'll be able to go about your day as you normally would about two weeks after the procedure.

Before that, use caution, and when in doubt, have good judgment.

Tips to Maintain Your Abdominoplasty in New Jersey

We understand that you've had to hit the gym, talk to your medical team, and of course, save up your money in order to get an Abdominoplasty in New Jersey.

But the truth is that a tummy tuck isn't a magical procedure that means you'll never gain weight. Nor does it mean that you no longer have to hit the gym.

As with the majority of cosmetic procedures, some maintenance is necessary.

Now, let's take a look at our top tips to ensure you keep the results of your New Jersey Abdominoplasty.

Rethink Your Diet

A healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important parts of maintaining your Abdominoplasty results.

First of all, remember that skipping meals isn't the answer. Depriving your body of food actually means that it will store more fat, as it has to get its energy from somewhere.

Instead, start thinking about the foods you eat as a kind of fuel for your body.

Eat leafy greens, foods rich in Omega-Three fatty acids, and avoid the consumption of overly-processed foods.

If you're nervous about your self-control, you might even think about joining a weight loss support group. Additionally, you can look into meal delivery programs that will help you to make sure that you're getting the right nutrition.

Sometimes, the support of a group is all you need to maintain your results and stay on track.

Exercise the Right Way

It can be a challenge to ease back into your regular workout routine after you've had a New Jersey tummy tuck.

The most common problem is people who have had an Abdominoplasty pushing themselves too hard too soon after their procedure.

For example, you'll need to make it a point to seriously moderate your exercise for the first few months after the tummy tuck. Avoid sit-ups, yoga and high-intensity exercises like kickboxing.

What is one of the best and safest workouts to do after your Abdominoplasty in New Jersey?

Start by going on brief walks with family and friends. It's good to have others around you not just to motivate you but to make sure that you stay safe.  Walking is a full-body activity and a great way to get your body used to the idea of exercise once again.

After about four weeks, you can start doing some light cardio again. We suggest that you try spinning or logging a few hours on the elliptical machine every week.

Over time, you'll get your strength back.

Interested in an Abdominoplasty in New Jersey

We hope that this post has helped you to not only learn more about getting a tummy tuck but also has taught you how to keep your results.

It's essential that you connect with a surgeon who can fully and honestly tell you about the risks and possible results of any procedure.

You also need to work with cosmetic surgeons that have experience in different kinds of tummy tucks, so that you'll be certain you're getting the best option for you.

Are you interested in getting an Abdominoplasty in New Jersey?

If so, then we invite you to learn more about how to become a new patient.