What Are the Top Benefits of Cheek Fillers?

Are cheek fillers worth it? New Jersey’s injectors at The Peer Group regularly work with both women and men who definitely think so!

High cheekbones are considered by many people to one of the most attractive facial features. In fact, three characteristics that tend to be associated with a youthful face are high cheekbones, full cheeks, and a defined jawline.

Unfortunately, the midface may become hollowed or flattened as we age and lose the volume provided by youthful facial fat. Alternatively, some people have always had flatter, barely noticeable, or lower cheekbones due to genetics.

If you want that high, chiselled look, cheek fillers should certainly be on your list of techniques to consider. Whether you’re aware of it or not, there’s a high chance that someone you know has had fillers injected into their cheek area.

Cheek fillers are one of the most versatile types of facial fillers procedures, so they are very popular among patients who are new to fillers. The most common types of fillers for this area of the face are hyaluronic acid-based options like Juvéderm® Voluma®, which has a thick consistency ideal for creating noticeable and lasting volume. These fillers contain hyaluronic acid—a version of the same substance your body produces to keep your skin moisturized—and they work by adding plumpness beneath the skin.

Patients of all ages and skin textures can benefit from cheek fillers, and almost anyone can be a candidate.

Fillers can be used to:

  • Add definition to and enhance or strengthen the contours of the cheekbones
  • Sharply define the facial bone structure
  • Increase volume in the cheeks
  • Make the face look more youthful
  • Reduce wrinkles and lines such as marionette lines
  • Camouflage asymmetry

Fillers have different effects depending on where in the cheek they are injected. When introduced into the higher areas of the cheeks, they can have a contouring effect, but they can also be added into the larger part of the cheek if you’re losing volume in that area.

Ready for cheek fillers? Contact The Peer Group for a consultation so you can get started with achieving more youthful facial contours. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment.

Can You Use Hyaluronic Acid Products with Facial Fillers?

Patients will often ask, “Can I use hyaluronic acid with fillers?” Our New Jersey-based team knows that patients may be wondering which skincare products they should use after getting fillers—and what they should avoid.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) has become a popular ingredient in many skincare products, from serums to moisturizers, due to its ability to hydrate and plump the skin. It’s also one of the key ingredients most popular fillers contain. But what about using HA skin products in conjunction with dermal fillers? Is it safe to use both together?

First, let's review what dermal fillers are and how they work. Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to add volume to the face, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. While there are many types of fillers, those made from hyaluronic acid are particularly popular.

When it comes to using HA skin products with fillers, the answer is generally yes. In fact, using HA skincare products can help prolong the effects of your filler injections. The reason for this is that HA skincare products help to maintain the hydration of the skin. Even if the products don’t directly affect filler, keeping your skin healthy and hydrated will help to preserve the results.

However, it's important to note that not all HA skincare products are created equal. Some products may contain a certain concentration of HA or different forms of HA that may not be as effective at hydrating the skin.

If you're considering using HA skincare products with your fillers, it's important to talk to our team first. We can advise you on the best products to use and any potential risks to be aware of.

Another important consideration is the timing of your skincare routine. You may need to allow time for filler to settle before applying skin products to reduce the risk of any irritation or adverse reactions. Additionally, try to avoid putting too much pressure on your face when you’re applying skin care products. With the right approach, you can achieve beautiful, hydrated skin that looks and feels youthful and radiant.

So can you use hyaluronic acid with fillers? The answer is yes, but with caution. Our New Jersey-based The Peer Group will tell you more about maintaining a good skincare routine after treatments. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.

When Is the Right Time for a Tummy Tuck?

How do you know when it’s time to get a tummy tuck? Our New Jersey-based team at The Peer Group knows this is something many patients will want to know about when they’re thinking about having the procedure.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles to create a flatter, smoother, and more toned-looking midsection. Deciding whether or not to have a tummy tuck is a personal decision that depends on a variety of factors. Here are some things to consider when deciding if a tummy tuck is right for you:

You have Loose or Sagging Skin in the Abdominal Area

Loose or sagging skin in the abdominal area can be caused by weight loss, pregnancy, or the natural aging process. If you have excess skin that is not responding to diet and exercise, a tummy tuck may be a good option to achieve a more toned and youthful-looking abdomen.

You Have Abdominal Muscles That Have Separated

Abdominal muscles that have separated can result in a protruding or distended abdomen. A tummy tuck can repair these muscles and create a more toned and firmer midsection.

You Are in Good Overall Health

Like any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck carries some risks. It's important to be in good overall health to ensure a safe and successful surgery. You should discuss your medical history and any pre-existing conditions with your surgeon to determine if a tummy tuck is right for you.

You Have Realistic Expectations

A tummy tuck can produce significant improvements in the appearance of the abdomen, but it's important to have realistic expectations. You should discuss your goals and expectations with your surgeon to determine if they are achievable.

You Have Tried Non-Surgical Options Without Success

If you have tried non-surgical options such as diet and exercise without achieving the desired results, a tummy tuck may be the next step.

How do you know when it’s time to get a tummy tuck? Our team at The Peer Group will explain everything you need to know about the best timing and eligibility for plastic surgery procedures. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.

What Are the Benefits of Fillers for Jawline Contouring?

Cosmetic procedures to enhance the lower face are more popular than ever, including one of the newest options available:Juvederm Volux® for the jawline. Our New Jersey-based team at the Peer Group believes that the jaw is an essential, foundational feature that frames the face and provides balance. A chiselled jawline is associated with strength, power, confidence, and attractiveness, so it’s no surprise that a higher number of patients are seeking treatments to improve this area. Not to mention, while the jaw is often an overlooked feature when it comes to facial rejuvenation treatments, some of the most obvious signs of aging occur in this region.

Juvederm Volux® is a long-lasting hyaluronic acid facial filler recently approved by the FDA for treating moderate to severe loss of jawline definition in patients aged 21 and older. It has a variety of benefits for patients in many age ranges and with different goals, including:

Providing Better Balance for the Lower Face

The jawline and chin are important features that provide structure to the face, so enhancing them can greatly improve a person’s overall appearance. When injectors are assessing other facial features—like the eyes, nose, and lips—they usually take the jawline into consideration as well. Juvederm Volux® can improve the proportion and balance of the jawline with the rest of the face if the jaw is weak or the chin is recessed.

Adding Definition to the Jawline

Whether your jawline has never been well-defined to begin with or has lost some of its definition due to aging, this filler can add shape and improve the angle virtually right away. Juvederm Volux® is the most robust, cohesive filler in the collection and has an impressive lifting capacity.

Giving You an Idea of What Cosmetic Surgery Could Do

If you’re not quite ready for surgical options but want to know what enhancing your jawline could look like, Juvederm Volux® is a temporary filler that can give you a better idea of what to expect.

Curious about the benefits of Juvederm Volux®? Our team at The Peer Group can guide you on everything you’ll need to know about the injectable, as well as other types of facial fillers. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation to discuss treatments for improving facial contours.

What Is the Lifespan of DAXXIFY™?

How long does DAXXIFY last? Our New Jersey-based team at The Peer Group knows that the longevity of results is a primary factor for making a decision about any treatment—and especially the newest botulinum toxin injectable.

DAXXIFY works very similarly to other botulinum toxin injectables that are used to soften dynamic facial wrinkles: It blocks certain signals from the nerves that tell facial muscles related to wrinkles to contract. When the facial muscles stay at rest, the skin won’t crease up as much and wrinkles won’t form or look as pronounced as they did before.

The FDA has approved DAXXIFY™ to treat moderate to severe frown lines.

Many patients are surprised to learn that DAXXIFY™ and other botulinum toxin injections, also referred to as neuromodulators, don’t work right away. In reality, it takes some time for the product to be absorbed into the muscle. Typically, patients notice the effects within a few days, but the maximum results appear within 10 to 14 days.

These treatments are incredibly effective, but it’s worth remembering that all botulinum toxin injections provide temporary results. Most types of neuromodulators last for three to four months. The results gradually wear off and patients need to get maintenance injections if they wish to preserve the results.

However, DAXXIFY is the only neuromodulator that can last for up to six months on average—and sometimes even up to nine months for some patients. The reason why it’s so long-lasting is because the neurotoxin is stabilized by Peptide Exchange Technology (PXT). The peptides boost the ability of the botulinum toxin to block muscles from contracting.

How often should you get DAXXIFY™ to maintain results? The answer will vary depending on your face, your age, and how pronounced your wrinkles are. Take note of when it begins to wear off after your first session and talk to our team about timing from there.

Our injectors at The Peer Group will guide you on everything you’ll need to know about this and other neuromodulators for reducing dynamic wrinkles. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation to discuss wrinkle treatments.

Will Breast Augmentation Look Natural?

Patients often choose to have breast augmentation as a way of adding volume to breasts that have always been naturally small or restoring volume that has been lost due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or aging. One of the most commonly searched for questions relating to breast augmentation is “Can you get natural looking implants?” Our New Jersey-based team at The Peer Group can help you get the most balanced, realistic results from this procedure if you want a natural curvy appearance from implants.

Many people today would agree that the best implants are the ones that look real. In previous decades, the large sizes and unnatural shapes of many breast implants made them much more obvious. Think of the Baywatch look.

In contrast, patients these days tend to want their implants to look as similar to natural breasts as possible. An increasing number of people are thinking about the shape and proportion of their implants instead of just focusing on size.

Two factors that will need to be taken into consideration if a patient wants natural-looking results from breast implants are the amount of natural breast tissue the patient has and the size of the implants themselves. Even though it might be tempting to choose larger implants, there’s a chance that they make look fake if they don’t fit with your current proportions. If the natural base of a patient’s breast is small and they choose implants that are significantly larger, the results tend to look artificial.

The placement and positioning of implants can also have an impact on their appearance. When implants are placed under the pectoral muscles, it creates a more natural, gradual slope at the top of the breasts. The muscle helps to soften the appearance of the implants and create a smoother silhouette, especially for those who are very thin, without much fat on the chest. Another way to ensure that your implants look as natural as possible is by combining fat grafting with implants. Fat grafting helps implants to settle into a more natural looking position and can also help to camouflage any imperfections or irregularities.

Ultimately, your desired look is up to you. Some people want obviously large breasts. Others are seeking more natural-looking implants? Our team at The Peer Group team will tell you more about what’s involved in breast augmentation. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a personalized consultation if you would like to discuss body contouring treatments.

How Can a Mommy Makeover Benefit You?

It goes without saying that pregnancy and childbearing involve significant physical stress. Your body changes in mind-blowing ways, and some changes last far beyond the pregnancy itself. Consider that the breasts may become smaller, larger, or revert to their pre-pregnancy size, you may weigh more than you did prior to pregnancy, and you may notice changes to your hair, teeth, and skin. Even with exercising regularly and eating healthy, it may be difficult to make your body look the way it used to once the baby has arrived. That said, if you want to restore your curves after having a baby, one of the procedures you may be contemplating is a Mommy Makeover. Some patients wonder if such a procedure is “selfish” and may even feel guilty about it, but they shouldn’t, since the treatment isn’t about vanity or selfishness. It’s natural to want to love yourself inside and out, and this type of surgery has a high satisfaction rating. What you may be wondering is, “Should I have a Mommy Makeover?” Our New Jersey-based team at The Peer Group can discuss the options with you to help you decide if surgery is what you need.

If you’re thinking of having this procedure done, here are some of the top advantages to consider:

Addressing Multiple Concerns

Multiple cosmetic issues will be improved during the same procedure with a Mommy Makeover. This means that you will only need to go under general anesthesia once and only have one recovery process, even if you’re having a breast augmentation and lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction.

Treating Medical and Functional Issues

There are medical issues that sometimes occur due to pregnancy, such as chronic back pain, ventral hernias, urinary incontinence, and diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles). The hanging skin over the abdomen can also lead to yeast infections or rashes or make it difficult to exercise. A tummy tuck as part of a Mommy Makeover can address these problems.

Restore the Shape and Volume of Your Breasts

Another great thing about a Mommy Makeover is that it can restore the shape of your breasts and give them a more lifted, youthful appearance to restore your confidence. This is appealing to many patients—especially those who want their tops to fit properly.

Our team at The Peer Group team can explain more about what you can expect from this procedure so that you can make an informed decision. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss body contouring treatments.