What Are the Top Benefits of Cheek Fillers?

Are cheek fillers worth it? New Jersey’s injectors at The Peer Group regularly work with both women and men who definitely think so!

High cheekbones are considered by many people to one of the most attractive facial features. In fact, three characteristics that tend to be associated with a youthful face are high cheekbones, full cheeks, and a defined jawline.

Unfortunately, the midface may become hollowed or flattened as we age and lose the volume provided by youthful facial fat. Alternatively, some people have always had flatter, barely noticeable, or lower cheekbones due to genetics.

If you want that high, chiselled look, cheek fillers should certainly be on your list of techniques to consider. Whether you’re aware of it or not, there’s a high chance that someone you know has had fillers injected into their cheek area.

Cheek fillers are one of the most versatile types of facial fillers procedures, so they are very popular among patients who are new to fillers. The most common types of fillers for this area of the face are hyaluronic acid-based options like Juvéderm® Voluma®, which has a thick consistency ideal for creating noticeable and lasting volume. These fillers contain hyaluronic acid—a version of the same substance your body produces to keep your skin moisturized—and they work by adding plumpness beneath the skin.

Patients of all ages and skin textures can benefit from cheek fillers, and almost anyone can be a candidate.

Fillers can be used to:

  • Add definition to and enhance or strengthen the contours of the cheekbones
  • Sharply define the facial bone structure
  • Increase volume in the cheeks
  • Make the face look more youthful
  • Reduce wrinkles and lines such as marionette lines
  • Camouflage asymmetry

Fillers have different effects depending on where in the cheek they are injected. When introduced into the higher areas of the cheeks, they can have a contouring effect, but they can also be added into the larger part of the cheek if you’re losing volume in that area.

Ready for cheek fillers? Contact The Peer Group for a consultation so you can get started with achieving more youthful facial contours. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment.

Can You Use Hyaluronic Acid Products with Facial Fillers?

Patients will often ask, “Can I use hyaluronic acid with fillers?” Our New Jersey-based team knows that patients may be wondering which skincare products they should use after getting fillers—and what they should avoid.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) has become a popular ingredient in many skincare products, from serums to moisturizers, due to its ability to hydrate and plump the skin. It’s also one of the key ingredients most popular fillers contain. But what about using HA skin products in conjunction with dermal fillers? Is it safe to use both together?

First, let's review what dermal fillers are and how they work. Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to add volume to the face, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. While there are many types of fillers, those made from hyaluronic acid are particularly popular.

When it comes to using HA skin products with fillers, the answer is generally yes. In fact, using HA skincare products can help prolong the effects of your filler injections. The reason for this is that HA skincare products help to maintain the hydration of the skin. Even if the products don’t directly affect filler, keeping your skin healthy and hydrated will help to preserve the results.

However, it's important to note that not all HA skincare products are created equal. Some products may contain a certain concentration of HA or different forms of HA that may not be as effective at hydrating the skin.

If you're considering using HA skincare products with your fillers, it's important to talk to our team first. We can advise you on the best products to use and any potential risks to be aware of.

Another important consideration is the timing of your skincare routine. You may need to allow time for filler to settle before applying skin products to reduce the risk of any irritation or adverse reactions. Additionally, try to avoid putting too much pressure on your face when you’re applying skin care products. With the right approach, you can achieve beautiful, hydrated skin that looks and feels youthful and radiant.

So can you use hyaluronic acid with fillers? The answer is yes, but with caution. Our New Jersey-based The Peer Group will tell you more about maintaining a good skincare routine after treatments. Call us at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.