Know the Essentials Before And After A Tummy Tuck at Peer Group Plastic Surgery

Know the Essentials Before And After A Tummy Tuck at Peer Group Plastic Surgery

A tummy tuck procedure is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. Men and women in the Greater New Jersey area may be frustrated that a healthy diet and numerous hours in the gym are not giving them the tight tummy they want. This is why many consider a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, for additional assistance in attaining their aesthetic goals. Abdomens with excess skin that are unresponsive to diet and exercise could be vastly improved by removing the extra fat and skin and tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. A tummy tuck is considered to be major surgery, so enlisting the help of a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is the first step.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, are leading abdominoplasty experts in the Greater New Jersey area. With extensive knowledge and experience, they have helped numerous men and women improve the appearance of their midsection so they can love the way they look. There are various types of tummy tuck options available, but no matter which surgical procedure you choose, the preparation and recovery steps are similar. Here is some helpful information about the essentials both before and after tummy tuck surgery.

Understanding the surgery

A tummy tuck surgically removes excess skin from the abdomen. Some patients require the additional step of tightening the underlying abdominal muscles as part of a tummy tuck, depending on the severity of muscle separation. A tummy tuck is not a one-size-fits-all procedure, and it is not uncommon for liposuction to be included to contour the stomach area by removing additional fatty tissue.

Are you a tummy tuck candidate?

A tummy tuck is not for everyone. The best candidates are those who follow a healthy diet and exercise plan, are at or near their goal weight and still have excess skin, and women who have completed their families. If you have any of the following concerns, abdominoplasty may be right for you:

  • Excess skin following significant weight loss
  • Separated abdominal muscles due to pregnancy
  • Fatty tissue deposits in the abdomen
  • Protruding abdomen

Maintain your health before surgery 

A tummy tuck procedure is major surgery. Maintaining good health before surgery should be a priority, as patients in good physical condition before surgery will recover more easily. New Jersey-area patients are advised to maintain a consistent weight and healthy diet before surgery for optimal results. Issues with weight fluctuations can alter your results and potentially undo some of the post-surgery effects. It is highly recommended that you get to your ideal body weight and maintain it for six months before a tummy tuck procedure.

Final results will take time

Your stomach won’t be completely flat after surgery. Also, your scars will be prominent at first and will need time to heal, but they will gradually fade. Be patient, as it takes time to feel normal and see your final tummy tuck results. You will be swollen and sore, and your energy levels will be depleted at first. Just remember that the results won't be visible right away.

Plan ahead

Another essential before tummy tuck surgery is planning. Know where and how you plan on spending your recovery time, and have the proper help in place so you can put your mind at ease during the healing process. Rest is crucial during the recovery period after any cosmetic surgery. Prepare your accommodations for a recovery space before surgery, and have magazines, books, or favorite shows available so you can rest easy. Also, arrange help for at least the first 48 – 72 hours after your surgery, especially if you have children.

Follow your doctor’s orders

Your post-surgical protocol from the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group is your guide to a smooth recovery. Listening to their recommendations for recovery is imperative for the healing process and the warning signs you will not want to ignore. Take medications as instructed, restrict activities, and follow their timeline to get you back into the swing of things. Anything you feel unsure about should always be communicated to our experienced staff.

The recovery process 

There are several options for tummy tuck surgery, including a full, extended, or mini tummy tuck. During your consultation, one of our plastic surgeons will assess your problem areas and listen to your concerns before formulating a plan. A full abdominoplasty addresses loose skin in the lower and upper stomach, while a mini tummy tuck is better suited for the lower belly, also known as the "pooch." An extended tummy tuck helps with loose skin on the abdomen and around your waist. Based on the method or technique chosen, recovery time will vary.

Schedule your consultation

A tummy tuck is an excellent option for patients in the New Jersey area who need additional help when a healthy diet and regular exercise aren’t doing the trick. Patients can enjoy a firmer, more toned stomach and love the way they look with a tummy tuck. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, can help women or men with their midsection woes so they feel better about their appearance. Call or schedule your tummy tuck consultation with The Peer Group today.

The Benefits Of Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafting

The Benefits Of Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafting

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most highly coveted cosmetic surgeries today. Women enjoy the option of being able to increase their breast size and improve the shape of their bustline. However, many have concerns when it comes to placing a foreign substance like an implant in their bodies. Breast augmentation with fat grafting or fat transfer, also known as autologous breast augmentation, is a safe, natural alternative that can still give patients their desired enhancements without the use of implants. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, proudly offer the fat transfer approach for breast augmentation. If you have been researching breast augmentation surgery with a fat transfer, read below for an in-depth look at this alternative surgical procedure and the benefits it can provide.

What is breast augmentation with fat transfer?

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a surgical procedure that can contour the breasts into the desired shape and size through the use of your body's own fat. This innovative surgical technique has become more widespread in recent years, thanks in part to medical advancements in surgical technology. This more-natural alternative to breast implants incorporates the body's fat cells instead of saline or silicone implants for the desired aesthetic effect.

As an added benefit, this customized technique also reduces the size of other parts of the body. Fat is removed via liposuction from target areas such as the abdomen, love handles, thighs, or buttocks, then purified and transferred to the breasts to complete the augmentation. Because a fat transfer is an autologous method, there is less risk associated with this procedure than with silicone or saline breast implants.

The benefits of fat grafting     

Fat injection, also known as fat grafting, is one of the most well-tolerated substances. New Jersey-area women love the benefits, including their natural appearance, long-lasting lifespan, and associated safety. The liposuctioned fat is processed and cleaned with an antibiotic solution to ensure that only healthy tissue is used for injection. This fat is slowly injected into the breasts for the desired shape and volume, completing the augmentation. Your plastic surgeon will then gently massage the area, so the fat deposits are evenly distributed for a smooth, uniform appearance.

Not every woman wants the same dramatic results breast implants can provide, and fat transfer can offer a more subtle enhancement. One of the most significant benefits of a fat grafting procedure is that you won’t need to remove or replace the fat like with breast implants. Fat grafting can assist with the following issues:

  • Smaller increase in breast size
  • Fix minor breast asymmetry
  • Fine-tune results of breast implant procedures
  • Enlarge breasts without scarring

Ideal candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation

Breast augmentation via fat transfer is perfect for women in the New Jersey area who desire a more organic approach than the use of breast implants. Ideal candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation include those whose breasts have the following features:

  • Naturally smaller in size
  • Asymmetrically shaped
  • Loss of volume or shape from pregnancy or dramatic weight loss
  • Decreased breast size, shape, or volume due to aging

Potential candidates will need to have an adequate amount of fat on their bodies so the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can harvest a sufficient amount of fat for the transfer. Women who are very thin and lack excess fat may not be ideal candidates. During your initial consultation, an assessment will be performed to determine if there is enough fat for liposuction. The ideal candidate should be in good health and refrain from using tobacco products. It is recommended that you quit smoking before surgery, as it can directly affect the healing of the tissue and cells.

What kind of results can I expect?

Typically, most New Jersey-area patients can expect an increase of one full cup size. Breast augmentation with fat transfer feels soft and looks natural. Following the post-operative care instructions carefully will get you back on your feet again quickly. Patients can resume moderate activities and usually go back to work within a few days. It is normal to have some bruising and swelling in the treatment areas. The body parts that underwent liposuction may feel sore, and prescribed pain relief can assist in relieving discomfort. After a few months, you will see the full effects of your new breasts.

Schedule your consultation today

A fat transfer is one of the most natural ways to enhance your breasts. Contact our Florham Park, NJ, plastic surgery office to schedule a consultation for your breast augmentation with fat grafting. One of our board-certified plastic surgeons will thoroughly review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and discuss your aesthetic goals so you can achieve the results you desire. Suggestions will be made, along with answering any questions you may have regarding the procedure and recovery. If you're ready to learn more and enhance your breasts with a fat transfer, call The Peer Group in Greater New Jersey today to schedule a consultation.


How To Get A Bikini Body After A Tummy Tuck In New Jersey

One thing is true — people who get a tummy tuck want to show off their midsection afterward. A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that will leave a scar, but how visible will it be? Women worry they won’t be able to wear a bikini, and male patients are concerned about where the scar might be. Tummy tuck surgery gives patients dramatic results, but if you are concerned about a large, visible scar, you don’t have to be.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, have provided amazing tummy tuck results for numerous New Jersey patients. Their online gallery of before-and-after photos displays the dramatic results tummy tuck surgery can provide, with no visible scars. Let’s take a look at how you can be swimsuit-ready and enjoy your tighter, slimmer midsection with this body contouring technique.

Build your confidence with tummy tuck surgery

If you are unhappy with your midsection or feel self-conscious in a swimsuit, a tummy tuck procedure can restore your waistline. A tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure that addresses concerns on the abdomen like sagging skin, torn abdominal muscles, or a "pooch." Abdominoplasty can streamline a woman’s silhouette or give a man a more muscular-looking physique by removing excess skin and tightening the remaining tissues and muscles. Your entire midsection can be reshaped with this procedure, and liposuction can be incorporated when needed to remove excess fatty deposits. The result is a more contoured waist and flatter stomach that can give your body a more balanced, toned appearance.

Getting bikini-ready with a tummy tuck

Patients in the Greater New Jersey area hiding their midsection because of a "muffin top" or loose, saggy skin can renew their appearance with a tummy tuck procedure. Likely candidates for this cosmetic help have experienced significant weight loss, leaving their stomach area looking stretched out and deflated. Some men and women may also be struggling with pockets of unwanted fat that haven’t responded to a healthy diet and regular exercise. The Peer Group experts can help patients get a tighter, slimmer midsection that will look great in a bathing suit and warm-weather outfits.

What happens during a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure. The qualified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will ensure that your incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen. Excess abdominal skin will be removed, and any unwanted fat will be eliminated with liposuction. Abdominal muscles will be tightened if needed, and the remaining skin will be sutured together so patients are left with a flatter, firmer abdomen.

What about scarring?

An abdominoplasty can reshape your body to be swimsuit-ready, but will there be visible scars? One of the best ways to feel comfortable about your potential tummy tuck results is to look at photos of actual patients after their surgery. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group have an extensive photo gallery on their website. When viewing tummy tuck results for yourself, you can see that no visible scars are present. Looking at your surgeon’s website will give you a better understanding of how they will conceal the tummy tuck incision for each patient. When you look at a patient’s "after" photo, you not only see their fantastic results, you also see that no scarring is visible. The answer to the scar question is that you should definitely invest in a bikini after your tummy tuck procedure.

The primary goal for any type of tummy tuck procedure is to give women and men natural-looking results. This body contouring cosmetic help can further sculpt and create the midsection you desire after working hard to lose weight. With a traditional or extended tummy tuck, the incision is placed on the lower abdomen area so it can be concealed with a bathing suit or undergarments. The scar to reposition the belly button is placed internally so it won’t be visible. If a full or extended tummy tuck is not needed, a mini tummy tuck is an even less invasive option that uses a smaller incision in the lower abdomen area. In some cases, an existing C-section scar may be utilized, and the belly button is not relocated with a mini tuck procedure.

Schedule your consultation today

Wear your bikini or swim trunks with pride and don’t worry about any visible scars after you have had a tummy tuck. The qualified, experienced plastic surgeons at The Peer Group make sure their patients love the way they look and have no visible signs of surgery. If you are considering a tummy tuck but are concerned about potential scarring, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our experts at The Peer Group. Patients in the Greater New Jersey area can have a tummy tuck procedure and no visible signs left behind except a smoother, tighter stomach.


Four Tips To Know Before Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Are you contemplating breast augmentation surgery? It is a big decision, and every day, thousands of patients decide to take this step to change their profile. When preparing for breast augmentation, it is essential to do your homework and research to make the right decision for you. Patients who spend time before their breast implant surgery preparing and getting certain aspects ready in advance find it helps alleviate some of the anxiety. Many patients who undergo breast augmentation surgery find everything goes more smoothly during their recovery if they plan ahead and know what to expect.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, want to share their expert advice on the four main aspects you should consider when preparing for breast enhancement surgery and getting ready for this exciting new change.

1. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure

To prepare for breast augmentation, you may be asked to give blood, stop smoking (at least six weeks prior to your surgery), adjust or stop taking certain medications, and avoid any aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding. Breast augmentation should be performed in an accredited outpatient surgical facility like The Peer Group, and have access to a local hospital in case the rare occurrence of a complication should arise.

2. Choosing your implant type and size

The main three questions that patients ask when considering breast augmentation are what size, shape, and type of implant should they choose. Today, many women are fitness-focused and looking for a more natural enhancement as they take into account their active lifestyle and overall body type.

During the consultation, consider the different implant options and sizes (measured in cubic centimeters or CCs) so you can get a better feel for what you want. New Jersey-area women who have naturally smaller breasts, cup sizes A or B, may not have enough breast tissue to sustain larger implants. Every woman has a unique body type and different aesthetic goals. With the right surgical guidance and consideration of a patient’s overall needs, chest width, and body structure, patients can choose the right implant type and size to get the results they deserve.

3. Preparing for breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a major surgical procedure, so doing your due diligence before the procedure is important. There are certain supplies you should get ready beforehand: Ice packets, plenty of drinking straws, comfortable clothes that are easy to put on and take off, and the right support bra. Most patients find that seamless sports bras work best, or your surgeon may recommend a post-surgical compression bra during the healing process. You will need to avoid certain foods that are natural blood thinners (for instance, apples, blackberries, and cucumbers), as well as alcohol. Be sure to remove any jewelry, contact lenses, and nail polish before your surgery.

After breast augmentation, you will need to have a recovery space prepared. Make sure you have someone to drive you home, and a friend or family member to help you during the first 48 hours after surgery. It’s a good idea to have plenty of books or magazines available, and any prescription medicines or supplements filled and ready for use. Organize your recovery space before your breast implant procedure, so you have all you need ready and available to make your healing process go more smoothly. Take adequate time to recover — pushing yourself too soon can cause complications and lengthen your recovery period.

4. Listen to your plastic surgeon

The most important step in getting breast augmentation is finding a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon to perform your procedure. Selecting a reputable plastic surgeon in the Greater New Jersey area like the doctors at The Peer Group will help you get the best possible results. Doing additional research and asking friends or family if they have recommendations can also be helpful. Your plastic surgeon is crucial not only for the actual procedure but also to guide you through the entire process. They will give you specific postoperative guidelines to follow. Remember, they are the experts, so patients should listen to their advice and follow all instructions to help get the best breast augmentation results.

You can have the breasts and profile you’ve always wanted, and preparing for your surgery ahead of time can make the entire process more enjoyable. Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery performed today. Patients who have the right expectations and find a qualified, experienced surgeon can enjoy their decision along with the results.

Schedule your consultation today 

If you are interested in breast augmentation, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ. Their expert medical knowledge, experience with breast augmentation procedures, and professional staff can help patients in the Greater New Jersey area have the best possible experience.

Excess Eyelid Skin Removal For A More Youthful Look

Excess Eyelid Skin Removal For A More Youthful Look

For many women and men, the first noticeable signs of getting older appear around the eyes. People see more wrinkles or fine lines when they look in the mirror, and sometimes are told they look tired even when they are well-rested. The delicate and naturally thin skin around the eyes is extremely susceptible to the aging process and may show noticeable static wrinkles, while the upper eyelid creases may become saggy as the skin loses elasticity. Cosmetic eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is an effective way to give your eyes a whole new look.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, offer this cosmetic — or in some cases, medically necessary — procedure to remove excess upper eyelid skin. Eyelid surgery is quite common, especially for older patients, and can rejuvenate the eye area to help men and women look years younger. If you think blepharoplasty may be right for you, here are some details about what eyelid surgery can do.

The facts about blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or an eyelid lift, is a cosmetic procedure that can correct various conditions around the eyes, age-related droopiness and loose skin in particular. Each procedure is customized to meet a patient’s specific needs or aesthetic goals, but here are some basic facts about eyelid surgery:

  • Upper eyelid surgery: An upper blepharoplasty removes excess eyelid skin, and in some cases, fat from the upper eyelid. It provides a more "open" appearance to the eyes and can medically help men and women struggling with a sagging upper eyelid crease of skin that is impeding their vision.

  • Lower eyelid surgery: Lower blepharoplasty is highly effective in treating dropping skin underneath the eyes or in reducing puffiness. Lower eyelid surgery may be deemed a medical or functional blepharoplasty when the patient can’t wear eyeglasses due to excessive puffiness, rendering surgical intervention the only solution.

Benefits of eyelid surgery

Some individuals need surgical reduction of the eyelids for medical reasons — for instance, if their line of sight is impeded by sagging, excess upper eyelid skin. In some instances, the surgery may be covered by insurance if the upper eyelids are interfering with a patient’s vision. However, more women and men are looking into this procedure for cosmetic help. As we age, the skin around the eyes becomes puffy, wrinkled, and less plump, so eyes may appear hooded. The experts at The Peer Group have helped numerous New Jersey patients eliminate dark circles, under-eye bags, and fine lines by removing excess eyelid skin. For women, removing excess upper eyelid skin can make it easier to apply makeup since there are fewer creases in the eyelid. Ultimately, a blepharoplasty procedure can make anyone look more alert and refreshed.

The qualified experts at The Peer Group will personalize each blepharoplasty to achieve the right results. Injectable fillers like Juvéderm® can be incorporated into the procedure to add volume to the skin around the eyes and decrease the "sunken" look. Depending on the scope of the procedure, New Jersey patients can generally expect surgery to last 1 – 3 hours, during which they will be under twilight or general anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty aftercare and results

Blepharoplasty is considered one of the easiest cosmetic procedures to recover from, and it also produces immediate results. Patients who need this procedure for medical reasons due to excess upper eyelid skin will get instant benefits. After the procedure, patients will experience mild tenderness, slight bruising, and swelling, all of which will dissipate over the next few days. Keep your head elevated at night for the first few weeks and use cold compresses to minimize any discomfort. It’s important to wear sunglasses when you’re outside to protect your eyes. Most patients choose to take 4 – 5 days off from work or social events, and wearing makeup or contacts should be avoided for at least 10 – 14 days. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group will give each patient detailed post-operative care instructions and recommendations to help minimize discomfort.

Many common signs of aging around the eyes include both lower eyelid puffiness and excess upper eyelid skin. Correcting one or both of these issues can make a person look dramatically more awake and even years younger. This outpatient procedure provides minimal scarring and can be aesthetically pleasing for both women and men. Surgical reduction of the eyelid skin or eyelid surgery has never been more straightforward.

Greater New Jersey-area patients can contact The Peer Group to schedule a consultation with one of their board-certified, experienced plastic surgeons. Call today for more information so you can decide if blepharoplasty can address your excess eyelid skin and help you attain your cosmetic goals.

The Lunch Hour Facelift: Nonsurgical Facelift Options

The Lunch Hour Facelift: Nonsurgical Facelift Options

Today, there are several ways both women and men can freshen their appearance without undergoing an invasive facelift. Dermal fillers, BOTOX®, and other skin rejuvenation options are a popular trend that offers a safe and convenient way to smooth out wrinkles and look years younger. The aging process stops for no one, but today's nonsurgical facelift options can give you a "liquid facelift" for fresher, younger-looking skin, and it can be done over your lunch hour.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, offer the latest non-surgical facelift options to tackle signs of aging. You can smooth out wrinkles, restore volume, and improve your overall complexion. A liquid facelift is a common treatment for many women, and now more men are getting on board. It has never been safer and easier to regain that youthful glow, and with the significant advantage of no downtime required. Here is a look at why the trend of injectables isn't going away, and how the experts at The Peer Group can give you the liquid facelift results you want.

Liquid lift benefits

Whether you have fine lines, wrinkles, or sagging skin, they can be difficult to ignore when you look in the mirror. The signs of getting older creep up on everyone, especially after 40. With today's nonsurgical options, it has never been easier to eliminate those issues and revive your appearance. Some of the benefits of a nonsurgical facelift versus a traditional facelift:

  • Less costly

  • Fewer risks or concerns about complications

  • Minimal discomfort

  • Minimal downtime

  • It can be done over your lunch hour!

The power of facial injectables

When New Jersey women and men get a liquid facelift, it is hard to deny the fantastic results of cosmetic injectables. BOTOX can smooth out and soften the appearance of static lines around the eyes, on the forehead, or in the brow area. Dermal fillers are another powerful tool used in a liquid facelift. As we age, our skin experiences a loss of volume, causing it to sag. By injecting dermal fillers into certain target areas, the volume can be restored while wrinkles are smoothed out for a more youthful look. Some dermal fillers even promote the body to produce more collagen, the protein that gives skin a plump, youthful glow. The Peer Group offers the latest varieties of dermal fillers, including Juvéderm®, Sculptra®, and Restylane®, to meet each patient's aesthetic needs.

BOTOX + filler = anti-aging solution

A powerful duo goes to work when the experts at The Peer Group combine facial injectables as a noninvasive alternative to a traditional facelift. These non-surgical injectables work together to give both women and men an amazing weapon to fight the signs of aging without surgery. Dermal fillers work to contour areas that have lost volume due to age or smooth out deep creases like laugh lines around the mouth. Fillers can even plump up your lips and give the skin around your eyes a new life. BOTOX works wonders to eliminate the appearance of static wrinkles that plague everyone as they age around the eyes, brow area, or forehead. The anti-aging solution of these facial injectables working together can take years off your appearance and have you feeling young again.

Liquid facelift help

Finding the right injector for your liquid facelift is key. An experienced, trained individual should perform your procedure involving dermal fillers, BOTOX, or any cosmetic treatment. The Peer Group experts have the experience to recommend the correct dosage for each target area, which will provide excellent results. Facial injectables are a safe and effective way to take years off your appearance by restoring fullness and volume while reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles, and a qualified injector can help you attain beautiful results.

Men and women today are living longer, so staying competitive in your work environment and with your appearance go hand in hand. You can eliminate those static wrinkles and restore volume in your face to look more vibrant without a lengthy recovery period. BOTOX and dermal fillers work well as stand-alone options, or as a complementary duo that can transform the way you look.

A liquid facelift is a popular topic today because the results speak for themselves. If you’d like to reverse the signs of looking older, your next lunch hour should include taking back a more youthful appearance. Nonsurgical facelift options are helping New Jersey patients look and feel younger and delaying the need for surgical intervention. Not quite ready for a facelift procedure? Let the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group show you the options for a liquid facelift and get you the results you deserve. Schedule a consultation with one of our qualified experts in the Greater New Jersey area today.